
DJ DENY biography

Started by info, 26/02/04, 18:27

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wetss... baru tau gw ada thread ini...
DJ Deny maen crowd pada melipir... melintir sampe k pinggir!
orangnya baik hati, murah senyum dan bersahaja... ahahaha...  ;D

ayo oom... kita PLUR, BLUR sampe jadi BUBUR lagiii!  8)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Quote from: sonique on 27/03/07, 17:01
wetss... baru tau gw ada thread ini...
DJ Deny maen crowd pada melipir... melintir sampe k pinggir!
orangnya baik hati, murah senyum dan bersahaja... ahahaha...  ;D

ayo oom... kita PLUR, BLUR sampe jadi BUBUR lagiii!  8)

hehehe gokil nech bahasanya soniq...asli ngakak gw....;D ;D ;D

If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

two thumbs up for dj deny and fully support

kalo soal set-nya..
tidak perlu diragukan lagi ya..
pokoknya dj papan atas Indonesia !!!!
maennya donk sama dj-dj kaliber dunia..

tapi yang bikin gue amazed sama dia adalah..
sangat baik hati dan tidak sombong, surely !!!
:-* :-*

ciye deny ciyeee.. uhuy ! ;D ;D

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not