
ENTRANCE the "Music Temple"

Started by Entrance the MUSIC TEMPLE, 20/10/09, 15:59

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20/10/09, 15:59 Last Edit: 20/10/09, 16:14 by Entrance the MUSIC TEMPLE
31st October 2009, SATURDAY

ENTRANCE the "Music Temple" GRAND OPENING featuring Martin Roth (Germany/OMFG) with Innerlight (1945MF/Jakarta) + MC Q (Elektra666/Jakarta) & Melaney Ricardo inconjunction with SCREAM OUT - "Halloween Ball"

Jl Balai Kota No. 1, Medan - Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Grand Aston Hotel - Lobby
RSVP/INFO : (061) 457 3900

Nice Flyer...

Ayo pada datang donk,grand opening ENTRANCE the Music Temple nih

"What ever people say I am, that's what I'm not"