

Started by MUFFIN SAND3RS, 18/04/11, 10:06

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new track by muffin sand3rs

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New Track by Muffin Sand3rs Dengerin, Comment, dan Download Lagunya... Support Terus Muffin Sand3rs ya...

http://soundcloud.com/muffin-sanders/ in-this-moment-original-mix

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1. Lo nyampah soooob ngapain sih bikin thread sama2 banyak2 annoying tau ngga cukup di original release aja ini gw liat 3  lebih malahan thread lo nulis hal sama what the hell dude ??? know your online etiquette boro2 mo komen males duluan liat attitude lu

2.soal music : beatnya terlalu monoton , deb adeb adeb semi b-more beat its ooooooold , plus toet2 juga udah ga jaman its 2011 , progressi trendnya udah berubah , so banyak2 dengerin whats going on outside

3.bassline distorsi lo udah enak bisa di kembanghin dr sana , but loose the boring beat and bleeps seriously thats old


the forum troll

Quote from: echaaaa on 18/04/11, 15:36
1. Lo nyampah soooob ngapain sih bikin thread sama2 banyak2 annoying tau ngga cukup di original release aja ini gw liat 3  lebih malahan thread lo nulis hal sama what the hell dude ??? know your online etiquette boro2 mo komen males duluan liat attitude lu

2.soal music : beatnya terlalu monoton , deb adeb adeb semi b-more beat its ooooooold , plus toet2 juga udah ga jaman its 2011 , progressi trendnya udah berubah , so banyak2 dengerin whats going on outside

3.bassline distorsi lo udah enak bisa di kembanghin dr sana , but loose the boring beat and bleeps seriously thats old


the forum troll


Beforehand, we from Muffin Sanders really apologize for our online etiquette. I do agree that it is considered SPAM, apparently there was some misunderstanding between the artists and our manager, which led to this. We apologize for our behavior and we have cleaned up and delete the unnecessary threads that were created. Thanks a lot for bringing this to our attention. We really appreciate it.

As for our track, we appreciate any feedback/critique, be it good or bad. The track "In this Moment" was actually specially created for our market - since they like bleeps. But we can assure you very well that we have more Progressive and House-ey stuff coming out later.

As for your feedback on the beats and bleeps, we will definitely take that into heavy consideration and will most likely remix it for a later release - since the original has been marketed and sent out to public, so we can't change it.

We really appreciate you taking the time to comment, and critique on our track despite our behavior. So, a big heart-felt thank you is in order for you :D

Thanks a lot mate.