
Menurut kalian.... Best Club in Jakarta...?

Started by Frankie_n.E.R.d, 06/02/06, 11:28

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BLISS!!! (lho..)

WB oke juga..

MikeDium itu dibawahnya ada WonderMike juga klo ga salah ya?? ;D ;D

@volcomgurl: tiap minggu yah??mau ikut dnk kapan2... ;D ;D
Illusion Visual Player

untuk sementara best CLUB ya WB....gelaaappp...
balcony acces denied terus,,,,sial banget dah ah...bukan kelasnya kali ya gw...hehehehehe....
- freak.culture -

WB and Centro. Ada rules, tp santai. Beberapa club besar lain peraturan nya terlalu ketat (selain Valid ID, klo ini ga masalah). Kesan nya mau senang2 kok dipersulit yah?
"What ever people say I am, that's what I'm not"

Bukan dipersulit, tp meminimalis biar org yg ga jelas gampang masuk gt aj, kyk silop rese or preman yg mgkn mo nyopet. Kali aj ad noordin m top clubbing, hehehe males kan tuh, jd cek id setuju bgt lah.

@ToM`s ~cupu~ : Gw jg setuju bgt sm cek ID, biar si noordin ga bisa clubbing.. he.. Tp klo ga boleh masuk cm gara2 baju ga berkerah, celana robek dikit(yg emg di design dr sana nya) atau malah pernah gw denger ada yg ga bisa masuk krn dia kerapihan.. hahaha..  Agak berlebihan, tp biar gmn juga, gw ttp mengikuti peraturan. and berangkat terus lah brur... heheh..
"What ever people say I am, that's what I'm not"

bliss? mmmm...
ngga ah...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Pengen jajal hailai neh terbesar di indo, ayo pet temenin gw.

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 05/12/06, 20:04
Pengen jajal hailai neh terbesar di indo, ayo pet temenin gw.
hehehe gw udah nyoba, temenin? jadi! ayo kapan nih berangkat? siap2 aja gw...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-


khikhihkhihkikhikhihk ;D ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: kc on 05/12/06, 20:35
doyan ke bliss yah ??
br brp kli sih brgkt ksana...
tp tmpt nya rada gmn gitu...
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


@Bopal : tanyalah sama anak-anak..
KC ? hop hip abis gitu loh.. anak bliss abis gitu loh.. ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

*ktawa geli mirit2*
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


@bopal: kc tuh pr nya bliss..tp jangan bilang2 yah..dia ga mau ngaku..suka malu katanya...
hahahah ;D ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-


pasti kalian mengetik "BLISS" dengan muka kaya nahan boker dehhhh
hahahahaha tau banget gw....BLISS! damn man!

Trus kapan neh nyari jabliss?? Huehuehue

06/12/06, 16:17 #146 Last Edit: 06/12/06, 16:20 by Bopal
@Ricco: oohh..

*gak baca apa2 koq kess*

Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


stadium one of the best club in asia :)


bliss??serius lo??
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..