
Menurut kalian.... Best Club in Jakarta...?

Started by Frankie_n.E.R.d, 06/02/06, 11:28

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g tau knapa, gw paling pe-we bgt di wonder...
hihi... ::) ::)

Deep down inside I know our love will die...

koq kmpus syereeem siy skrg... hiks hiks....
jd pgn nyoba K7 niy....
eh eh btw std 9th anniversary nampak mnarik tuh...

Wonder Bar
Golden Crown (hehe just kidding)

Mikedium ??? ??? blom coba sih..ikuuttt donk mike?!! ::) ::)
WB..Embes..Vertigo..K7(Ibiza club)..
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

Quote from: jazzymike on 16/11/06, 04:11
mikedium :)
hahaha mikedium..underground private club...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

nga underground sih... secara di lantai 6.... private ??? yes!

Kalo open lagi gw boleh ikut yah..diajak gitu biar bisa mempererat persaudaraan huehehehehe..
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

Quote from: jazzymike on 16/11/06, 04:47
nga underground sih... secara di lantai 6.... private ??? yes!
jdi hidden private club?
Quote from: Loki on 16/11/06, 04:49
Kalo open lagi gw boleh ikut yah..diajak gitu biar bisa mempererat persaudaraan huehehehehe..
yg baru mau join, kudu siapin sajen... heuehuhe..owner galak lhoo...
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Wonder bar.. bisa tuh di jadiin pilihan utama
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


invit only..... if u're cool enough maybe we can give u some :)

Damn, gw lom dpt lg invitenya, minta yah  10 hehehe ambruk2 d.

ternyata ada yg lebih exclusive lg dr pd embassy terrace,,, which is Mikeydium,,,, hahahaha,,,, count me in mike!!!!
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

mikedium... gua udah coba tuhh soft openingnya waktu itu... cuman namanya baru soft opening aja udah hardcore banget cink acaranya... apalagi kalo bakalan launching grand openingnya... ahahahaha...  ;D
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Quote from: jazzymike on 17/11/06, 01:25
invit only..... if u're cool enough maybe we can give u some :)

Brarti ntar malem mesti cool nih biar bisa dapet tiket terusan ke mikeydium..soniqeu bilang gitu jadi pnasaran bangeth neeh...
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

liftnya ngantri deh ada loki, huehuheu........

Kalo Staydium 4 lantai ini Mikeydium 6 lantai yah...cape juga nih kalo mo naek tangga mah...
I Live with my own way..my own life..in my own world...

wah boleh juga nieh nyobaij mikedium.. ditunngu yah grand opening nya.. ;D ;D
pasang iklan di Indika sam FreeMagz juga donk.. :D :D
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

 ;D ;D

Deep down inside I know our love will die...

wah.. baru aja kepikiran mau inpit baby qu ke mikedium... hehehhee.. yukk! :)

eMbaSSy n woNdeRbaR pastinya!! tiap minggu ga pernah absen deh diantara kedua club itu!! the best in toWn!!!

hi,volcomgurl..... wah,pengunjung setia mbc sepertinya.. ada akses ke balcony kah ??? ikut ya, yeukk!