
4 All DJ's... What is ur Favorite/Comfortable "HEADPHONE"

Started by Dimaz, 01/03/07, 20:35

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SONY MDR 7506, gw pake dr thn 96 sampe sekarang msh yg sama.. the best headphone ever...

wow 11 taun ?? tapi pernah service ga mas pite???
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

hmmm klo menurut gue siy semua tergantung dr si pemakai,tergantung doi lbh comfort yg mana...  ;)
khan tingkat ke sensian kuping orang beda2  ;D ;D ;D


RPDJ-1210 TECHNICS ...uda paling the best deh itu..punya gw uda 7 taun gak rusak2...

@romy=bner"...denger tuh kata abang hhee.... :P :P
emang tergantung kuping c hhaaaa.........
breath for the beat...

 Emmmmmmmm ......!Technics  4 now RPDJ 1200/1210"
___________80% dj,s in java n bali use d headphone____
TOETOE A.K.A FREAK.8.EAT winter,writer electronic dance music lovers with a slight scent of cloves learn to create power from magic miracle Of #SANGUAN grant the discourse into reality.

klo gw pake stanton dj pro 3000....tp skarang mau ganti sony MDR 7506 abis stanton patah :'( :'( :'( ama orang yg tidak bertanggung jawab >:( >:( >:( >:(...

 ::) ::)
Sama nih Stanton kita patah ..  :'( :'(
S A M E    S H * T    D I F F E R E N T    D J

Gue sih pada dasarnya suka sama Sony.Tapi kemaren iseng jalan2 ke prj nemu AKG K518.Lumayan ok pas gue coba.Dan murah! (Pengennya sih Senheisser HD25 tapi mahal bgt euy  :-\ )

kalo gw nih sejak pertama kali udah jatuh hati sm headphone sony, pertama gw pake mdrv 500, trus ganti mdrv 700, sekarang gw pake mdrv 7506....tp sebenernya semua balik lg ke selera kuping masing2 sih. cheeersss
" in between the lines "

Ada yang tau gak beli headphone2 DJ merk2 ini dimana:
1. Sennheiser HD 205
2. Stanton DJ pro 50
3. Behringer HPX 2000

ada yang pernah make gak?? ada yang tau harga pastinya?? gw mau beli headphone lagi neh tapi cuma buat latihan2 aja dan untuk cadangan makanya cari yang rada murah dibawah 900rb-an...any idea's????

so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!

beli AKG K518 dimana ya ?
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!

gw mo nanya donk head phone philip bagus g sih?????

klo gw baru bli HDJ 1000,seken siy...
tp msh kliatan baru bgt...n yg jual tmn gw.
di dkt engselnya siy tulisannya made in china,kira2 bagus ga ya?

Quote from: freak 8eat on 06/08/07, 01:03
Emmmmmmmm ......!Technics  4 now RPDJ 1200/1210"
___________80% dj,s in java n bali use d headphone____

betulll bngt ni...

Quote from: DJ Boss on 11/10/07, 03:09
klo gw baru bli HDJ 1000,seken siy...
tp msh kliatan baru bgt...n yg jual tmn gw.
di dkt engselnya siy tulisannya made in china,kira2 bagus ga ya?
ya tergantung juga sih

gw lg bingung neeh antara Technics HDJ 1210 atau HDM 1200  (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

enakan pioneer hdj 1000
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Any that:

1. Fully cover my ears
2. Don't break while I'm mixing
3. Has a good audio range
4. That I don't loose

I've used Stanton, Behringer and Pioneer. Now I'm using some Philips SHP805s. When I was playing in Bali and Lombok the only 'phones I could get there (after I lost my Behringer's) were fairly cheap ones ... around Rp 200,000 I think and they worked fine too. But they did seem to break fairly easily  :-\

I think for comfort it's up to each individual. Don't get fooled into paying for a high priced set of 'phones that don't perform a whole lot better than a medium priced set. Check the dynamic range.

Dream as if you'll live forever: Live as if you'll die tomorrow

An egg is always an adventure: The next one might be different

Play it loud. Play it hard. Party safe

Quote from: Dree_ on 23/10/07, 18:19
enakan pioneer hdj 1000

tapi pioneer hdj 1000 made in china or taiwan.. temen2 gw aja udah banyak yang protes krn banyak yang rusak. Technics HDM 1200 masih made in Japan... Technics HDJ1200/210 juga made in Malaysia... Jadi bingung banget.. Hari ini mau kesana lagi untuk make sure lg deh.. Btw Seinhesier or AKG gmn ???  (?) (?)
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

udah beli neeh Technics HDM 1200...

GOKIL ABIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

technics rpdj 1210, kecil, nyaman, ngebungkam suaranya jg bagus, trus bisa dipake buat mp3 player (suara kapal terbang di sebelah lo pun ga akan kedengeran)

sayang, ud gw jual hiks

Comfortable as, the MDRV500DJ's are good for the price, but if you want a bit extra, go for the 700's. These headphones have crystal clear quality, you can hear all the details, sometimes they are a little bit crackly and fuzz a bit, (i dont know if its the phones or the ipod). They are ultra-quiet, when you have them on loud, noone outside can hear anything.High quality less Bass
Gw bukan dj sih ...tapi mayan juga nih buat denger denger lagu pernah beli di Singapore....hihihihi

Classy and ageless

buat gua SONY MDRV-7506 itu GOKILLLLL!! tapi yg SONY V6 juga bagus!