
.::EVILution 1st ANNIVERSARY::.

Started by jodi, 25/11/06, 04:43

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@AMNESIA 20th january '07

:+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+::+:under construction:+:

;) ;)
we are not from HELL

25/11/06, 12:53 #2 Last Edit: 25/11/06, 15:33 by jodi
sabar dong,, biar pada penasaran  ;D ;D ;D
*padahal masih bingung;D ;D
we are not from HELL

before it comes to the anniversary.. feel this one first..
EVILUTION for the world.
we are here, because we are DARE to CARE.

halah.. lama euy ngupload nya.. bentar yaa.. sabarr..
EVILUTION for the world.
we are here, because we are DARE to CARE.

ko ga ada yg penasaran nanya2 line upnya sih??  >:( >:( >:(
*malah kesel sendiri :D :D
we are not from HELL

paling ngga loe sm atenk musti main kan jod???


tom's  lu kalo ga dateng awas ya!!
dan lu mesti ngajakin semua rvlx jkt ke bdg ya....ada jamuan khusus dari sponsor tunggal JNC

Quote from: Retroblazt on 29/11/06, 17:41
tom's  lu kalo ga dateng awas ya!!
dan lu mesti ngajakin semua rvlx jkt ke bdg ya....ada jamuan khusus dari sponsor tunggal JNC

peuyeum Teng..?? peuyeum-puan..


peyeum limited edition nin!!

dijamin ada kejutan!ya ga teng, jod?
hear no evil..see no evil..talk no evil..but acts like evil!!


iyahhhh pasti.....
sekedar bocoran pertama.....
DECIL bakal striptease di acara ini......
pizzz cil......
dan juga cil acara ini tertutup buat miss jayz....takut gak rame kalo ada miss jayz...hehehehe

Quote from: NinBo on 29/11/06, 18:12
peuyeum Teng..?? peuyeum-puan..

apa yg  sih engga buat ninbo...  ;D ;D
we are not from HELL

iya tuh asal jangan kayak kemaren nin.... BAIS....hahahaha

naon BAIS teh teng...?

Hah decil striptis? cucok bok. Anjret jd serem gw teng jgn2 batangan semua yg hadir, huehuehue. Gw pesen peyeum yg manis manja ada ga?

Bais tuh = Abis....

sorry sob kita gak jualan peuyeum,,,yg ada paling surabi tumpuk anget...mau gak loe?

gak kok gua gak akan striptease..
cuman menari go go..
EVILUTION for the world.
we are here, because we are DARE to CARE.

Wkwkwk ap lg tuh serabi tumpuk? Ada2 aj d emg dibdg, gw dibagian tgh tumpukannya ye. Decil go go dance brg tata dado? huehuehue

gakkkk.... decil sendirian ngedance nya dia udah pake koreo by Arie ceu...

hahahahaha! gelooo siah...!
EVILUTION for the world.
we are here, because we are DARE to CARE.

Pokona mah mamang support ka Atenk sareng EVILution-na lah....
Inget Tenk,gak boleh pake tulisan DJ ANGGA di flyer-nya,kudu DJ ATENK.....heuhueh..

wakakakakakaka.......jangan atuh.....kalo pake nama atenk ntar bisi pinuh teuing nu datangna

wah tampaknya sekarang selir berkurang satu ya teng?
EVILUTION for the world.
we are here, because we are DARE to CARE.

aduh cilllll.....jgn gitu atuh,,,gw masih bete masalah itu mah...hehehehehe
tapi cil,,,janji gw ni ya,,, 1 hilang tumbuh seribu!!