
Chemical Brothers @ Glastonbury 2007 !

Started by BuNi, 28/06/07, 00:30

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28/06/07, 00:30 Last Edit: 28/06/07, 00:48 by BuNi
the best act at glastonbury 2007 !!  *tepuktangan*

+ visual and massive crowd !!....
keren banget !  *bgs*

ed simmon & tom rowlands rawks !..  *bgs*

video (use real player)

You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

kereeenn sobbb..... chembro emg mantap... btw msh sering nongkrong di solsik om buni??? hehe

masih donk om... tapi udah gak sesering dulu lagi hehe,,,listrik mahal hehe..
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

chemical brothers...gokil ni...
kapan ya ni om2 mampir di Indonesia...
ngareppp...   ;D ;D

..Leave me here in my stark, raving, sick, sad little world..!

linknya mati hehe...
cari2 di youtube aja ye hehe.. videonya sama koq..
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

yup, judulnya "We are the night"

album yang ini kedengeran lebih kalem, tapi tetep keren..
musti dengerin "saturate" sama "all rights reserved" feat. klaxons !
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

trax yg "the pills won't help you know"  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Kapan yeh maen disini.....  :-X  (?)  :-X  (?)
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