
Monster baru : DJ Bl3nd

Started by Gober, 04/05/12, 16:57

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Satu lagi DJ bertopeng muncul ke permukaan, DJ BL3ND. Secara kreatif dia mencari bentuk topeng yang keren, dan nemulah topeng Chucky, si boneka horor... hahaha...

mixingnya ala steve aoki, ngemix + crowd surfing... gua nemu orang masang videoclipnya di electronic city. bah udah masuk sini aja...

fanbasenya gokil, 1.8 juta facebook fans.


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04/05/12, 21:31 #1 Last Edit: 04/05/12, 21:33 by djdimboy
gw udah lama bgt tau dia di youtube...
emg ni dj creative bgt... awalnya dia buat uploadan video mix2 an nya di youtube trus dia edit2 gt... simple si... tp dia aktif bgt di youtube...
alhasil skrg dia udh banyak fansnya...

applause to dj bl3nd  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
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04/05/12, 21:41 #2 Last Edit: 04/05/12, 21:43 by echaaaa
FYI gosipnya ni dj kegep make script untuk boost viewnya di youtube supaya banyak viewer,ni udah heboh lama di forum dj2 luar ,musicnya sih standar , and he plays mostly youth parties,hey but people like weird stuff

gue suka gayanya yang cuek,original mixnya juga not bad :D