
all about - STADIUM JAKARTA -

Started by dj ferdy, 05/06/06, 20:04

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Tp gw penasaran neh hailai club terbesar, tgl 16 yuk.

16 bukannya ada acaranya clubhoopers di std,juo.. sekalian aja ksitu.. mumpung acaranya indika nih..

Quote from: jazzymike on 05/12/06, 19:17
siapin mental lo,juo kalo belom pernah ke stadium.. hehehehe

ah yang bener lo mike??

@tom's : kabr2i ya Tom,,gw ngekuth...hehehe ;D (Jakarta Nebeng Community)
Illusion Visual Player

Hehe..my recent blog on Stadium (sorry guys, bahasa inggris dan dikit panjang ya?)

Here's to Stadium

Glodok has long been given a reputation as a place where the so-called "lower class" of clubbing society hang out, listening to tong-tong-tong music and swallowing X pills like they were going out of style. And indeed, if you go to most clubs in Glodok area like Golden Crown or Millennium, you can come to no other conclusion that everyone in the 5 km area is either tripped out or preparing to be tripped out. It's to the point that the music doesn't matter anymore because while people spend the whole night trying to do their best "Exorcist" imitation moving their heads back and forth, you wonder whether they could just be scratching records and people wouldn't care.

However, in all of this x-filled fun and mayhem, there is a bastion of relative serenity. Stadium, long known as the 'Carrefour of nightclubs' recently celebrated its 9th anniversary. It's easy to understand how the club could be financially viable given that it contributes to half of all jobs for women in the Indramayu/Karawang area and has mastered the art of being a practical brothel from the hours of 5 pm - 2 am, all the while giving a totally new meaning to the term "happy hours".

Yet, for some reason, the club has managed to endure for nearly a decade as a worthy alternative in the northern side for those looking for real Selatan dance music without having to leave the comfy confines of Glodok -- or for those who simply figured that the best way of not getting their parents angry by coming home in mid-morning after a late party was just to keep partying from Friday night to Monday straight and come back when their parents had already left for work.

On Saturday night, Stadium celebrated its 9th anniversary with a big party by inviting 2 Spanish DJ's for the event. Actually, the place was mobbed (like usual) and I even got up to the stage for the first time in my life. Well, of course, I did get approached every 20m I walked by someone offering X, and I did have to keep my hands in my pockets in fear of pickpockets. But truth be told, from the very beginning, I always liked Stadium. It was like a healthy compromise where you could make friends (both long-term and for a night or two hehe) in a non-pretentious environment with people who like good music (or are too tripped out to care).

Anyway, out of respect for Stadium's 9th anniversary, here's 9 good tips on how to survive a night at Stadium

#1 - Bring glasses - not just to enhance your 'X' trip but to keep the smoke out of your eyes

#2 - DO NOT stop on the 2nd or 3rd floor before midnight -- unless you want to take the guesswork out of the evening and get your action early

#3 - DO NOT stop anywhere within the first 20 metres upon entering the disco - unless you want to take the guesswork out of the evening and get your action early

#4 - If a guy with a moustache and a funny look on his face wants to be your friend, the chances are very high that he is looking to take the guesswork out of your evening by getting you totally blasted on X

#5 - Going up on the stage is actually the safest place to be to really enjoy the party with people who appreciate music - the farther back you go, the less people even know what's being played and the farther left or right you go, the greater the chance the people will be totally tripped out

#6 - Bring shoes you don't care about - especially if you're a guy - this will bode well for you when slogging through those toilets

#7 - Parking at Plaza Hayam Wuruk is akin to trying to drive through a Cambodian post-war field. Better to just park in front of Garuda. That way, gak repot and you can pick up some good nasi rendang at the 24hr Padang resto to wipe away memories of the previous night

#8 - Given how crowded the place is, a lighter is not of much use to attract waiters' attentions. A blowtorch instead is highly advisable. This can also aid you in clearing the way for the waiters to get through.

#9 - If you want to party all-day without the fear of an early-morning hangover, why not just start at 9am. Then, you can be refreshed just while everyone is ready to pass out and if it's bad, you can enjoy the rest of the day.


waliwali LOL.
nice musings though !

stadium = awesome de....
bisnya smuanya ada...
- freak.culture -

ngakak gua jo! ahuahuahhahhaa...  ;D
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Quote from: jazzymike on 05/12/06, 19:26
16 bukannya ada acaranya clubhoopers di std,juo.. sekalian aja ksitu.. mumpung acaranya indika nih..
acara apa mike?? kalo loe brangkuts gw ikut deh.

@wali2: hahahah...lucu juga... a blowtorch? :P ueheuhe
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

 :o nice blog

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 06/12/06, 16:43
Quote from: jazzymike on 05/12/06, 19:26
16 bukannya ada acaranya clubhoopers di std,juo.. sekalian aja ksitu.. mumpung acaranya indika nih..
acara apa mike?? kalo loe brangkuts gw ikut deh.
itu..yg agoose 8 hour set..?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Ow agoose yah gokil neh, 8 hours set, trancey bok.

waktu gw tinggal di NY, kenalan with a total stranger di sebuah event, we were chatting up to the point that he asked where I came from, and when I said 'Jakarta, Indonesia', he mentioned that he'd heard about a club called ' STADIUM' even when he'd never been anywhere near Indonesia !!!

Seorang teman yg tinggal di London juga pernah penglaman serupa: waktu clubbing di Fabric, ngobrol sama orang yg ternyata pernah ke Stadium waktu liburan ke Indonesia !

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 06/12/06, 22:30
Ow agoose yah gokil neh, 8 hours set, trancey bok.

Sorry to say that event yg 8 hrs gw sm agoose di stadium is cancelled/postphoned... Cry Cry

Maybe next jan or feb 2007


"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

std??gw menginjakkan kaki di std baru pertengahan taun 2005,,jd ga tau d sblom itu ky apa

tp yg jls gw sbnrnya ga tlalu suka sm crowdnya,,bnyk mustang2 ga jls,,dah gt musiknya flownya sk ga jls,,mknya klo k std plg bwt lanjutan doang..itu jg plg open room trus psg cd ndiri dah (klo kantong mencukupi,,klo ga yawda bgabung d lt 4..)

emang kmrnan (ciaaelaa,,kmrnan) cece dsana smpt rada2 gondokin..tp kmrn trakir gw ksana udh mulai membae..

yaa yg jls klo ga kpepet gw mending ga ksana dah..msh bnyk tmpt2 d selatan yg ckp gokil,,seperti WB tmpt favorit dakuh.. :D :D he3
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..

stadium skrg kayak apa ya ???

msh kaya dulu myke...gelap gulita...????hehheeee
rj rj rj...

hehehee... pastinya sih.. masih gelap
gw kenal ama lo aja pertama di stadium... wekekekekekee....

10/12/06, 06:13 #120 Last Edit: 13/12/06, 00:56 by adhievizuale
Apa aja Bolehlah...asal engga senggol2an...ntar nabrak..

Quote from: jazzymike on 09/12/06, 20:38
hehehee... pastinya sih.. masih gelap
gw kenal ama lo aja pertama di stadium... wekekekekekee....
gile kenalan sama cowo distadium, jieeeeeee.......... huehuehue.

@ myke: iay yah pertama kenal di std ..heheh inerlite main soalnya..hehheee
rj rj rj...

Stadium kaya apa yah sekarang.... hmm masih gelap2 gitu yah... hmm...
kemaren sih gitu2 aja... masi gelap...  ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8)
@ Ronjon... pernah jadi resident curhat drumer nya lantai 3 yah?  ;D ;D :D :D

@ flex: wakakakkakakka parah jo...masa lampau...!!!!
jng ke sana lagi ya..heheeee
rj rj rj...