

Started by trippyyy, 01/08/09, 23:40

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As we know the dance scene in Bandung was still dominated by trance, house, or maybe the dirty house...and its pretty hard to find an event that play any balearic, funk, italo, and cosmic disco sounds...

So why dont we live up all that eclectic genre :) lets make some movement that could support it all..

Sounds like : Todd Terje, Lindstrom, Prins Thomas, Metro Area, Rub N Tug, Idjut Boys, Spirit Catcher, Dj Harvey, Horse Meat Disco, Kool Dj Dust, Aeroplane, Lcd Soundsystem, Chicken Lips, Crazy P, Phoreski, Tim Sweeney, The Revenge, Mark E, The Glimmers, Daniel Wang, Citizane Kane, 40 Thieves, Flemming Dalum, Justus Kohncke, Nick Chacona, The Robot Scientist, Chateau Flight, Prince Language, Greg Wilson, Pete Herbert, and many others...

Let share some info, mixtape, or maybe an event.....


jakarta sih cuma kuliah di bdg...makannya pengen idupin crowd bandung sama musik beginian haha..suruh yg laen mampir" dooonngsss :)

Quote from: dedoSixteen on 02/08/09, 07:20

wah loe temennya ade gw..hahaha sangat kecil sekali dunia ini..

adenya bandel tuh hahahaa   *piss*   btw yg lainnya mana yaah,masih kurang peminatnya kali ya genre beginian...

dibandung bukannya banyak yah? seru sih nih pencerahan music baru lagi buat gw..skrg lagi dengerin mixtapenya lindstorm yg Where you go i go too, dfa juga keren2, sabtu kemaren ada acara keren di london yg maen Erol Alkan Disco 3000,Little Boots,Aeroplane,JD Twitch (Optimo),Fake Blood,Casper C,Crispin Dior,Stopmakingme,Skull Juice cuma gw harus pass di karenakan kismin to the max..
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


banyak ko temen2 di bandung yang main genre2 itu sob...malah kalo kata gue event2 mereka selalu rame..karena komunitas nya uda kebentuk....tapi yaaa...karena music rules club etc etc, event2 mereka kepentok cuman di bar2...dan ga pernah masuk ke club...

btw, gue juga mulai suka dengerin nih...hehehe..thank u link2 nya ya sob...hehehe.. :)

wah iyaya?gw jg baru sataun sih di bdg terus tmn gw ga ada yg suka musik ginian,,ya ga berkembang jadinya haha..boleh lah kabar2in kalo ada event kaya gini :D

@dedosixteen :lindstrom coooosmic gilla tuh modelnya hahaa

just find another cool site with some cool music for someone who live in this era and wanted to look and get back to the boogie era by the late 70's and early 80's..


an annual event in NYC featuring their local and our favorite DJs which is Dj Henry Maldonado (son of sound), Doug Gomez (drtyhaze), and of course Darshan Jesrani (metro area). Its an monthly event so u could check it every month just to get their fresh set.LETS BRING THE BOOGIE BACK!!!  *tepuktangan*

thx for that cool site bro..EO bandung bikin acara beginian lg dooong bm berat nih haha..kangen dengerin musik ginian secara langsung :)

Quote from: Ashram on 21/08/09, 15:04
yo peeps some Prins Thomas goodness. Live at the social http://redbullmusicacademyradio.com/shows/637/

wicked set dude *bgs*..bawa prins thomas ke bandung dong bos ashram kaya darshan jesrani kemaren :)

wew keren nih bos. lg streaming beatsinspace..  groovy... cocok buat private party

di Bandung gw rasa ada yang maenin genre2 kaya gini.. tapi ga di klub2 mainstream (Mansion, Embassy, etc).. coba maen2 ke beerhouse macem Camden..

gw stuju boi...gw dan kawan2 mncoba trz tetep fight ma musik2 dluar mainstream...


itu beberapa anak2 yg maenin new dance...siapa tau qt bs garap acar bareng...
