

Started by erwiengroovy, 30/12/07, 23:28

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@ ferre

oo jadi kita g bs monitor yg d deck a sm B??wah bner bgt bro smwa krna budget hahaha,, sip2 lo kirimin settngnnnya ok?rumh lo d depok sih bro cb klo d bekasi jg hahaha, insyaallh bro ye gw maen2 sblom blik hehehe

trus bro lo advice k gw bli apa???dan yg jgn mahal yah hihih

beli fast track nya marcell (adagio) aja...hehehe...kayanya reasonable price buat soundcard spek segitu gw rasa itu udah murah...hehehe

@ adagio

nih gw bantuin jualan...komisi ya! hahaha, komisinya bagi lagu2 aja...hihi

nah...mo nanya niy kira2 brp ya budget untk bwat set up HDJ dng sound card external + nambah mixer lg....(PC/laptop ngga termasuk ya, coz udh ada....)

sedoooooooottt mangggggg......^^

@ adagio
wahaha boleh bro d Pm harganya, jgn mahal2 yh??usb ato firewire??


thanks bro bwt masukannya, huah dpt komisi nh??mw jg dong lagu2 nya, boleh g??hihihihi

2.2jt bro.. ga pake pm or secret cause ini harga publish resmi..

ni thread gw di ravelex :

detail spec untuk fast track pro : http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=11209.0

full catalog : http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=11843.msg253849;boardseen#new

call / sms gw aja bro : 0856-9176-8846 / Marcell

beres brother.. buat lo apa sih yang engga... main main lagi lah ke tempat gw. gw juga ngebangun studio kecil sekarang dirumah...

mau dong ikutan mainnya... hehehe...
kapan nih HDJ pada ngumpul or set bareng???
dah gatal nih....

om adagio.. bagi track juga dong..... PM aku yah utk birokrasinya, he he he
just try 2 be cool, be calm and be strong... mr. lonely

Quote from: andie_sanchez on 11/01/08, 09:50
mau dong ikutan mainnya... hehehe...
kapan nih HDJ pada ngumpul or set bareng???
dah gatal nih....

Situ DJ sepi order yah? ;) bercanda lah, tapi ide HDJ itu boleh juga, Lu main aja Ndie, lu kan udah kursus DJ....


brotha2 bantuin setupnya mecah deck a n deck b BDJ ke mixer Stanton gimana yah????

gw pgn mixing pake mixer external......

trus yg dibutuhin apa jah????

minta skemanya yah ehehehehehehehe....tengkyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

yg dibutuhkan, wajib 1 bh mixer ama 1 buah soundcard external yg minimun punya 4 out (kl pake soundcard yg cm punya 1 out, berarti hrs pake ASIO, output line 1 pake soundcard external, sdngkan output line 2 pake soundcard onboard cpu/laptop, kl begini kasusnya kt hrs pake jack adapter dari jack 3.5 (interface ke soundcard onboard laptop/cpu) ke RCA (utk masuk ke input mixer))).

sopewer nya apa an,, kl VDJ...

1. masuk menu CONFIG
2. pilih tab Sound Setup
3. pd menu output, pilih EXTERNAL MIXER
4. pd menu souncard/s tinggal dipilih soundcard external apa yg saat ini sdng di pake
5. pada menu output channels, tinggal tentuin mana output soundcard yg masuk ke line 1 atawpun line 2

mungkin ini yg bisa aku bantu,, kl ada kesalahan mhn koreksi, ataw kl ada kekurangan mohon ditambahkan.. tapi aku pernah pake setup yg begini ini dan sukses,, cek aja di fs ane

www.friendster.com/emcee06   *piss*
just try 2 be cool, be calm and be strong... mr. lonely


tar klo ada gw kirim kirim kesana lagi, gw bagiin lagu sekalian deh. birokrasi apaan? gw bukan birokrat.. heheehe.... ga itung itungan lah jo ma lu..


tadi pagi ane coba nge set midi map utk maenin VDJ pake Vestax vci cepek,,, semuanya udah Ok ,, tinggal nge set jogwheel utk fast search ama scratch, koq gak bisa juga yah >?,, ada yg bisa bantu >?
just try 2 be cool, be calm and be strong... mr. lonely


after benchmarking en adaptasi beberapa hari, i decided untuk switching fully ke digital, so ini setup gw mulai sekarang en so on..

reguler :
sony vaio vgn120q/s
Torq Xponnent
evolution uc33e

tambahan live PA :
korg electribe emx-1
audiofire 4

routingnya sih simple : basically torq en xponnent gue run untuk ngedj biasa, tapi sekaligus slave rewire ke ableton 6, sampler gw ambil en susun semua disana, trus electribe selain masuk analognya soundcard, kabel midi juga masuk buat fitur midi timecode, jadi gw tinggal pencet2 di xponnent en uc33e , semua bisa bunyi sekaligus dari ableton sampe hardware.

ure right brother, tapi bole jujur masi mending gw setup beginian daripada maen timecode yang mesti ngotak atik cdj / turntable venue yang kadang kadang bikin rese.. now gw ga mesti pulang pagi tiap saat.. hahaha...



Ever since the MP3 was introduced to the music market, the share of people who utilize digital sound data has increased exponentially, with software for remixing digital sound data following suit. However, there weren't any interfaces that could live up to the professional DJs and producers real time mixing. At the same time, we received many requests for Vestax to design one. After consideration, we decided not to load a sound card in order to prevent any latency that may be caused from processing massive sound data on the same signal line. The VESTAX VCI-300 is highly PROFESSIONAL with a JOG wheel built with sensor and control technology from our turntables.

Vestax is pleased to announce the new VCI-300 DJ MIDI controller. USB based and featuring two jog wheels with sensor and control technology from Vestax's turntables, the VCI-300 provides professional DJs and Producers with the "feel" of hardware mixing in the software realm.

Vestax has utilized its vest experience as the best DJ hardware manufacturer in the DJ market to design the only control surface that truly serves the Professional DJ/Producer's real time mixing needs. The VCI-300 provides features that blur the line between hardware mixing and software control. The chassis is roughly the size of a standard Laptop, thin but highly durable, compact, and convenient for transportation.

The key to any professional DJ set up is the quality and feel of the "platters." The JOG wheel controls on the VCI-300 are constructed with high resolution pulse sensors, touch sensors, and acrylic platter mechanisms. With this combination, operations such as pitch bending, scanning and scratching can be performed with speed and accuracy. 66 software parameters are assignable to the VCI-300's control section via USB MIDI IN/OUT.

The VCI-300 has excellent compatibility with the new SERATO DJ software and comes with a built-in audio interface with standard 4in/4out and headphone connection, larger & lighter JOG wheels, JOG torque adjustment and other new features!

just try 2 be cool, be calm and be strong... mr. lonely

Sob mau tanya donk...

Echo audiofirewire kan keluarannya 4 channel output mono bukan??

Kalo dimasukin ke mixer DJ beneran jadi 2 stereo gitu (lobang 1 dan 2 = deck A , lobang 3 dan 4 = deck B) atau 2 mono (pake 2 lobang aja terserah yang mana  ;D)??  *piss*

Thank you

Eh ada yang kurang.. kalo emang pake stereo , cara jadiin stereonya pake program tambahan lagi atau udah ada di setingan program dari software DJnya (vdj,traktor,dll) ?

halu...halu...wah !!!!! sebulan gw putus ma net tnyata ktinggalan jauh....hikzzzzz......
pa kabar  F E R R E, dicka, n semuanya....i'm back.....

om adagio gw masih ngiler ma m-audio fast rack...
hikzzz tapi duit blom juga ngumpul........

Misi, gw newbie bgt di bidang kaya gini, gw mau nanya referensi, mending gw pake apa buat controller? Yg kepikiran sampe sekarang sih bcd 3000.
Gw pake macbook, software gw traktor.
Ohya, gw cma pgn jadi bedroom dj aja, jd jgn yg pro2 amat.. ;D

Thx 4 the info

Quote from: erwiengroovy on 25/02/08, 21:25
halu...halu...wah !!!!! sebulan gw putus ma net tnyata ktinggalan jauh....hikzzzzz......
pa kabar  F E R R E, dicka, n semuanya....i'm back.....

om adagio gw masih ngiler ma m-audio fast rack...
hikzzz tapi duit blom juga ngumpul........

kirain ilang kemana ???.....
pa kbar sob ?!

wah brotha pa kabar........! hehehheheheheheh ilang ketelan bumi........!!!!

playstation beatmania console 2 biji, laptop axioo celeron, mixer behringer ancur, n converter ps2 to usb...clear?

sony vaio + M audio konektif Running M Audio Torq (thanx to mr adagio  ;D ;D ;D ;D ),Pioneer EFX 1000 and toshiba external drive as mothership :)


ikut gabung....

Ableton Live :

Acer 5594 limited edition or Apple MacBook Pro
Axiom25 and Trigger Finger
FastTrack pro
Monster cable

Ade Dok.Q