
your opinion about j-lounge

Started by boele 25hours, 02/05/07, 18:53

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ada yg bisa ngasih info tentang j-lounge gak? secara keseluruhan...thanks

Tempatnya bagus!kalo ga sala anak perusahaannya momo spore!
tapi gw pernah ga di bayar waktu pertama kali dia buka!waktu masih di pegang sheila!
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Gw pernah kes J-Lounge>>>secara tempat baguslah...>>wc bersih tp secara sound nggak yah>>>sember gt zob gak enak kitakan mau liat Dj n denger dia maen >>>masa sember sih>>>
We Are Not Anonymous We Are Underground

great place,treasnya asik bgt interiornya juga keren kecil but cozy,tp sound dong tolong........buat yang di speaker luar oke lah...tp di dalem....kalo bisa di upgrade yah...

peace n respect

DJ Echa/gotham8

no comment..  ;D

..Leave me here in my stark, raving, sick, sad little world..!

Equipment (TT,Cdj,Mixer) ok..vibe ok..cuma minumannya kemahalan (standar hotel kali ya?)

tempatnya bagus
ada tiangnya lagi
tp masuk ke dj boothnya knp mst dari bar yahh??
Support Your Lokal dj's

biar seru kali .. jd dj-nya bisa nyobain minum dulu di bar .. *piss*

it's hard to be me, but im happy to be myself.

bad of sound system...  *jlk* *piss*
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

10/07/07, 01:44 #9 Last Edit: 10/07/07, 01:47 by Frico
Seinget gw seh 2-3minggu lalu soundnya uda sempet diganti kok.. Skrg dnger" lg di renovasi lg tuuh.. mudah"an lbh OK pas udah renovasi.. cm minor renovation seh.. (katanya).. geser kaca ke sebelah luaran.. trus ngerubah posisi DJ booth, Jd gak lewat bar lg klo mo ke DJ Booth.. so we juz see and wait till the ronovation done..  ;)