
siapa ajah sih dj hip hop or anak2 hip hop yang ada disini?

Started by Funk, 14/04/08, 01:07

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Quote from: bullebali on 16/04/08, 23:33
**besok kita rubah aja RAVELEX jadi RAVELHOPKOTA (Ravers & Electronic, Hiphop, Funky Kota)  :P

waduhhh... kok jd gini... :o :-\ :-\ :-X

sekedar mo tau aja kok mas bule... ada berapa dj hiphop dan yg suka hiphop ada di ravelex... *piss*


wah sob..sorry nih..ini nih yang mancing masalah, kita cuma mau tau kok ada berapa orang sih, yang join di ravelex? itu aja, berarti anak hiphop INDONESIA juga peduli sama kemajuan EDM indonesia.. and if you're talking about FUNKOT??  sorry mate.. we already know that we are not allowed to discuss that in ravelex..

peace out *piss*
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


[17-04-08] update

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz
12. DJ Think (TheWave, JakClubbers.com, Digitized)
13. VJ IVANGILA a.k.a THE FLAVA from DUO (Bali)
14. MC Vibes
15.DJ Schizo ( Benhil City Rockerz/Equinox/Freesouls )
16. Fandi a.k.a Sakuragi
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo



jooo...sorry nih i just saw your picture.no offence yah, cuma jangan foto itu lah, i dont think that it's right for u to use it. We are in ravelex, so just be cool, dont try to make any mischief..kita lagi mencoba berdamai nih, di thread ini aja udah aja yang coba bikin jelek.. okay..

peace ah !!

For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


do, ade club2club masukin dong.
mixingnya keren tuh.
potong tengah terus ;D ;D
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)



nyet..please nyet..please..kita cuma mau tau doang kok ada berapa orang sih, jadi jangan loe ancur2in yah..please klo ngga DVD A&B nya ngga akan nyampe di elo
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Sebenernya, orang2 yg STICK to one genre misalnya HIPHOP ato EDM then talk bad things about other genre.............

that is just full of hypocracy bro!

kalo ga suka ma sebuah aliran, yaa diemin aja kale...ga usah ampe talking bad things gtu...

sorry bro rada panas! Abisnya konflik mlulu soal ginian...Tujuan orang yg bikin thread ini kan baik!

emangnya kalo daftar di RVLX ga boleh menyukai genre laen ape??

music is a universal language! and to be honest, walau g asik banget dengerin Trance music, g juga asik aj denger SNOOP DOGG doin his thing!

g jg respect ma dangdut!

Peace donggg peaceeeeee!!!!!!

@HZ: better you listen to dedo advice about that picture.

Keep on dancing and on and on and on and so on!

@ tmen2 yg di atas

pokoknya kita semua harus Full suport buat hip hop..

tidak ad keributan walaupun banyak perbedaaan...

Suport for hip_hop

*piss* *piss* *piss* *piss*

 *Image Removed*

@dedoSixteen & s4kur4gi

siap pak.... sudah dirubah...
thanks for ur advice...  *bgs*

guys, back to topic yach... jangan ada yang memperkeruh suasana lagi.

hip hop harus maju terus... PUT U'R HANDS UP  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*


aduh kejadian lagi nih.. padahal dari awal gw udah bilang, gw gak ada maksud apa2 kok.. just want to know ajah.. dan klo ada yg pengen memperkeruh suasana, mari kita tanggepin dgn kepala dingin.. so far qta punya hubungan yang SANGAT BAIK ama dj2 dan icon2 EDM. just info, sebelum acara 6 hours set gw, gw interview Clubhoppers di Indika ama Marquee n Nismul.. barengan ama Ardy Pite, Riri, Bone, dll.. dan mrk semua support gw.. trus kemarin waktu acara Futurekulture nya Future10 di XLV, gw share the deck ama Hogi, Agrikulture, Ethnic, dll.. trus bsk d REDMA 2008 FINAL AWARDING NIGHT yg main di Equinox ada Agrikulture, Electronic Grooves, Cream, Ethnic, dll.. maksud gw, kok kita bisa akur di dj booth n di club tapi di forum qta berantem.. ya udahlah, guys.. gak usah dibahas panjang lebar lagi.. mending qta prepare buat ke X2 weekend bsk.. sabtunya ada REDMA 2008 THE FINAL NIGHT.. dan minggu nya ada TIESTO..!!

so, let's get back to the right track.. k?

[last update 17.04.08 - http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=14598.0]
FaFan (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)

Bro, g baru dapet remixnya sensual seduction ganti judul jadi sexual eruption!

Snoop Dogg jg yg vocaling!

U know snoop dogg lahhhh!!!

Keep on dancing and on and on and on and so on!

Quote from: dedoSixteen on 17/04/08, 08:05

nyet..please nyet..please..kita cuma mau tau doang kok ada berapa orang sih, jadi jangan loe ancur2in yah..please klo ngga DVD A&B nya ngga akan nyampe di elo

dedooo, g juga mau donk DVDnyaaaaaa.....
All people smile in the same language...

gue jg mauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

sebagai pengganti gue gk jadi liat lo maen bola di uk!!!!!!!!!

;D ;D ;D
underground movements...

DVD apaan nehh??

g kalo ikut2an minta boleh ga? walau ga tau ape2
Keep on dancing and on and on and on and so on!

Dooo.... gw ya do yaa, ya do yaa, dedo baik yaaa,,,,, :-*
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

okay..murah sih harganya..gw check deh klo masih ada..cuma datenganya ke indo junian gitu, nunggu anak2 ada yang pulang !!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Tnx a lot for electronic dance music ravers who supports hiphop also..meant a lot !
the bottom line iz, whoever u are, whatever ur music genre's, just respect each other..
and everythins gonna be all rite hommiezz  *tepuktangan*

Schizo for indonesian Music Lovers !!  *piss*
- Im None of Wat They Say Disc Jockey -
- Im Just A Musician -

jazzy jeff

a trax

scratch perverts

DJ Kraze

Kid Koala

the alter ego  :P

dedo im in..........


Quote from: dedoSixteen on 17/04/08, 07:06

wah sob..sorry nih..ini nih yang mancing masalah, kita cuma mau tau kok ada berapa orang sih, yang join di ravelex? itu aja, berarti anak hiphop INDONESIA juga peduli sama kemajuan EDM indonesia.. and if you're talking about FUNKOT??  sorry mate.. we already know that we are not allowed to discuss that in ravelex..

peace out *piss*

masalahnya ???  (?) (?) (?)

[18-04-08] update !

1. DJ FAFAN (Rhythm/X-Lounge/ASV Remix)
2. DJ SIXTEEN ( kinky kong )
3. Radd of FREESOULS   
4. DJ DIMAZ of EQUINOX / X2... a.k.a DIMZ-Q a.k.a "Soldier of Hip-hop"
5 .DJ EDO (Rhythm)
6. w.W
7. Djune Spinach
8. DJ Flame of www.itsfreesouls.com
9. Herard Daydow
10. DJ Boss
11. hz
12. DJ Think (TheWave, JakClubbers.com, Digitized)
13. MC Vibes
14. VJ IVANGILA a.k.a THE FLAVA from DUO (M BAR GO Bali)
15. DJ SchizO (Benhil City Rockerz/Equinox/Freesouls)
16. fandy - s4kur4gi
17. Dj Echa a.k.a PUNCT
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo



masalahnya, yah jangan loe samain hiphop sama tung tung, trus bilang pake ravelex jadi ravhopsumthin..no offence bro, kita cuma mau tau doang kok, yah klo loe mau bikin juga siapa aja yang suka FUNKOT di ravelex silahkan, monggo.. *piss*
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


do jangan lupa do DVD gw.

oke oke ?
gw tek pertama nih.
kalo gw kan plus diskon do kata lo HAHAHA ;D
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


ikutan kopi dvd juga doo yaaah............

ma tanda tangan jazzy jeff lu dah janji heheheheheh

ngom FUNKOT ?? disini..? mmm ga deh, dan lagian gue udah ga b*rahi ngomongin funkot, DMC ato yang rada kesana gitu..
Oke deh gue ga ganggu deh..kalo kalian pada ngerasa gue ganggu.. *piss*

oke Have a nice time...................viva RAVELEX !!!

oya biar tau aja:
**1st winner Bali Open Dj Festival 1988/90  ;) cek aja.
**1st winner Lovina (Bali) Original Rap Contest 1990.

**5th winner World DMC 2005  ;) Vanda..kayanya gue tau deh tu cewek..???
ya ampun baru gue inget..kan dulu 2002 anak buah gue ;D ;D ;D


sadis..ternyat om yang satu ini senior toh..yah bukan gitu om, klo loe mang bekas juara rap, or etc..just shout your name !! ngga usah bilang ravelex jadi bahsa hiphop or funkot lah..khan selesai masalahnya..

ampun deh suhu..1988 juara dj, gw masih tk tuh..huahahaha
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo
