
Rave = Trance...Kalo House = apa ya ????

Started by djepie, 03/05/07, 03:08

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RAVE = Radical Audio Visual Experience

A rave (sometimes referred to as a rave party or simply a party) is an all-night dance event where DJs and other performers play rave music and other types of electronic dance music. The slang expression rave was originally used by people of Caribbean descent in London during the 1960s to describe a party.[1] In the late 1980s, the term began to be used to describe the rave subculture that grew out of the acid house movement. (wikipedia.org)

see.. they called it rave also in house..
gravity, hypocrisy and perils of being in 3D..

@slabsitut : tumben ngga ngelawak.. hahahaha

house ? disko di RUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH !!!! ;D ;D

beginilah anak rumahan.. hahahah

ga denk..

HoUSE itu disko cantik.. di tempat-tempat cantik.. dengan orang orang cantik..
ya kaya gue gini lah.. ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

dan mabuk cantik.... alias pake wine...

;D ;D

Quote from: slabsitut on 08/05/07, 17:08
RAVE = Radical Audio Visual Experience

A rave (sometimes referred to as a rave party or simply a party) is an all-night dance event where DJs and other performers play rave music and other types of electronic dance music. The slang expression rave was originally used by people of Caribbean descent in London during the 1960s to describe a party.[1] In the late 1980s, the term began to be used to describe the rave subculture that grew out of the acid house movement. (wikipedia.org)

see.. they called it rave also in house..
wicked *bgs*


- freak.culture -

tapi asik2 aja kok rave house ... kllo mabuhay pake house enak kali yah ... hehe .... disini sering bgt rave dari jem 2 siang sampe 10 malem ... full house .... its kinda cool .... hehe
this is where the hungry come to feed...
Im waitin for it to hit me....

Quote from: NinBo on 09/05/07, 00:09
dan mabuk cantik.... alias pake wine...

;D ;D

SETTTUUUUBBBBUUUUHHHHHH  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Quote from: slabsitut on 08/05/07, 17:08
RAVE = Radical Audio Visual Experience

A rave (sometimes referred to as a rave party or simply a party) is an all-night dance event where DJs and other performers play rave music and other types of electronic dance music. The slang expression rave was originally used by people of Caribbean descent in London during the 1960s to describe a party.[1] In the late 1980s, the term began to be used to describe the rave subculture that grew out of the acid house movement. (wikipedia.org)

see.. they called it rave also in house..

Iya....ngerti...tapi konotasi kata RAVE PARTY kalo di indonesia, biasanya khan di pikiran kita2 ( WAH...KENCENG NIH !!!!)......Dan biasanya musiknya yg kenceng2 juga bukan ?

Image "RAVE PARTY" di indonesia selalu membawa genre TRANCE / yg kenceng2 deh.....

nah kalau house - prog house - electro house - tech house pegimane ?????huahuahuhahuahahhuah

dan kita mencoba mencari kata lain selain "RAVE" untuk genre2 tersebut apa ya yg lucu ?

dan bayangan kalian partynya akan seperti apa ? ( Pertanyaan ini khusus House lovers kayaknya deh )

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

emang rave harus selalu diartikan trance yaaa???.........bukanya ada rave untuk semua genre bisa yaaa?? :o

Quote from: djepie on 03/05/07, 03:08
Kalo menurut gue, kata "RAVE" itu identik dengan genre Trance, Prog Trance, dll yang kenceng2 dan megah banget bin dasyat......

kalo house, electro house dan kawan2nya enaknya namanya apa ya ?and dalam bayangan kalian semua ( hayalan ), maunya seperti apa sih acaranya biar seru ????

*piss* *piss* *piss*

wets jgn salah lo rae yg tgl 12 nanti all genre in one.....smua dr house trance proge techno

HOUSE = KOTA lah identiknya...haeuheuaeuhae.....eyang2 jeu kesebut lg nie nama :P  :P

Quote from: Bedjo on 11/05/07, 20:28
HOUSE = KOTA lah identiknya...haeuheuaeuhae.....eyang2 jeu kesebut lg nie nama :P  :P

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

pas waktu retro paranoia beach house di ancol.. semua pada main house and electro.. ribuan orang stay ampe pagi...hehe... tp melodi trance di outdoor party emang dahsyat sih... hehe..

13/05/07, 10:01 #38 Last Edit: 13/05/07, 10:03 by Debon
Quote from: bimzkee on 04/05/07, 11:55
hahaha apalah artinya sebuah nama...

think outside the box... coba cari yg di luar edm namanya tapi ternyata jadi keren..

tanya kenapa?

Lagu lu tele paman dolit!! sok tau bgt si?

House- = Flirt, Sexy, energized, Seductive?? .. More of a feeling and situation rather than a scale or context..

house=housess or homesess.. ;D ;D

Quote from: djepie on 11/05/07, 18:45
Quote from: slabsitut on 08/05/07, 17:08
RAVE = Radical Audio Visual Experience

A rave (sometimes referred to as a rave party or simply a party) is an all-night dance event where DJs and other performers play rave music and other types of electronic dance music. The slang expression rave was originally used by people of Caribbean descent in London during the 1960s to describe a party.[1] In the late 1980s, the term began to be used to describe the rave subculture that grew out of the acid house movement. (wikipedia.org)

see.. they called it rave also in house..

Iya....ngerti...tapi konotasi kata RAVE PARTY kalo di indonesia, biasanya khan di pikiran kita2 ( WAH...KENCENG NIH !!!!)......Dan biasanya musiknya yg kenceng2 juga bukan ?

Image "RAVE PARTY" di indonesia selalu membawa genre TRANCE / yg kenceng2 deh.....

nah kalau house - prog house - electro house - tech house pegimane ?????huahuahuhahuahahhuah

dan kita mencoba mencari kata lain selain "RAVE" untuk genre2 tersebut apa ya yg lucu ?

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

cuman kan biasanya juga kalo setiap ada rave,
pasti ada dj yg genrenya prog/house !
mungkin karena outdoor (beach, pgunungan, utan, etc) lebih cocok dengan yg kenceng2

period. ;D

nurut gua sih kaga perlu dibeda2in namanya (kaleeeeeeee)

House kayak di Sundaze tuh mantab, or di pinggir pantai kayak closing Zouk out kemaren Dj pippy yang maen !!!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


it's a same things "music"

jadi ga usah di beda2in..

Apa aja deh yg penting House !!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
I'm Proud to be a Day Dreamer, coz i dare to lived in Dreams.............

Quote from: Day Dreamer on 27/05/07, 22:00
Apa aja deh yg penting House !!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
i agree house is the basic elements...

klo menurut gw mau trance ato house ga masalah kok...kan ga perlu kenceng2 juga di rave..  *piss*

..Leave me here in my stark, raving, sick, sad little world..!

beach house aja gimana,kaya sub judul dari hed kandi tuh yg tentang house smua *piss* *piss* *piss*

   House =Sore-sore,  di pinggir pantai and cewe-cewe pake bikini sambil joget megang minuman (cocktail) *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss*

Quote from: deefoundation on 05/07/07, 22:56
   House =Sore-sore,  di pinggir pantai and cewe-cewe pake bikini sambil joget megang minuman (cocktail) *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss*

asik tuh..  ;D ;D

..Leave me here in my stark, raving, sick, sad little world..!

Quote from: BlackBolt on 05/07/07, 23:15
Quote from: deefoundation on 05/07/07, 22:56
   House =Sore-sore,  di pinggir pantai and cewe-cewe pake bikini sambil joget megang minuman (cocktail) *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss*

asik tuh..  ;D ;D

asalkan jgn salah megang jadi megang burung aja :-\ ;D