
Pakai DJ Controller di Club/Venue.

Started by The Bobby, 30/06/12, 16:06

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sorry ikutan juga nih, kejadian dulu gw mulai main dari CDJ100 tapi ga punya duit alhasil temen ada yang nawarin buat beli controller. Maenlah gw pake controller di club dan pada suatu malam (jielah) di salah satu club di Jakarta pusat, Laptop gw ng_hang! belum pake MAC tapi masih pake windows. kebayangkan gimana paniknya, dan gw ga bawa CD sama sekali.

Mulai dari saat itu, gw putusin untuk beralih ke CD lagi dan yang gw rasain sampe sekarang, basic DJ dan "feel" nya lebih dapet pas gw maen CD dari pada Controller.

But... balik lagi, semua itu pilihan. i choose to be a "DJ" than being a "HDJ/Controller or whatsoever it is".

yang terpenting, how you deliver your taste of music to the crowds and being a DJ is not that simple!


This is my 1000th aka my first mambo jambo post.. So i will make it count..

Intinya bgini

its the 21st century.. Time for everyone to GROW UP and realize its time to STEP UP THE GAME

Everyone that knows me well, knows that im quite familiar in these 2 different perspective / world...

Side a : the technology bandwagon jumper
u guys.. Mixing uda gampang, even a deaf 98 years old grandma can do ur job with a piece of traktor.. Its called technology.. Then make it sophisticated, complex and unique, instead of LAZY..

side b : the purist / traditionalist / bla bla bla etc etc
Pegang aja terus tu agama n tradisi turntablist n analog n feel apalah segala macem.. Heres a reality check for u:
In mankind history normal path: a tradition, culture, and heritage that cannot adapt nor evolve, they will surely be EXTINCT AND FORGOTTEN.. Pasti!!!

Summary : menjawab semua artikel discussion ravelex soal fdj, crowd, idealisme, club segment etc etc... cb mulai realize deh, kulture global kita sedang bergeser ke sebuah paradigma yang baru.. Start to look yourself as not a DJ anymore.. But an EDM ENTERTAINER PERSONALITY.. Lock that concept in your head.. The rest will follow regarding what u play, what gear, what u wear, how u market urself etc etc etc

Mempersempit pola permasalahan dgn mikirin di dek itu main lagu apa en pake Alat apa will get u nowhere.. Will get indo scene nowhere.. Masalah ada di mindset..

Artinya apa?? Korelasinya apa dengan topik ini?? Figure it out urself..


nyimak sampai subuh... :D :sruput :susu

Quote from: Discomfort on 02/07/12, 23:59
whoa.. big words..

Gini, gw suka EDM, trus iseng2 nyoba2in mixing. Pertama approachnya gak dari turntables, karena gw gak punya duit buat beli turntables. Gw start dari controllers mixer laptop butut dan DESKTOP, maen pake apa? Fruity loops! Gak ada tuh beatmatch2 segala. Nyambung lagu pake ambience noise bikin sendiri. Kurang emg, tapi mau gimana? Orang adanya itu. Pelan2 nabung beli turntables, tapi belum kepake juga, karena belum ada budget buat koleksi plat. Kurang lebih setaun setengah yll, gw ketemu traktor. Mulai belajar ttg beatmatch dari situ. Sure, nyamain tempo emg otomatis. Tapi gw belajar bahwa, "oh, ada lagu yang enak dibeatmatch secara keseluruhan, ada yg enak diambil partsnya aja segini terus di loop, ada ini ada itu, etc". Baru abis itu temen gw ada yg punya vinylnya traktor, dari situ baru belajar beatmatch beneran dikit2. Sekarang udh lumayan bisa beatmatch manual dikit2, jago sih belum. Tapi bisa, dan masih belajar. Jadi track belajar gw reversed. Dan gw yakin, yg track belajarnya gak "umum" gak mesti jadi salah juga. Esensinya apa sih? Jago turntables apa bisa mixing?

Trus, disini gw baca bahwa "budaya jalan pintas dan mau gampang" itu salah satu penyebab melorotnya EDM? Agreed, belajar lah, biar makin perfect, gak ada sih yg namanya mendadak jago, karena semua perlu jenjang. Built your character, learn to create a flow, tell a story with your mix and more. There's a whole lotta stuff to learn out there. Tp kayaknya gak cuma "budaya jalan pintas dan mau gampang" aja sih yg bikin EDM merosot. In my opinion, yg lebih bahaya justru budaya elitist. Di laptop butut gw masih kepasang stiker "ELITISTS ARE THE BIGGEST POSERS", dan gw percaya betul akan itu. Belum apa2 udah bikin elitisasi. "kaum" turntable dan "kaum" kontroler. C'mon guys, jadilah senior yg baik. Gimana mau bisa ada regenerasi kalo gitu caranya? Trus kalo semua orang musti bisa turntable, mau gimana? Bagi2 turntable? Minjem2in turntable ke orang2? Kursus DJ gratis? Nggak juga kan? Bayar kan? Mahal kan? Bayarnya make apa? Untumu?  :-\

Ya elah, gak gitu juga kali. Jalan orang kan beda2. Apa ada jaminan, kalau org pake turntables jago udh pasti jadi dj ( dan selain DJ, PERFORMER / ENTERTAINER ) yg baik? Et belum chenchu chyin. ELITISM itu salah satu gerbang kemudharatan kalo buat gw. Elitists hide behind whatever it is that they THINK makes them ELITE and defend it with all their might. And to build an empire of snobbery based on a tool? Pfft! Tools are nothing but an extension of your body, soul, and mind. THAT is your ultimate weapon, everything else is secondary. So whatever you use, master it and master it well. Make it a part of you, not the other way around.  This is your life, this is your art, never ever ever let anyone tell you what to do unless you think it fits you. And most of all, never stop exploring.


fully agreed......
gw sebagai penikmat, hampir ga peduli tuh para "DJ" maennya pake apaan..
yg penting hasilnya cihui and sesuai selera gw ..  asal ga pake mixtape jadi aja ye..

dari pada maennya jago (mashup bla bla bla) tapi musiknya ga masuk di kuping

Dark Sound , Deep Melody, Psy Rhythm, Techno Bassline

Quote from: AdaGio on 17/07/12, 00:30
This is my 1000th aka my first mambo jambo post.. So i will make it count..

Intinya bgini

its the 21st century.. Time for everyone to GROW UP and realize its time to STEP UP THE GAME

Everyone that knows me well, knows that im quite familiar in these 2 different perspective / world...

Side a : the technology bandwagon jumper
u guys.. Mixing uda gampang, even a deaf 98 years old grandma can do ur job with a piece of traktor.. Its called technology.. Then make it sophisticated, complex and unique, instead of LAZY..

side b : the purist / traditionalist / bla bla bla etc etc
Pegang aja terus tu agama n tradisi turntablist n analog n feel apalah segala macem.. Heres a reality check for u:
In mankind history normal path: a tradition, culture, and heritage that cannot adapt nor evolve, they will surely be EXTINCT AND FORGOTTEN.. Pasti!!!

Summary : menjawab semua artikel discussion ravelex soal fdj, crowd, idealisme, club segment etc etc... cb mulai realize deh, kulture global kita sedang bergeser ke sebuah paradigma yang baru.. Start to look yourself as not a DJ anymore.. But an EDM ENTERTAINER PERSONALITY.. Lock that concept in your head.. The rest will follow regarding what u play, what gear, what u wear, how u market urself etc etc etc

Mempersempit pola permasalahan dgn mikirin di dek itu main lagu apa en pake Alat apa will get u nowhere.. Will get indo scene nowhere.. Masalah ada di mindset..

Artinya apa?? Korelasinya apa dengan topik ini?? Figure it out urself..


me likey.....


Dark Sound , Deep Melody, Psy Rhythm, Techno Bassline

Quote from: opinoviar on 17/07/12, 14:58
dgn apapun mainya yg penting crowd puas bos senang... saya lemas  *tepuktangan*  ;D  ;D

ampun dijeh
rollin' my tracks here!

Woww a really nice post i have to say...

EDM entertainer, what a lovely concept.

secara gear/stage act/technology dll dll gw setuju utk evolve or extinct

tapi mudah"an secara musikalitas masih bisa agak dipertahanin "tradisi, cuture, heritage"

jangan terlalu berubah drastis dalam waktu yang sangat singkat hehehehe imho
Quote from: AdaGio on 17/07/12, 00:30
This is my 1000th aka my first mambo jambo post.. So i will make it count..

Intinya bgini

its the 21st century.. Time for everyone to GROW UP and realize its time to STEP UP THE GAME

Everyone that knows me well, knows that im quite familiar in these 2 different perspective / world...

Side a : the technology bandwagon jumper
u guys.. Mixing uda gampang, even a deaf 98 years old grandma can do ur job with a piece of traktor.. Its called technology.. Then make it sophisticated, complex and unique, instead of LAZY..

side b : the purist / traditionalist / bla bla bla etc etc
Pegang aja terus tu agama n tradisi turntablist n analog n feel apalah segala macem.. Heres a reality check for u:
In mankind history normal path: a tradition, culture, and heritage that cannot adapt nor evolve, they will surely be EXTINCT AND FORGOTTEN.. Pasti!!!

Summary : menjawab semua artikel discussion ravelex soal fdj, crowd, idealisme, club segment etc etc... cb mulai realize deh, kulture global kita sedang bergeser ke sebuah paradigma yang baru.. Start to look yourself as not a DJ anymore.. But an EDM ENTERTAINER PERSONALITY.. Lock that concept in your head.. The rest will follow regarding what u play, what gear, what u wear, how u market urself etc etc etc

Mempersempit pola permasalahan dgn mikirin di dek itu main lagu apa en pake Alat apa will get u nowhere.. Will get indo scene nowhere.. Masalah ada di mindset..

Artinya apa?? Korelasinya apa dengan topik ini?? Figure it out urself..



Quote from: opinoviar on 17/07/12, 14:58
dgn apapun mainya yg penting crowd puas bos senang... saya lemas  *tepuktangan*  ;D  ;D


Udahlah gausah terlalu fokus sama gear..fokus aja sama musik
I love all kinds of house, but i love that deep shit, the real shit, makes you bump your head..

18/07/12, 16:25 #35 Last Edit: 18/07/12, 16:26 by AdaGio
makasi yang udah PM PM makian makian n ngoceh panjang lebar soal seni DJ n scratching en tai kucing lainnya
  *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

obviously u dont know me enough, to know that im also start my days from those golden times ( Vinyl era )
menang kompetisi pake cdj aja ga pernah, ini mau nguliahin gue... zzzzz... LOL deh...

lucu yaah.. ini sebenernya siklus ulangan.. yang ngemaki soal cdj over kontroller n traktor, is the same generation / type of people yang ngocehin soal Turntable VS CDJ..

tinggal progresinya : scratch n drop needle - pres play n baca bpm - press play n auto sync and it wouldnt stop..

tapi oke, untuk mempersingkat dan memberi jawaban yang praktis

wheter or not if im in a position to have a choice, en kontroller yang gue bawa itu cuma maen 2 dek tanpa sampler efx etc etc (yg artinya scara prinsip gada bedanya sama alat di club):

i will vote YES.. i STILL chooose controller over cdj / club rigs

simple.. sekalipun mungnkin alat di club itu lebih mahal n gokil daripada alat bawaan lu sendiri. its still your own piece of shit.. alat yang lu kenal baik karena lu latihan pake itu n semua konfigurasi setting loe disitu sehingga JAMINAN loe akan lebih bisa all out n comfort ya tentunya ada di alat itu..

depend on club rigs?? yakin 100 persen semua club yang loe gig maen pasti pake cdj2000 n djm2000? ato djm800?? klo bicara aspek pemahaman alat, secara nalar lebih aman n masuk akal yang mana??

perumpamaan bodohnya kaya gini : Noel Gallagher dah puluhan tahun perform pake epiphone supernova series harganya ga seberapa, trus tiba2 sama promoter dijejalin dikasi PRS Tremonti yang harganya 30juta.. mau ga dia pake??? i dont think so.. ( yes guys DJ can also act as a pure entertainer behaviour.. asal jgn betingkah2 amat ya )

satu lagi...
ada fakta nyata dari pengalaman yang pasti temen2 pernah rasain, bahwa tidak ada jaminan yang namanya semua Club Sound setup itu pasti BEBAS MONITORING DELAY.. trus kalo gue dikatain emang DJnya aja kurang canggih kupingnya ato adaptasinya..
SORRII YEEE.. gue mendingan baca n ngandelin waveform ato mencet SYNC sekalian the whole FCUKing set daripada mesti ngorbanin kuping gue ngebejek monitor poll2an depan muka gue cuma supaya beat sync aman n nyenengin lu pade yang nyolot di dek ngeliatin gue padahal ngasi duit kagak...

#WHYSOSERIOUS    its music....!!

u ask me...

gue mending pake bcd2000 tapi semua filter n repeater efek maen maksimal sama sampler2nya skalipun ditrigger pake laptop doang

daripada pake djm 2000 yang mewahnya ampun tapi celingak celinguk sepanjang set en cuma bisa maenin echo / delay roll


Quote from: AdaGio on 18/07/12, 16:25
makasi yang udah PM PM makian makian n ngoceh panjang lebar soal seni DJ n scratching en tai kucing lainnya
  *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

obviously u dont know me enough, to know that im also start my days from those golden times ( Vinyl era )
menang kompetisi pake cdj aja ga pernah, ini mau nguliahin gue... zzzzz... LOL deh...

lucu yaah.. ini sebenernya siklus ulangan.. yang ngemaki soal cdj over kontroller n traktor, is the same generation / type of people yang ngocehin soal Turntable VS CDJ..

tinggal progresinya : scratch n drop needle - pres play n baca bpm - press play n auto sync and it wouldnt stop..

tapi oke, untuk mempersingkat dan memberi jawaban yang praktis

wheter or not if im in a position to have a choice, en kontroller yang gue bawa itu cuma maen 2 dek tanpa sampler efx etc etc (yg artinya scara prinsip gada bedanya sama alat di club):

i will vote YES.. i STILL chooose controller over cdj / club rigs

simple.. sekalipun mungnkin alat di club itu lebih mahal n gokil daripada alat bawaan lu sendiri. its still your own piece of shit.. alat yang lu kenal baik karena lu latihan pake itu n semua konfigurasi setting loe disitu sehingga JAMINAN loe akan lebih bisa all out n comfort ya tentunya ada di alat itu..

depend on club rigs?? yakin 100 persen semua club yang loe gig maen pasti pake cdj2000 n djm2000? ato djm800?? klo bicara aspek pemahaman alat, secara nalar lebih aman n masuk akal yang mana??

perumpamaan bodohnya kaya gini : Noel Gallagher dah puluhan tahun perform pake epiphone supernova series harganya ga seberapa, trus tiba2 sama promoter dijejalin dikasi PRS Tremonti yang harganya 30juta.. mau ga dia pake??? i dont think so.. ( yes guys DJ can also act as a pure entertainer behaviour.. asal jgn betingkah2 amat ya )

satu lagi...
ada fakta nyata dari pengalaman yang pasti temen2 pernah rasain, bahwa tidak ada jaminan yang namanya semua Club Sound setup itu pasti BEBAS MONITORING DELAY.. trus kalo gue dikatain emang DJnya aja kurang canggih kupingnya ato adaptasinya..
SORRII YEEE.. gue mendingan baca n ngandelin waveform ato mencet SYNC sekalian the whole FCUKing set daripada mesti ngorbanin kuping gue ngebejek monitor poll2an depan muka gue cuma supaya beat sync aman n nyenengin lu pade yang nyolot di dek ngeliatin gue padahal ngasi duit kagak...

#WHYSOSERIOUS    its music....!!

wuuiih.. sampe dapet pesan cinta gara² beginian..
btw you have my full respect bro    four thumbs up!!
Dark Sound , Deep Melody, Psy Rhythm, Techno Bassline

Quote from: AdaGio on 18/07/12, 16:30
u ask me...

gue mending pake bcd2000 tapi semua filter n repeater efek maen maksimal sama sampler2nya skalipun ditrigger pake laptop doang

daripada pake djm 2000 yang mewahnya ampun tapi celingak celinguk sepanjang set en cuma bisa maenin echo / delay roll


Cool... *bgs* Gak jadi masalah alatnya model APA, yang penting tangan SIAPA yang mengendalikan.
Tapi bener juga tuh kata Echaaa, jangan tergantung sama satu model alat tertentu. Harus coba model ini itu juga buat back up, jadi gak manyun kalo tiba-tiba disodorin alat yang gak familiar. Habis mau gimana donk, kalo latihan di studio ujung2nya ketemu model itu itu lagi (CDJ 850/900/1000). Kalo sering gonta-ganti model nanti kena penyakit ELET KELEMEN, mulai ngelantur deh gue. ;D

Quote from: AdaGio on 18/07/12, 16:30
u ask me...

gue mending pake bcd2000 tapi semua filter n repeater efek maen maksimal sama sampler2nya skalipun ditrigger pake laptop doang

om bisa bantu kah set efx di bcd3000 ane hehehehe nah loh kok jadi BM ya gw hahaha

tp ini serius need your help Mr Adagio

Quote from: The Bobby on 18/07/12, 18:37
Quote from: AdaGio on 18/07/12, 16:30
u ask me...

gue mending pake bcd2000 tapi semua filter n repeater efek maen maksimal sama sampler2nya skalipun ditrigger pake laptop doang

daripada pake djm 2000 yang mewahnya ampun tapi celingak celinguk sepanjang set en cuma bisa maenin echo / delay roll


Cool... *bgs* Gak jadi masalah alatnya model APA, yang penting tangan SIAPA yang mengendalikan.
Tapi bener juga tuh kata Echaaa, jangan tergantung sama satu model alat tertentu. Harus coba model ini itu juga buat back up, jadi gak manyun kalo tiba-tiba disodorin alat yang gak familiar. Habis mau gimana donk, kalo latihan di studio ujung2nya ketemu model itu itu lagi (CDJ 850/900/1000). Kalo sering gonta-ganti model nanti kena penyakit ELET KELEMEN, mulai ngelantur deh gue. ;D

reneeebbbbb banget

19/07/12, 11:15 #41 Last Edit: 19/07/12, 11:27 by muhammad gia
saya biasa main pake controller bro, yg jelas pake cotroller lebih ribet masangnya suka ganggu dj yg lain,udah gitu kesempatan erornya lebih besar karena emang yg di andelin dari performa laptopnya, kalo disaranin ya lebih baik pake cdj broo, kalo masalah skill tiap alat & softwere punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing masing,gimana si broo cara maksimalinya aja, & suara output yg keluar kayaknya lebih bagus pake cdj broo, goodluck ya bro buat karir dj ing nya, sukses

20/07/12, 20:54 #42 Last Edit: 20/07/12, 21:11 by echaaaa
turntables ... till i die ... evolusi gw mentok di DVS System , cdj pun karena terpaksa (for dj set)

u mad?  ;D  ;D ;D ;D

20/07/12, 21:53 #43 Last Edit: 20/07/12, 21:55 by echaaaa
you guys do reallize that im trolling here right  ;D ;D ;D ;D

gw ga anti midi,midi gear gw sekamar penuh   hahahahahaha #whysoserious

I'm the midi generation,, bahkan nyentuh turn table aja gw merinding ketakutan, tp ada hal yg bisa dilakukan dengan Midi Controller dan menurut gw lebih seru.. yaitu Midi Live Controllerism.. kayak yg dilakuin sama Kang Wiwied Wicaksono dari Oriental Flux.. dulu doi main Trance Live PA pake hardware. pas udah eranya midi Doi main Live PA pake Ableton and some Midi stuff.. tetep Cool buat gw. maap kalo jadi OOT... hehehehe CMIIW
rollin' my tracks here!

Taken from A-Trak Article on Huffinton Post (yang ga tau sapa itu A-Trak can go fuck themselves,seriously?this dude is huge!)

There's a new buzz-word in the world of DJing: "Button Pushers." As the DJ moves from club booths to festival stages, the equipment has become increasingly varied. And as the lines continue to blur between a DJ who mixes and a producer who presses play, questions of authenticity have been raised. I should mention that I am a DJ myself. I won five world DJ championships (yes, there is such a thing) at a young age, and this has been my career for 15 years, so I feel a certain responsibility to weigh in on the subject.
Traditionally, a DJ spun vinyl records on turntables and would change his set every night. So what about guys who play on laptops? Those who spend more time raising their hands than mixing? Or those whose presence is lost behind intricate light shows? Esteemed electronic producer deadmau5, who recently graced the cover of rock bible Rolling Stone wearing his namesake, robo-rodent mask, decided to blow the whistle himself with a refreshingly frank tumblr post entitled "We All Hit Play." Explaining how his pre-planned stage show works, he admits that the term "live" is an overstatement. But his tone is strangely defensive and he unjustly lumps DJs into the argument, reducing their craft to mindless beat-matching: "I had that skill down when I was 3."
Coincidentally, the same week the DJ world was set a-twitter (literally) by SNL-worthy videos of Paris Hilton's inaugural DJ set. In fact, this DJ-as-Milli-Vanilli debate started simmering last summer with the emergence of a YouTube clip entitled "Steve Angello -- How To Fake Your Fans." It showed the Swedish House Mafia DJ playing 15 minutes of a pre-recorded set from a single CD deck. He later explained that this was the finale of a show where fireworks, pyro and CO2 were timed with certain cues and that it was impossible to perform this segment while mixing live. Having seen Steve mix in front of me many times I can attest to his (actually remarkable) DJ skills. But let's back up a bit: fireworks, pyro and CO2 with house music? Something new is going on here...
A large part of the attention that DJs are getting at the moment is due to the Electronic Dance Music explosion. There's another buzzword for you: EDM. For better or worse, this rising genre is dominated by laptop production whizzes who do not play live instruments. Thus, there are inherent challenges to what an EDM performance can be. Look no further than this year's Grammy Awards: the way David Guetta and deadmau5 were lumped with Chris Brown and the Foo Fighters seemed like an awkward foreign exchange, didn't it? But Guetta and Mr. Mau5's music is catchy and hugely successful. Fans want to experience it in large venues, so there is a need to build a show around it.
Festivals started spending millions equipping their stages with the biggest LED panels and brightest lights, competing with rivals all in the name of this "experience." Now we are in the middle of an arms race where every DJ tries to out-do the next one with shock and awe. As the performance aspect becomes predominant, a paradigm shift is underway. Crowds used to come see DJs for a musical journey. Now they expect to hear specific songs and furthermore, they want to see a show. I can attest to this myself: the craziest crowd response that I get in my sets is when I play my own tracks, and I built a huge, illuminated A-shaped structure that I bring to my biggest gigs. But one has to wonder, when so much emphasis is put on hit records and mise-en-scène: is there still room for DJ skills?
I come from the most technical tradition of hip hop DJing, known as turntablism. I practiced daily for years with monastic discipline, learning and creating intricate patterns of scratching, beat juggling and trick mixing. To me there is a certain romance to this arcane craft. To me this is DJing, an art that fascinates because it's a subversive way of playing music. In any genre -- whether it be hip hop or electronic music -- DJing is equal parts technique and selection. A good set is like a convincing speech: the message is as important as the delivery. The magic happens when the tracks are assembled in front of (and in reaction to) a given crowd. When a DJ mixes, his creative effort takes place on the spot. In contrast, for a performer like deadmau5, the creative tour de force takes place ahead of time, in the conceptual stages of his show, and he is then able to execute it like a theatre play. Good theatre is entertaining, it is moving and certainly has value. This is a classic dispute of apples and oranges, and deadmau5's only mistake in his tumblr post is trying to compare the two. I happen to know him; he's a smart guy and he can take a joke. I also think he doesn't fully understand -- or care for -- what DJing is at the core, but that doesn't take away from his talent.
Recently there was a very cogent editorial post on the EDM blog Dancing Astronaut entitled "Dance Music Has Gone Mainstream But It Doesn't Have To Sell Out." It accused EDM DJs of becoming complacent in their selection. The writer states: "What worries me is not that DJs are simply 'pressing play', but that they're pressing play on the same tracks in the same order night after night after night." This is very true and might be the source of deadmau5's confusion. For the DJs who bounce from venue to venue, playing the same set without the redeeming quality of a personalized stage production, there is no excuse. This laziness is actually giving "live" performances more value! After any big EDM festival, look up the DJ playlists. They're frighteningly similar. This scene is turning into a caricature. Explosions, private jets, standing on tables (I plead guilty to the latter), and now carbon copy playlists... The hair metal soap opera of EDM risks devaluing a culture that has waited for its big break for 30 years.
Real DJing lives when you witness someone play for hours and take risks, reading the crowd and surprising them at the same time. On festival stages, it makes sense to use fool-proof equipment and put together a spectacular show. In today's context, wouldn't it be fair to say that the holy grail is a live performance that has the flexibility to integrate true improvisation? That is the ultimate win-win. To the DJs who choose to bypass the LED screen arms race and stick to their decks, I respect that too. Just make sure you give your audience something new every night. If you want to play David to deadmau5's Goliath, earn it. Challenge yourself to challenge the crowd. And to all the new fans just discovering this genre, come to the shows with an open mind. Don't just wait to hear the songs you already know. There's a reason you're not watching a band. DJing is still at the cutting edge of new music. Let yourself be surprised.

DJ : bisa tt, bisa cdj, bisa lainnya.....

Electronic Music Musicians: maen live...tp kadang ga bisa tt, cdj dll.

Semuanya sah sah aja...asal jangan belum apa2 udh ngaku DJ, padahal ga bisa menggunakan dgn baik dan bijak alat dj, toh dgn pakai kontroller lainnya juga udh keren, asal satu sekali lagi, ga perlu melebih-lebihkan dgn proklamir dirinya sbg DJ.

Tp ga tau juga ding ya.....wkwkwkkwk...cuka iseng komen aja nih dr kantor sambil killin' time puasa....mari lanjutkan debatnya oom tante...saya nongton lagi deh *PIS
what we want what we believe

Siang Everyone :)

Well i have been a DJ for not a long time but i played for one of the biggest radio in the world of R&B and Hip Hop in Canada. I used Old School TurnTables and i love it. but the need for mobility and the fast paste of technology give us the opportunity to expand and explore more. DJ Controllers are good too it makes life easier and focus more on production. I have been in many clubs in Jakarta as a clubber and a DJ the Sad part in this is almost all DJ's / clubs are playing same songs, same melodies as if no creativity in the DJ side. just "Copy and Paste" everyone is playing Pitbull, Jenny, LFMO.....:D....
At least if a DJ cant produce his Owen music due to lack of hardware i suggest to create your own play list and not copy someone else's. Creativity starts from there. this way you can put your Owen touch and style and the crowd feels that you are unique and not just another Hit button.
in conclusion using TT or Controller does not make difference as long as you know how to be unique and put your soul into your art work. DJ is not a Job its an Art.

Best Regards
I'm a househead forever At least until I die.

Setuju sama om Diskomport n Adagio.
I am a gear whore, the more gear the better, as long as you can utilize the gear you have to its fullest extent, if not, then its just all dead weight. That said, bukan berarti DJ skills itu ga penting, penting banget, especially if you call yourself a DJ, which im not.