
Congrats to Indra 7 & Messa!

Started by anggarez, 13/11/07, 12:19

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Selamat ya, all the best brot! semoga langgeng & cepet dpt momongan
" in between the lines "

congratz messa ama indra, sorry ga sempet dateng. semoga awet sampe kakek nenek, cepet berkembang biak hehehe... cheers
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indra...........selamat menempuh hidup baruu...yah...great wedding deh............witing for indra junior to rock the dancefloor nih..hahahahahahahaha

indra & messa... im really sorry gue ga bisa dateng... congrats for both of you... sama seperti uncle scrooge.. semoga awet & selalu bahagia sampe tua renta... and until death do your part...

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@ Dj Ayah, Paman Gober, Bimz, Echa:
Terima kasih buat doa restunya ya teman2...Means a lot to us :)

Indra7 & Messa


maaf ga dateng yaaaaa..

but congratulationsssssssss newlywed!!
am happy for both of you !! :-*
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

hehehe..udah lewat bokkk.huhuhhu...skip ye? ;D ;D
anyway thx ya buat ucapannya,nanti gue sampein ke si messa :)

Bapak Indra, selamat atas pernikahannya.... wah wah maap kagak dateng yaks... semoga langgeng pernikahannya. salam metal selalu

*Image Removed*

wahhh.. sudah bercincin di jari manis nih sekarang oom 7.. :)

selamat yaaaaaa.. ;)
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

congratz yah bro.. maaf banget tidak bisa menghadiri pernikahannya... selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga awet dan langgeng...

cheers ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

loh udah yah !!!

selamat yah bapak indra and ibu messa !!! awet2 terus !! bulan madunya kesini aja sekalian tengokin gw yah..yah !!!!

NB: klo punya anak jangan di tatto langsung ndra !!! *piss*
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


indra the newlyweds !
congrats,sukses buat semuanya.

bner juga tuh kata dedo, ntr aja anak lo kalo udah sma baru di tato hehehe *piss*
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


@dedo & luthfi: Tengs ya bok ;D ;D masalah sang anak ingin punya tato apa ga...terserah mamahnya deh hihihi ;D *piss*

mas indra! congrats! maap saya gak bisa datang :/ huhu

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congrats buat indra7.. punya anak sampe 7 juga gak ya hehe
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

Congrats bro ......Awet2 sampe kakek nenek ya!
Trus Acaranya seru,,,,,sampe pada antri wine...heuheuheueueueu
Ntar kalo dah punya momongan kasih2 tau ya


LOve for u both
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

CONGRATS YAH BRO... from us 2 u both....
have a  great marriage life...hehehehe,,,,

@Digital6: Thank youuuu guyssss!!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Mau dong foto2nya,Man :) Foto2 yg dari fotografer gua belom pada jadi nih.Ntar gue upload deh hehehe

congratz yaa..... ;)
Illusion Visual Player

15/11/07, 07:57 #23 Last Edit: 15/11/07, 07:58 by f_madness
bused...kapan neeeh???
gini nih klo klamaan ngga ke tebet, klewatan smua

btw, mas indra ganteng juga pake jas hehehe
slamat ya, pak!
tatto dicopot ga tuh?