
DJ Indo main di London??

Started by cynthia, 23/02/06, 06:09

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Kalo ada temen2 DJ Indonesia yang mau cari pengalaman main di Club2 in London dan sekitarnya..

atau juga ada temen2 yg mau ngebooking TOP DJ dari London..silahkan hubungin gue.. 8) Ditanggung pake harga Rupiah..dan service komplit...hehehehe :P

And Check out my website @ www.capitalpromotions.net

serius nih,,,,
mau dong gw

di london ada dj jakarta keren banget dan sering maen sama dj2 fabric namanya DJ Frido. coba cek cek deh.. canggih.. maen minimal..

ayo Om2 DJ,,lebarkan sayap ke london....
Illusion Visual Player

13/02/07, 12:51 #6 Last Edit: 13/02/07, 12:53 by antibiotique
Cant open your website...says forbidden...????

wah boleh nih!! ;) penawarannya sampai kapan ya?

Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

Quote from: antibiotique on 13/02/07, 12:51
Cant open your website...says forbidden...????

iye bener...
- freak.culture -

wa hebat juga ya... ^^

udh diurusin tuh visa kerja-nya, etc... ?

All genre?
The things that don't kill, only makes you strong

All genre of house musicaaaaaaaaaaa

boleh donk Tante cynthia buat nambah pengalaman!

techno & trance ga bisa ye..?
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

widih gak kebayang maen di fabric, hahaha fabric 999 kali ye ??
The Music Is The Drugs

nambah pengalaman nambah PD.

performance dan populer meningkat!!

;D mau duumz..
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

mau dong maen live di radio 1 bareng erol alkan dan pete tong ;D
The Music Is The Drugs

wah mau donk maen di london... ;D ;D

whats news update?apa da ada yang kepilih buat maen di london?
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

ayo2 para local dj..
i need to fine a place where i belong..
and take me to a place called home..

Tante Cyntia, setau gw byk DJ2 lokal yg sdg bermukim di london dan sekitarnya untuk kerja/menuntut ilmu yg bs diajak main, trutama di Birmingham tuh,,, nanti saya infokan deeh,,,,
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

mau donk maen di london..caranya bagaimana yahh??
Support Your Lokal dj's

canggih .... hehehe ...
this is where the hungry come to feed...
Im waitin for it to hit me....