
pendapat lo tentang dj osvaldo........!!!!!!!!!!???????????

Started by RoniJoni, 25/09/06, 00:38

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mamet ya ooss.. :-*

kayanya sih bukan labelnya doang yang baru..

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Oos, selamet ya dah masuk 1945MF !!!  *tepuktangan*

Mudah2an karir lo makin sukses...btw gagal nih kita kopdar, lo dah balik aja ke negeri tirai bambu...

Jangan lupa os buka cabang PT. Lendir Sentosa di sono... ;D

Bro, congratz yaa masuk 1945 MF  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Woooow makin dasyat aja neeeh oos  ;D ;D ;D Tapi akhirnya kita ketemu jugaaa ya os  ;) ;)
- Music is a journey where human can find the meaning of life in it -

sobb congratz masuk mf ehheeh,smoga makin sukses kedepan :)
trance is the music for god!!!

gua dah balik lg k negri panda..heuehueeu

iiihhhh..kapan lu nge-buzz gua?...gua kmrn 2 minggu an d jkt...

tengkyu broooo

wkakakakka..rese lu kess

tengkyu broo..untuk cabang PT.LEndir lagi diurus ijin usahanya..ehwueehuheuhe

whahhahahahaa..tengkyu den..itu flashdiscnya sebenernya udah dibuking sm yg X2..heuheuehe

tengkyu bro...kurang2in lah..hehehehe

tengkyu sobbb....sukses juga ya buat elu...


wuaahh.. terlambat niyh saya komen disini... hehehe....

selamat ya brade OS... sukses terus bro....

*tepuktangan*   the one and only.. Osvaldo   *tepuktangan*
* For those about to Trance.. we Salute you *

congrats,sob atas label baru dan manajer baru ;D

tengkyu broo..sukses juga yaaa....

siapp..mari kita back to back..heuehuehe

tengkyu brotherrrr.....


o'os? bu zi dao!..hahaha! latian dr ratih os. asli dah, dj yg atu ini otaknya jenius ampe lubang an*s utk masalah trance! apalagi lagu yg ada vocal ratih..wuidiiih..ciamik! ^o^

well well..welcome to selamat bergabung bersama kami dan with us yg cihui2 ini os.salamaaaaaan!
lu kirimin fotolu yg paling cihui..nti gw bikinin profile yg krennn buat luh!

wo ai ni!

- embi1945MF creative department -

congratz ya bro atas label barunya.. *bgs*
makin gahar aja nih dirut PT LS huaehuaehuae..
btw gw mau dong mixtape yg lo bikin di Raja's kemaren ;D
"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul."

whuehuehuee..siap broo..lu add YM gua / msn dong..
YM: oos_nugroho@yahoo.com
MSN: oos_nugroho@hotmail.com

hihihi..siap broo...eh..awas lu ntar kena elephant leg...whhaakkakakkakaka

mau kris..lg bingung milih kepala cabangnya ni...heuheuheu


kl lu sm PIK levelnya udah bukan kepala cabang lg kris..itu masuk komisaris pemegang saham dong..kita hrs cari bibit2 baru yg berbakat..diutamakan wanita..


Selamat ya oos, sayang kmaren ga sempet bikin event bareng yaa.

Sukses y Bro..

Quote from: goTham8 on 20/02/08, 14:16
Selamat ya oos, sayang kmaren ga sempet bikin event bareng yaa.

Sukses y Bro..

tengkyu broooo..sukses yaaaa...


ehem...om Oos..


Sukses trus ya om..

kyknya kita susah bgt ketemu ye? hihi...
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

Congrats Oos... Sukses trus ya bro ;)

@Chris: penting tuh bibit2nya... uh apa lagi yg bisa jepit2 kaya kepiting :o kakakakaka :P

@ R angel
heuehue...iya ni...susah bgt ketemunya..sukses jg yaakk..

siaaaapppp my liquid brotherrr..!!!!!


bungkusin amoy donk...  ;D

sukses bradeerr...
DALTON's Family
Dance Without Moving

baru sekali ketemu Oos waktu di V2....sebelumnya cuma bisa ketemu lewat cerita2x serunya di Yamess room...;D ;D ;D

nice person.......;)
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)