
focuz present shinning star @amnesia

Started by 1sandfcz, 07/07/09, 12:34

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07/07/09, 12:34 Last Edit: 07/07/09, 13:00 by 1sandfcz
focuz present

focuz shinning star

friday, july 10th 2009

riri mestica spinach rec
double dee advarklab/1945mf
igit focuz
leo focuz
1sand focuz feat neea elvira

mc achrodite 1945mf

for more info please call 081910000320

don't miss it !!!

beuh mantab....!!
still with another sound!!

thx for all support: *bgs*
spinach rec
reyno hdm project
chris tokyoland
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

sob tar pegy nya brg ya,,,
lo dtg kan?lo ke rmh gw dulu ya?
thx *bgs*

pasti pak...!!!
selow aja...!!!
still with another sound!!

wah pasti rame yah....hohoh

dteng ahhh...??
enterprenuur and part time super man to my family !! if it's too loud - then you're too old

y ylah cuy...!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
still with another sound!!

saya g d ajak nihh,, (?) (?) (?)
g d undang uy,,,

lo di undang lah sob,
dtg yah,camera lo yg keren itu bawa ya,,
thx.. *bgs*

dapet ap nih???
klo dah bwa kamera?? (?) (?)
wakkakakakaka ;D ;D

acara semalem gokil bgtt......!!!!!
still with another sound!!

thx for all support *bgs* *tepuktangan*
-1sand focuz-

edan nih acara....
amnesia jd kya bandara aja..........
rame gila...
support buat focuz........
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*