

Started by phuture89, 17/12/12, 21:28

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Only 20 minutes into his set DJ Shadow gets kicked off the decks for not playing commercial enough at Mansion in Miami

Here we go again: DJ Shadow kicked off decks in Miami

In the same year that New York house head Dennis Ferrer got the tap on the shoulder at Miami club Mansion to cut his set short, it's happened again, this time to DJ Shadow. The celebrated beatmaker and turntablist was at Mansion for an 'All Basses Covered' DJ set on Saturday 15 December, but his selections didn't pass muster (reportedly after only 20 minutes of playing). A fan filmed the exchange and Shadow's announcement to the crowd, followed by some unhappy reactions from the dancefloor (see below). "I don't care if I get kicked out of every rich kid club on the planet," Shadow wrote on his Twitter after the incident. "I will never sacrifice my integrity as a DJ...ever."

The news swiftly follows Tommie Sunshine's run-in with New York club W.i.P last weekend. Asked to cut his set short for "playing too hard", he spoke to Vibe about the increasingly-common occurrence. "Everyone is now an expert of this music, especially the ones who pay BIG $ to consume it," he wrote. "Not to mention the clowns who supposedly 'run' clubs. Basically their #1 priority is their 'clients' who spend money in bottle service & what they say dictates the music direction."

DJ Shadow has been taking the 'All Basses Covered' DJ concept around the U.S. in recent weeks, hitting New York, Atlanta, New Orleans, Boston, Detroit and more. Predictably, Mansion's Facebook page is attracting a volley of angry posts from Shadow fans. This Friday 21 December, the club is set to host another turntable pro, DJ Craze, himself a Miami local. Hit 'Full Screen' on the video embed below to expand it.


// gue ga peduli club apapun yg mengusung & punya music policy musik yg mudah dicerna ataupun sulit dicerna, sangat disayangkan & "mungkin" ini sudah terjadi di Indonesia. Ada bbrp club yg ngundang dj dgn jenis musik yg hampir sama & menghindari dj dgn jenis musik yg jarang dimainin di kotanya ataupun mayoritas tamunya tidak menyenanginya. Apapun alasan club itu termasuk alasan bisnis, ya lbh bijak kalo sekali2 bawa dj tamu yg musiknya beda, toh sbg penyeimbang, penambah warna & pengetahuan plus agar club tsb & tamu regularnya atau party goers di kota tsb kaya pengetahuan genre. Jgn cuma bs main di comfort zone aja & nurutin apa kata tamu. Ibaratnya, cari uang demi bisnis sah plus wajar, tp tentunya unsur seni & membangunnya juga harus bisa. Kalo jualan barang yg pasti laku dijual, tentunya scr ilmu marketing itu adl hal yg lumrah, tapi gak SPESIAL. Just saying, mungkin gue salah, cuma sedikit curhat aja sama bentuk ......ah, why so serius...fcuk buat manager2 club norak aja deh. :)  #datengbulan #pms #nyenyes

club manager DIATUR owner DIATUR tamu pembuka botol = MEGA LOL  *piss*

what we want what we believe

Quote from: phuture89 on 17/12/12, 21:28

Only 20 minutes into his set DJ Shadow gets kicked off the decks for not playing commercial enough at Mansion in Miami

Here we go again: DJ Shadow kicked off decks in Miami

In the same year that New York house head Dennis Ferrer got the tap on the shoulder at Miami club Mansion to cut his set short, it's happened again, this time to DJ Shadow. The celebrated beatmaker and turntablist was at Mansion for an 'All Basses Covered' DJ set on Saturday 15 December, but his selections didn't pass muster (reportedly after only 20 minutes of playing). A fan filmed the exchange and Shadow's announcement to the crowd, followed by some unhappy reactions from the dancefloor (see below). "I don't care if I get kicked out of every rich kid club on the planet," Shadow wrote on his Twitter after the incident. "I will never sacrifice my integrity as a DJ...ever."

The news swiftly follows Tommie Sunshine's run-in with New York club W.i.P last weekend. Asked to cut his set short for "playing too hard", he spoke to Vibe about the increasingly-common occurrence. "Everyone is now an expert of this music, especially the ones who pay BIG $ to consume it," he wrote. "Not to mention the clowns who supposedly 'run' clubs. Basically their #1 priority is their 'clients' who spend money in bottle service & what they say dictates the music direction."

DJ Shadow has been taking the 'All Basses Covered' DJ concept around the U.S. in recent weeks, hitting New York, Atlanta, New Orleans, Boston, Detroit and more. Predictably, Mansion's Facebook page is attracting a volley of angry posts from Shadow fans. This Friday 21 December, the club is set to host another turntable pro, DJ Craze, himself a Miami local. Hit 'Full Screen' on the video embed below to expand it.


// gue ga peduli club apapun yg mengusung & punya music policy musik yg mudah dicerna ataupun sulit dicerna, sangat disayangkan & "mungkin" ini sudah terjadi di Indonesia. Ada bbrp club yg ngundang dj dgn jenis musik yg hampir sama & menghindari dj dgn jenis musik yg jarang dimainin di kotanya ataupun mayoritas tamunya tidak menyenanginya. Apapun alasan club itu termasuk alasan bisnis, ya lbh bijak kalo sekali2 bawa dj tamu yg musiknya beda, toh sbg penyeimbang, penambah warna & pengetahuan plus agar club tsb & tamu regularnya atau party goers di kota tsb kaya pengetahuan genre. Jgn cuma bs main di comfort zone aja & nurutin apa kata tamu. Ibaratnya, cari uang demi bisnis sah plus wajar, tp tentunya unsur seni & membangunnya juga harus bisa. Kalo jualan barang yg pasti laku dijual, tentunya scr ilmu marketing itu adl hal yg lumrah, tapi gak SPESIAL. Just saying, mungkin gue salah, cuma sedikit curhat aja sama bentuk ......ah, why so serius...fcuk buat manager2 club norak aja deh. :)  #datengbulan #pms #nyenyes

club manager DIATUR owner DIATUR tamu pembuka botol = MEGA LOL  *piss*

Disini sih bukan "mungkin" lagi kejadian kaya diatas. Tiap weekend gue rasa juga pasti ada kejadian begini. Anyway welcome.. Ini emg udah resiko buat yg ga main mainstream..if underground is your religion then you better get used to it :))

Btw miss noferatu atau ucil mana yah..kayanya mereka lebih paham masalah ginian :-X
I love all kinds of house, but i love that deep shit, the real shit, makes you bump your head..

Kalo gue sih bkn dj underground, gue & bbrp kawan2 di lampung cm mainin apa yg kita suka & kita anggap enak utk diri sendiri (& smoga orang lain suka) dlm set kita semua, soal orang suka apa gak silahkan memilih, tp bbrp event gue & temen2 gue ga mainin musik yg kebanyakan club atau tamu club yg ada di kota gue demenin & itu tentunya masalah plus sulit dpt venue :)
Kalo di kota gue udh lama terjadi beginian, jalan keluar terbaik adl "buat event sendiri". Dan tetap bersenang-senang, ga juga harus benci sm club lokal, paling berdoa aja biar cpt sembuh atau dpt manager club yg otaknya penuh gak setengah. Marah sekali2 aja kalo ngeliat kasus begini muncul. Dj segede shadow diginiin setelah sblm nya dennis ferrer diginiin. Belum bbrp pengalaman dj2 indonesia yg pernah diginiin krn set nya dianggap kurang komersil.

We never play the wrong music just the wrong clubs ;) (maaf bener kalo tulisan inggerisnya salah)
what we want what we believe

hal yg baru aja gw alamin juga  >:( di buat jengkel abis memang  >:( #ikutcurhat  :)
Squad of  Garuda INA Trance
Follow @vay_decay
pin: 22DEB59B

 ;D sama kayak di indonesia yakkk hihiiii... jangan2 GM or Marketing nya org indonesia tuhh...heheheee...

Tapi jangan salah walopun waktu itu hari kamis, pas DJ SHADOW main di Equinox anniversarynya JUICE magazine keren gila, emg dari awal main dia udah minta izin "for the next 2 hours, you guys won't hear commercial shit, so please enjoy my show". Semua yang dateng emg udah punya ekspektasi yang tinggi klo DJ SHADOW pasti bakalan triply maenin trip hop, tau2nya sebagian besar doi malah mainin drumandbass tuh kayak yang di Miami, yang joget cuma gw jerome nomee lawrence bima sm anak2, crowd yang lain jatohnya kepaksa joget.

Kebuktikan sama aja ngga cuma di Indonesia, di luar negeri juga sama KATROKNYA.
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


sebenernya gua agak ga ngerti sama club - club yang suka ngecut DJ maen ini.

maksud gw gini, yang mereka undang maen tuh DJ - DJ yang punya nama ( Dennis Ferer, Shadow, Mark Farina, etc)

seharusnya mereka udah punya bayangan setnya mereka kaya apa. kok udah ga tau ga sama dengan club policy kok masih di ajak maen. kan aneh jadinya.

ibarat kata gua punya club dangdut, terus gw ngundang Sting maen, abis itu gw kaget karena ternyata kok bukan dangdut, kan kalo gitu gw yang salah ngundang.

Quote from: mongki on 18/12/12, 11:40
sebenernya gua agak ga ngerti sama club - club yang suka ngecut DJ maen ini.

maksud gw gini, yang mereka undang maen tuh DJ - DJ yang punya nama ( Dennis Ferer, Shadow, Mark Farina, etc)

seharusnya mereka udah punya bayangan setnya mereka kaya apa. kok udah ga tau ga sama dengan club policy kok masih di ajak maen. kan aneh jadinya.

ibarat kata gua punya club dangdut, terus gw ngundang Sting maen, abis itu gw kaget karena ternyata kok bukan dangdut, kan kalo gitu gw yang salah ngundang.

Itu ya simply music director club nya yg kacrut bro..gabisa baca selera/kesukaan pengunjung regulernya sama guest DJ yg mau dia bawa..kayanya kalo kerja di nightclub skrg paling ga harus ada basic music knowledge buat level supervisor atau manager keatas. Tapi kalo dia udah diuber-uber sales report sama owner ya repot..hehehe
I love all kinds of house, but i love that deep shit, the real shit, makes you bump your head..

Quote from: danzig on 18/12/12, 13:50
mungkin aja mereka sebenernya tau shadow bakal kaya gimana, tapi pas malem itu ada "orang berduit" yang nyuruh dia turun

Asli, awalnya tuh club mau beda malem itu, ga taunya ada tamu langganan yg asoy bgt sm buka botol banyak tukang ngatur plus tukang ngambek & tukang ngadu babe nya kalo pundung, wal hasil akhirnya clubnya menyerah dgn keadaan. Sering terjadi dgn kita dsini ya :) hehehe..... Dunia sudah mau kiamat.
what we want what we believe

Nah ini ada bedanya klo di Indonesia nih, klo yang main DJ luar mau maen apa juga ga bakal di cut, klo yang maen dj lokal udah di CUT lgsg.

Kejadiannya kayak waktu el hornet (pendulum dj set) di Blowfish, crowd reguler blowfish yang rnb banget udah pada buka table buka botol, kejebak terpaksa ngikutin deh tuh joget2 sok iye malem itu untungnya mereka ga protes.
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Quote from: dedoSixteen on 18/12/12, 14:37
Nah ini ada bedanya klo di Indonesia nih, klo yang main DJ luar mau maen apa juga ga bakal di cut, klo yang maen dj lokal udah di CUT lgsg.

Kejadiannya kayak waktu el hornet (pendulum dj set) di Blowfish, crowd reguler blowfish yang rnb banget udah pada buka table buka botol, kejebak terpaksa ngikutin deh tuh joget2 sok iye malem itu untungnya mereka ga protes.

Seenggaknya di indo si club menghargai dj tamu ya. Tp kalo yg lokalan dibantai. Whoozahhh.... #istigfar
what we want what we believe


ngga enak yah menghargai DJ tamu, tp DJ lokal ngga *wantekbadanbiarputihkayakbule
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


venue yang salah , ga bisa milih pengisi , shadow is awesome , just not in the right place

kalo tempat gw dulu ga ada rasisme , gw dah 4 kali kickout bule maen and even 1 big name , not because of the music, mostly because turns out they cant DJ for shitz , kick their ass to the curb


kan DJ shadow trus Dennis Ferrer mah jadinya DJ lokal di miami mah ;D
mungkin kalo DJ indonesia main di miami ga akan di cut ;D


Quote from: echaaaa on 18/12/12, 15:03
venue yang salah , ga bisa milih pengisi , shadow is awesome , just not in the right place

kalo tempat gw dulu ga ada rasisme , gw dah 4 kali kickout bule maen and even 1 big name , not because of the music, mostly because turns out they cant DJ for shitz , kick their ass to the curb

tapi dibayar full?

bayar full tetep, pelunasan kan pas soundcek , ya resiko venue lah, palingan tim event yang di maki2 shit happens

Iya mending buka teh botol aja di club..masa bayar 3000 mau protes nge-cut DJ yg main :p :D *piss*
I love all kinds of house, but i love that deep shit, the real shit, makes you bump your head..

Mulai hari ini kalo ada yg disuruh club/manager club > naekin naekin! Pumpin dong! Kenceng dong! Angkat dikit dong! Mari kita posting club nya lalu di twit...wkwkwkw....iseng bgt ya. Mari saudara-saudara, LAWAN!

tambah ga dapet gigs, bodo lah....wkwkwkwk....
*yg lucu malah nih, ada bbrp club yg gue liat crowdnya bisa diarahin atau pasrah sebenernya dgn set dj tamu yg main, to ujung2nya tetep soal lagu dimasalahin krn owner ikut campur/ managernya kegatelan sama tamu lembek kayak kol di sop sayur

what we want what we believe

clubs there to make profit what can you say ? no profit means no income, and club will shut down with no income , time has change ladies and gentleman dan club mau ga mau is going where the wind blows, ga ada club yang happy sales sedikit tapi musiknya "keren" menurut sebagian kecil orang , they cater to the masses

skrg kembali ke clubnya, gimana milih DJ tamu yang pas buat venuenya dia , ini perdebatan sengit dulu di tim event di tempat gw dulu , but we decided to cutback on using trance DJ on normal season and use them only in high season , and prefer more electro/mainstream dj for normal season

this is the truth about clubs, like it or not in the end its about how much you make at the end of the night ? sedih ? deal with it

ps : gw ga seratus persen setuju sama hal ini, karena gw sendiri pernah jadi korban harus shutdown satu room khusus bass music yang gw buat weekly partiesnya , but hey money is what makes the world go round

solusinya ? do your won parties, in smaller bars, dont give the club hope that you will bring lots of patrons and money spenders karena idealisme doesnt sell as much as komersialisme , so be truthful, make your own party and have fun !

ps i play a full bass set at prive last week, the some of the crowd makes the "eh?" face and some enjoy it , batin puas .... dan lebih puas lagi pas kemaren ada yang nelp buat book gw maen set yang sama januari heheheheheh

but fellas , thats the truth about clubs , its an industry , hate it or love it, its here to stay


anak bass
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


ayoo Ravelex doain gua cepet jadi miliuner!!

kalo gua jadi miliuner gua buatin club non profit oriented (udah kaya yayasan aja)!!

rugi - rugi deh bodo amat kan ceritanya gw udah tajir mampus ;D

Waktu itu gwa motret di illegals, jaman masih belum lunch, trus marquee maen..pas gwa lg motret ada tamu di table nyamperin gwa, "mas DJ nya bisa diganti ngga mas, gwa ngga bisa naek nih, bisa suruh maen break beat ngga?"
Menurut gwa balik lagi ke crowd nya sih, harusnya mereka liat dulu di club itu ada event apa dan siapa yang maen, jadi bisa milih club buat malem itu. Kayanya masih banyak orang kurang pendidikan sama EDM.

Gun, klo lo bikin yayasan, jgn lupa bikin pengenalan genre basic dulu,,,hhihihihi

#dukung Monki punya yayasan!! Whoop!!

Quote from: nandi on 18/12/12, 13:26
Quote from: mongki on 18/12/12, 11:40
sebenernya gua agak ga ngerti sama club - club yang suka ngecut DJ maen ini.

maksud gw gini, yang mereka undang maen tuh DJ - DJ yang punya nama ( Dennis Ferer, Shadow, Mark Farina, etc)

seharusnya mereka udah punya bayangan setnya mereka kaya apa. kok udah ga tau ga sama dengan club policy kok masih di ajak maen. kan aneh jadinya.

ibarat kata gua punya club dangdut, terus gw ngundang Sting maen, abis itu gw kaget karena ternyata kok bukan dangdut, kan kalo gitu gw yang salah ngundang.

Itu ya simply music director club nya yg kacrut bro..gabisa baca selera/kesukaan pengunjung regulernya sama guest DJ yg mau dia bawa..kayanya kalo kerja di nightclub skrg paling ga harus ada basic music knowledge buat level supervisor atau manager keatas. Tapi kalo dia udah diuber-uber sales report sama owner ya repot..hehehe

:-X :-X

Quote from: danzig on 18/12/12, 13:50
mungkin aja mereka sebenernya tau shadow bakal kaya gimana, tapi pas malem itu ada "orang berduit" yang nyuruh dia turun

couldnt agree more, i think it's unwise to always blame the md, club marketing, or whoever booked the djs, masa sih mereka segitu bloon nya nge deal dj tapi gak tau musiknya? businesswise, it's too risky, menurut gw itu juga pasti udah jadi concern mereka dalam ngebooked dj, mereka juga gak mau rugilah..

we're talking about nightclub here means so many parties involved, many possibilities yang mana kebanyakan kejadian kaya gini justru bukan kemauan anak2 event nya sendiri. I believe there's struggle inside the management as well.. for example; shitey owners combined with rich kid and big spenders mostly give the worse impact. apalagi kalo acara uda berjalan ujung2 nya team event nya yang bakal ribet n gak enak minta2 maap ke si talent.. si bos? cuek aja ngeladenin anak pejabat mabok..

kalo emang crowd nya katro ya katro aja lah, dont always spread the hate towards the real people who is trying so hard to make the party happening..
