
siapa ajah sih dj hip hop or anak2 hip hop yang ada disini?

Started by Funk, 14/04/08, 01:07

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ada pergerakan bawah tanah nih :P
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)



MAKSUD LOE !! jablay !!

ini cuma mau ngumpulin aja, klo loe suka sama strongernya kanye yah just shout your name bro !!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Quote from: dedoSixteen on 15/04/08, 18:46
klo loe suka sama strongernya kanye yah just shout your name bro !!

iya deh do gw udah hiphop tulen sekarang .

*piss* do
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


[last update 16.04.08]

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


hahahaha.... ada2 ajah om Fafan...
tapi, tak apalah... dilanjut ...

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz

lanjuuuutt de'...

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz
12. DJ Think (TheWave, JakClubbers.com, Digitized)

 *Image Removed*

Quote from: Funk on 15/04/08, 15:37
Quote from: Andre Vus Lounge on 15/04/08, 04:03
every wednesday @vu's lounge bogor

is hip hop nite...



guys, hari rabu ke bogor yukz.. siapa tau dapat tanggal.. heuheuheu..

ayoooo fan....
direalisasikan ...
kayaknya pihak Vu's tidak akan pernah keberatan .. (bukankah begitu pak Andre ??)
wakakakakakakak ...

kapan......??? kapan..... ???


straight from M BAR GO Bali,

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*


Quote from: th1nk_th0nk on 16/04/08, 08:59
lanjuuuutt de'...

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz
12. DJ Think (TheWave, JakClubbers.com, Digitized)

13. MC Vibes

walaupun gue ga nge'dj dan sekarang gue uda jarang rnb'an lagi, tapi gue jamin, hampir semua anak2 EDM startnya dari hip-hop rnb. Klo ngomingin MC, gue ambil contoh P double sama MC Joey SOZ. Malah, sampe sekarang aja gue masih belajar banyak sama mc2 hip hop.. Vocab mereka gokiiilll...!!! Salute *bgs* *bgs*

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...

Teman-teman penggila hiphop, SNoop Dogg dengan Sensual Seduction / Sexual Eruption membawa angin segar ke dunia HIPHOP bro.

Gokil coi!

Remix dong...hehehh
Keep on dancing and on and on and on and so on!

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz
12. DJ Think (TheWave, JakClubbers.com, Digitized)
13. DJ Venom C (TNA/Mustang 88)
14. DJ Slim-b (The Wave)
15. DJ Sony (The Wave/DMC)
16. DJ hilda
17. DJ scarab-d (TNA)
18. DJ Shamp (Digitized)

ad lagi mungkin yang ingin menambahkan?
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
 *Image Removed*

jo, maksud gw cuma yang ada di ravelex ajah.. kalo gak ada disini berarti gak masuk list.. dan kalo mau masuk, itu harus org yang bersangkutan.. gak boleh diwakili.. gitu jo.. jadi yg dari no 13-18 di daftar lu gak masuk ya..
FaFan (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)

itu lagu favorit gw juga tuh.. belum sempet gw remix sih.. tapi gw punya 12 versi remix nya.. btw, shout ur name dong.. biar masuk list..
FaFan (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)

MC Vibes is in the house, yooooooooo...........!!!!

*bgs* *bgs*
FaFan (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)

thanks atas bantuannya ya, dude..

[guys, last update nya ada di postingan gw yang pertama ya..]
FaFan (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)

Representin Benhil City Rockerz/Equinox/Freesouls/

DJ SchizO Reporting In !!
- Im None of Wat They Say Disc Jockey -
- Im Just A Musician -

g bukan DJ bro. cuma penikmat musik sejati. mai nem is fandy bai de wei!
Keep on dancing and on and on and on and so on!

Quote from: vinodii on 15/04/08, 15:09
tapi kalo buat lagu2nya gw masih ada tp dah ga update..
tapi masih suka dengerin lahh..

mm ada DJ Vanda loch mas fafan.. hehe
tp msh suka dengerin kan?hehe.. shout ur name bro..

taun kmrn sih msh sering ktmu vanda, coz gw sering main di boshe jogja..
just info, in late 2005, I become the 2nd champion 7 Soundsations DJ Competition Kuta Karnival, Kuta Beach, Bali.. dan yang jadi juara 1 itu DJ VANDA..
FaFan (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)


Maaf deh jo....gw kira boleh di wakilkan..hehehehehehe.....

*piss* *piss* *piss* *piss*
 *Image Removed*

[last update 16-04-08]

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz
12. DJ Think (TheWave, JakClubbers.com, Digitized)
13. VJ IVANGILA a.k.a THE FLAVA from DUO (Bali)
14. MC Vibes
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


ktinggalan 1 tuh jo.. mbahnya equinox.... ;D *piss*

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz
12. DJ Think (TheWave, JakClubbers.com, Digitized)
13. VJ IVANGILA a.k.a THE FLAVA from DUO (Bali)
14. MC Vibes
15.DJ Schizo

**besok kita rubah aja RAVELEX jadi RAVELHOPKOTA (Ravers & Electronic, Hiphop, Funky Kota)  :P


diungkit lagi tuh.......
Keep on dancing and on and on and on and so on!