
Baltimore Breaks

Started by djrandom, 03/07/07, 12:03

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Ada yang pada suka ga?  This style is quiete big in the US at the moment. with the likes of Diplo, Sinden, Spank Rock, Switch, Flosstradamus etc  championing it.  Bener2 combination of hiphop, electro, breaks and house sih... 

I always drop them in my set kalo gw lagi ga maen d'n'b...

suka juga.. 
diplo yang sh shake it up.. lucu tuh..
switch apalagi... single2nya and remixan dia khas banget !.. punya nuansa sendiri..
banyakan lagu2 mereka funky banget ya...
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

wah wah wah...b-more.....norrit, ursula 1000, ben westbeech, dll....
ada yang suka jugak to....kwkwkwkwwkw


wah gw juga mulai jatuh cinta ni ama B_more" seru bgt beatnya.
gw suka bgt ni B_more
hehehehehehehehe kaya acra house of breakz
kmren di bgr buni bro gw usahain selip2in aja dikit2 hehehehehehehe seru.
tp kayanya emang lg booming bgt d.

ayo ayo kita rame2 mempelajari b-more dengan lebih giyat...kwkwkwkwkw