

Started by Dree_, 26/05/07, 04:51

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@ digweed : bner bgt bos, setau gw yg confirm gk ada..cuma ada tuh satu gw baca yg masalah di LC bogor yg andre dunant..itu baru gw akuin profesional, salute man !

ayo dong mana para PR Centro, kita cuma mau senang2 doang, klarifikasinya mana ?

@sepet: itu dia yg baru aja gw pikirin, pasti kedepannya orang2 akan males ke club2 yg baru kena razia karena image buruk yang secara langsung / tidak langsung diciptakan..
apa ini ada mainan sama orang dalem ? yaa kita cuma liat dari luar doang,
no offense, cuma ngasih pndapat doang ;D
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


mas mas BNN,,ulang tauy jangan nyusain nape??

kurang ape BB2 yang lo jualin??masi aja mo minta kado lagi..begitu lagi caranye.. :-\ *jlk* *jlk* *jlk*
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..


dari pada pusing mikirin BNN (kya mrk mikirin kita aja)

mending ntar mlm kita ke Bestmen Lounce aja ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

yang penting sober aja Guys *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Bukan berarti pintu perkumpulan kita jadi TUTUP donk !!!!!

Kita liat Kang Epie maen *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Booking contact : 08111751313

Quote from: rikadreamhouse on 26/05/07, 20:51

yang penting sober aja Guys *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

nah itu dia yang susah..
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..

Quote from: trenzey on 26/05/07, 21:09
Quote from: rikadreamhouse on 26/05/07, 20:51

yang penting sober aja Guys *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

nah itu dia yang susah..

Memang susah...

habis gimana donk????

Untuk keselamatan bersama selama mas-mas BNN ngerayain Ulang Tahun.....

Setelah itu....................
Booking contact : 08111751313

26/05/07, 21:40 #80 Last Edit: 26/05/07, 21:45 by jazzymike
@sepet: kagak bisa dituntut lah.. wong itu hak mereka buat razia2 kayak semalem itu  :-\

BNN sukanya cari sensasi dan cari muka.. padahal sesudah itu yang urine nya positip tetep aja di lepas .. dengan jaminan... ( intinya razia gitu buat mereka ajang cari duit jg .. )  ::)
"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul."

lahh... ikut berduka atas segala kesenangan yg telah terampas dehh guys... halahh
ati2 dehh skrg..

HIhihihihi,,,,,,,,forum ini panas nih kayaknya!!!!!

Support for all Event
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

ganti strategi akh mulai sekarang...kalo niat nge blur mendingan di rumah/kamar sendiri daripada di club...back to underground...

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

26/05/07, 22:25 #85 Last Edit: 26/05/07, 22:35 by Dree_DreamHouse
Parah,,razia tadi malem terdengar ke dunia Internasional...
yg menyebabkan DJ Nick Taylor yg akan Bermain bersama DJ Jerry Ropero di event DreamHouse tgl 8 Juni di Centro batal datang...

Oleh Karena itu DreamHouse merubah Line up tgl 8 juni

This is the update

DJ Dree di gantikan oleh DJ Didi (1945mf)
DJ Nick Taylor digantikan oleh DJ Paul Mendez (no 1 DJ Trance in UK / no 2 DJ Trance in the World) rank 53 at Djlist.com

Jadi line up yg ada adalah

DJ Epie (DreamHouse)
DJ Putra (Dafkaf)
DJ Didi (1945mf)
DJ Jerry Ropero (Ger) - Hits Maker of Coracao and Shined on you
DJ Paul Mendez (no 1 DJ Trance in UK/no 2 DJ Trance in the World) - Rank 53 at DJlist.com

Visual by Dreamotion
MC by Dree

Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan para crowd atas perubahan ini,,,DreamHouse tetap melakukan yg terbaik untuk Lancarnya acara ini...

Mari kita buat EDM kita makin maju,dan DJ luar tidak takut buat dateng ke Indonesia!!!!

Needs ur support

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Quote from: Dree_DreamHouse on 26/05/07, 22:25

DJ Paul Mendez (no 1 DJ Trance in UK/no 2 DJ Trance in the World) - Rank 53 at DJlist.com

hmmm... mau nanya nihh... paul mendez tuh siapa?
No. 1 DJ Trance in UK? No. 2 DJ Trance in the world?

gimana kabarnya PVD sama AVB?
dan setau gw PVD sama AVB juga DJ Trance loh...  :-X
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

@ alvktronica
dont talk about it ok sob ;)

@ jule
thats is exactly the same question pop in my head,
kalo #53 djlist.com kok bisa jadi #1 in UK, dan #2 in the world sih (?)

actually i know nothin bout him..
intro donk ! ;D

Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 27/05/07, 00:00
@ alvktronica
dont talk about it ok sob ;)
SIAPPPP bos....!!! dah gw apus tuh..
tapi kalo boleh tau, pm gw please....
:D :D :D

Quote from: Silent_Rave on 26/05/07, 22:11
ganti strategi akh mulai sekarang...kalo niat nge blur mendingan di rumah/kamar sendiri daripada di club...back to underground...

kalo lo bisa ngeracik sendiri sih ngga papa dehh..
masalahnya kan musti beli jugaaaaa..

kalo cerita gue sih..
setelah sonique dan sepet pulang..
gue masih stay di wb bareng dhanty, gober, donal dan beberapa ank rvlx..
2 orang yang sweeping sonique sempet muter2 dan ngeliatin kita..
tapi ngga ngapa2in..
trus mereka cabut lagi..
dan saat ini wb udah sepiiiiiii banget..
asli, udah tinggal kita doank..
tapi ternyata BNN ngga menyerbu wb..
cuma sampe tangga toilet..
trus naek lagi..
ya iyalah, udah ga ada orang juga di wb !!

jam 3an kita cabut dari wb..
dan ada bbrp mobil yang baru sampe wb..
turun dengan muka brantakan banget..
asli goblok banget tu orang2..
ga tau apa ya abis ada penggrebekan?
entah bagaimana nasip mereka..

dan katanya..
tadi pagi ama tadi sore ada tuh beritanya di buser..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not


waspadalah!! waspadalah!! (terhadap NENE'EB + IRLOP iat ngicukk)

Quote from: capt. digweed on 26/05/07, 19:22
kayak peduli aja komnas HAM buat soal begini beginian ... :-\

yang menjadi pertanyaan gue adalah...

kok CLUB-CLUB yg kena razia kemaren ga pernah nulis berita KONFIRMASI sebenernya sih di sini?
apa yg sebenernya terjadi?
kenapa bisa sampe sering banget kejadian kayak gitu ?
emang BNN ga pernah info ato komunikasi dengan smua CLUB2 itu apa?
DEALing or something else?

yang bertanggung jawab di Embassy? Wonder bar ? Centro ? dan semua klub2 di jakarta...
pada kemana lo pada?
apa yg bisa lo jelasin ke orang2/regular crowd kayak kita2 ini ?
orang2 yg brangkat dari rumah dan dateng cuman mao having fun in your club ...
udah bayar masuk dan beli minum ini itu tanpa mao terganggu kesenangan nya with all those BULLSHIT !

apa cuman bisa masang iklan acara doang di rvlx
dan nyuruh orang2 pada dateng ke acara kalian
dan pas ada kejadian ga enak kayak gini...
berita2 miring...
omongan2 ga enak...

kalian kabur ? ga ada konfirmasi ?

DO YOU HAVE THE GUTS to confirm this all ? ::)

@capt digweed: wah bagus ja, kritis juga loe..gw setuju sama loe soal ini...
klo gw liat si kayaknya mereka ga bisa batalin acaranya juga yah, udah tersebar dimana2.. mungkin mereka ga berani tutup langsung sebelom acara, mereka lebih memilih untuk dapet sedikit pemasukan daripada ga dapet..mungkin lhoo..gw kan ga tau soal ini..maaf2 klo ada yang tersinggung, gw cuma pengen tau aja kok.. thx ;)
P E A C E !

so, yang kira2 bisa mewakili clubnya, udah bisa diberikan jawabannya?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

gpplah klo anak2 ga ada masalah, gw rela kok mesti repot2... ;)
mungkin lagi nasib kurang baik gw aja kali yah.. pengalaman tambahan deh... :)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

27/05/07, 03:52 #93 Last Edit: 27/05/07, 03:58 by Dree_DreamHouse
Quote from: sonique on 26/05/07, 23:53
Quote from: Dree_DreamHouse on 26/05/07, 22:25

DJ Paul Mendez (no 1 DJ Trance in UK/no 2 DJ Trance in the World) - Rank 53 at DJlist.com

hmmm... mau nanya nihh... paul mendez tuh siapa?
No. 1 DJ Trance in UK? No. 2 DJ Trance in the world?

gimana kabarnya PVD sama AVB?
dan setau gw PVD sama AVB juga DJ Trance loh...  :-X

DJ Paul Mendez (no 1 DJ Trance/hard in UK/no 2 DJ Trance/hard in the World) - Rank 53 at DJlist.com

Maaf,informasi ini dapat di liat di thedjlistcom / www.myspace.com/djpaulmendez
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Dj Paul Mendez

The most successful trance dj/producer from Scotland ever!

Rated number 1 Trance/Hard dj in the UK on djlist.com

Rated number 2 Trance/Hard dj in the world on djlist.com

1 of 2 UK dj's to play for Tiesto at his own club night Wildlife in Amsterdam!

More Paul Mendez productions signed to Gatecrasher albums than any other Scottish producer and 3rd most prolific in the UK!

The first promoter to book the world?s biggest dj Tiesto in Scotland & Spain!

Produced 2 Trance Energy theme tracks!

Released 61 singles worldwide!

Labels worked with include ID&T, Armada, Bonzai, Moonshine, Alphabet City, Sony, EMI/Positiva , BMG, Fibreline Audio, Black Hole, Captivating sounds, Camouflage, Green Martian, In-Disc, Avex and many more!

Was director of music at Scotland?s biggest club for 7 years and changed the face of UK clubbing!

Gave UK debuts to worlds biggest trance djs including Marco V, Ferry Corsten, Armin Van burren, M.I.K.E., YDR & Airwave!

Co-wrote many massive trance anthems including TWISTED(Svenson & Gielen) & MAGIC IMPULS? (Exposure)!

Currently has residencies in 4 different continents on bi-monthly basis!

owns and runs his own label BacklashMuzik which is a sub division of the worlds greatest trance label ?Bonzai music!

Has licensed tracks on more than 150 compilation albums with sales totaling over 6 million!

50 Thousand Listeners tuned in to Paul?s radio show on Beat 106 every Friday night for 3 years, a record total for the time slot!

Has always been asked to return by every club & promoter he has played for!

In the words of many djs & promoters Paul Mendez is the ?DJS DJ?!

On the international stage Paul Mendez has played in 27 different countries in 4 different continents over the past 12 years at some of the world's best and biggest club nights, examples of this are Privilege, Bora Bora, Es Paradis and El Divino (Ibiza), Afterhour power & Avalon (Hollywood, Los Angeles), RA & 7 (Las Vegas), Qool (San Francisco), Element (Seattle),Viva (Toronto), BCM (Mallorca), Slinky (Japan & Singapore), Bacchus clubs (Panama & Columbia), Shadow Lounge (Miami), Melkweg & Wildlife (Amsterdam), Cherrymoon & Versuz (Belgium), Global Djs (Qatar & Bahrain), Gorgeous(Denmark), Reaktor(Germany), Heaven & Peach(London), Colours, Inside out & RATT(Scotland) as well as massive festivals such as ?Homelands? , ?T in the park? and was the headliner for 45 Thousand party people at the ?Rijeka street carnival? which he also wrote & produced the Theme track for.

Paul has enjoyed a highly successful production career over the years with his main projects including Jacob & Mendez, Exposure with (PUSH) which was voted the trance anthem of 2003 by thousands of clubbers and djs on dedicated fans sites such as tranceaddict.com & was a trance energy theme track, Svenson & Gielen with whom he co-wrote the massive worldwide hit Twisted which was also the theme track for Trance energy in 2002, Morpheus (with The Thrillseekers) and Fenix which is being received very well in America and the UK. Over a 10 year period he has released 61 singles in 25 countries worldwide and has licensed tracks on more than 150 compilation albums with sales totaling over 6 million. Labels he has worked with include EMI & Sony (UK), ID&T & Armada (Holland), Moonshine & Blaq Velvet (USA), Alphabet City & BMG (Germany), Bonzai & Lightning records (Belgium) and Sony (Norway).

Paul's radio career took off when he was the very first specialized dj to go live on air when the new dance station "Beat 106/Capital Radio" first broadcast in November 1999, Paul worked at the station based in Glasgow for over 5 years and his weekly Friday night show attracted over 50 thousand listeners every week and was acclaimed by fellow djs, listeners and 'DJ MAGAZINE' as a must listen for all trance music lovers.The former Programme controller at Beat 106 once stated that "Paul Mendez" was the "Jewel in the crown" at the station after witnessing 20,000 revelers at the "T in the park" festival campsite chanting his name after a memorable Live broadcast.

Paul Mendez is not only a dj and producer he is also a world class club promoter and has successfully promoted events around the world for over 10 years in countries such as USA, UK, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Croatia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Norway & Japan. He was responsible for the debuts of many top djs in his country over the last 6 years inviting the talents of Tiesto, Armin Van Burren, Ferry Corsten, Johan Gielen, Marco V, MIKE, Airwave, Mauro Picotto and many more to play alongside him and this opened the door for all the other top UK clubs such as Gatecrasher and Godskitchen to follow suit at that time and the rest is now history...

Paul Has also played at and promoted several A list party's in the states and among those in attendance were Shaquel O'Neil, Shakira, Johnny Knoxville, Xzibit, Pharrel Williams, Snoop Dogg and Samuel L.Jackson who approached Paul and commented 'That shit is crazy, I?m Impressed'

As if all that wasn't enough Paul is also the founder and director of Backlash Muzik which he set up initially to take care of his numerous projects. The past year has been exciting for the company with sold out events in Qatar, Dubai and a 3 month tour of the USA which involved Paul playing in Las Vegas, Seattle, San Francisco, Salt lake City, San Diego and the official Backlash Muzik records release party which took place in Hollywood, Los Angeles in association with LA superclub 'Afterhour Power'. The label is now 12 releases old and has major support worldwide from Major & Resident djs alike.

PAUL MENDEZ is a master of the technical side of dj'ing and is one of the few djs around the world who has the talent to match the BIOG, Paul's sets consist of Trance in all its styles but always driving and tough. If you have not experienced Paul yet what are you waiting for!!!

linked http://www.thedjlist.com/djs/PAUL_MENDEZ/
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

tetep support lah buat DH .. moga2 aja ga ganti lagi line up nya  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul."

teman teman...

hip hip hura huraaaaa..... :(

turut berduka cita ama temen temen yang keangkut yah, semoga mereka ga kenapa napa. dan diberikan proses yang cepat dan adil... dan kita bisa bersama sama minggu depan di acara ravelex + electrosoul di embassy + wonderbar, invit dan guestlist PM gue ye... :)
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
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hay rikadreamhouse ... orson disiini ... hehe
this is where the hungry come to feed...
Im waitin for it to hit me....

apapun yang dah kita alami kemaren,,,....sebaiknya kita tetep sama2 berjuang untuk EDM kita sob!!!! jangan kapok2,,,,...hanya aja kita harus lebih  berhati2 aja!!!!!dengan kita gak kapok2 n acara juga trus emakin bertambah,,.. moga2 aja mereka juga akhirnya kehabisan modal....!!!!emangnya mau ngarepin bantuan dari negara donatur mlulu???!!!!

we must fight our right to have a enjoyable party rite????!!!!!!!!

keep support our EDM.....!!!!

setuju sama synan!!!!

Support our EDM
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare