
[ASK] Tempat nyari2 lagu langka

Started by rizaldy_room507, 07/06/08, 19:40

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07/06/08, 19:40 Last Edit: 07/06/08, 19:54 by rizaldy_room507
bro gw lagi nyari lagunya Marcus Schossow - mr. white(heatbeat remix). ad yg tau nggak kira2 di mn gw bisa dpt nya?
soalnya gw nyari2 di beatpot sm audiojelly ga ketemu2. ad yg punya reference wbsite lain gak bro?
thx for the help..
feel the sensation of trance music

gw ada nih dulu kalo ngak salah,
tpi udah gw apus.

lo cari aja di http://loadingvault.com

insyallah ada ;D
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


07/06/08, 20:51 #2 Last Edit: 07/06/08, 21:04 by rizaldy_room507
thx bro gw cb deh link nya..
gw nyari ke mn2 gak ketemu bro susah bgt..
thx a lot bro..
feel the sensation of trance music

bos gak ad lagu yg gw cari, ad link lagi nggak?
sry ngerepotin..hehe...
feel the sensation of trance music

kagak ada bos.
gw juga barusan ngudek2 kagak ketemu.

yang ada sih yang remixan biasa2 aja.
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


iy gw jg dah ngudek2 susah bgt bro nyari nya..
yauds lah mudah2 an ad org lain yg bisa memberikan pencerahan..

thx bro luthfi..
feel the sensation of trance music

gw punya bro...kenape kagak minta gw tadi siang? hahaha