

Started by wadijey, 02/06/08, 12:38

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11/06/08, 00:57 #25 Last Edit: 11/06/08, 00:58 by Wunleng
DJ Ry (Jerry), DJ Kitting Lee, DJ Donny, DJ Alf1n, DJ Agustinus Leo, DJ Junz, DJ Rudy + Rheymina, DJ Nieta, DJ Hendri.. ini dulu kali ya.... nanti kalo ad lagi,, disebut lagi... THnx Ya udah bantu2.... Btw,, ngk ad job nie.. mo cari duit.. ;D ;D

Quote from: Wunleng on 11/06/08, 00:57
DJ Ry (Jerry), DJ Kitting Lee, DJ Donny, DJ Alf1n, DJ Agustinus Leo, DJ Junz, DJ Rudy + Rheymina, DJ Nieta, DJ Hendri.. ini dulu kali ya.... nanti kalo ad lagi,, disebut lagi... THnx Ya udah bantu2.... Btw,, ngk ad job nie.. mo cari duit.. ;D ;D
Ooo kalo cari duit doank gampang, di bengkel dekat rumah baru buka perlu tukang cuci mobil. Wunleng mau kerja ga? sy bantu referensiin.. pasti dapat duit. ;)

13/06/08, 22:23 #27 Last Edit: 13/06/08, 22:27 by Wunleng
haha.. nyuci mobil ya.. nyuci CDJ aja ya ko?? hehe,,, ntar CDJnya di studio koko tak kasi air+rinso... hehe... dah lama ngk ke biz.... pengen ksana tapi lagi tanggal2 ujian.. hehe... ko KL kangen ngk?? hahaha.... ko,, di Biz ada jual2 baju ato merchandise.. mo bli kaos yang ada Biz2nya...

Quote from: Wunleng on 13/06/08, 22:23
haha.. nyuci mobil ya.. nyuci CDJ aja ya ko?? hehe,,, ntar CDJnya di studio koko tak kasi air+rinso... hehe... dah lama ngk ke biz.... pengen ksana tapi lagi tanggal2 ujian.. hehe... ko KL kangen ngk?? hahaha.... ko,, di Biz ada jual2 baju ato merchandise.. mo bli kaos yang ada Biz2nya...
Hehehe iya kita semua kangen nih sama wunleng yg imut2...
Biz Mixing lagi punya kaos tulisan House Dee Jay .. Coba cek aja ke Jane

Quote from: wadijey on 14/06/08, 20:58
Quote from: Wunleng on 13/06/08, 22:23
haha.. nyuci mobil ya.. nyuci CDJ aja ya ko?? hehe,,, ntar CDJnya di studio koko tak kasi air+rinso... hehe... dah lama ngk ke biz.... pengen ksana tapi lagi tanggal2 ujian.. hehe... ko KL kangen ngk?? hahaha.... ko,, di Biz ada jual2 baju ato merchandise.. mo bli kaos yang ada Biz2nya...
Hehehe iya kita semua kangen nih sama wunleng yg imut2...
Biz Mixing lagi punya kaos tulisan House Dee Jay .. Coba cek aja ke Jane

haha imut2... bisa aja nie.. wahh ada kaos.. mau beli ahh.. ntar deh mampir... liat waktu dulu ya ko,, cuz lagi ujian..

guys, please back to topic ya...

thank you
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

upsss... dimarahin.. di tegor... oke kk.. peace ya...

thats ok.. :)
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

DJ Rudy Yang - This guy helped me a lot... Thx bro...
DJ Eric Lee - He was the one who forced me 2b a dj
DJ Chery - A very gud teacher n fren also....
DJ Remyna - Thx 4givin me my 1st training.... n also we've shared lots of ups n downs....
DJ Bonz Borneo - This guy been helping me with producing music, a very nice, wise n gud fren, thx a lot bro....
DJ Jockie Saputra - The legend that helped me through a lot, thx bro....
DJ Abaz - This guy also helped me a lot with remix stuff.... Thx bro....
DJ Ronny - This guy gave me his fresh songs, a gud fren n a very gud remixer, thx mr kodok he9
Krazy Sandi - My inspiration
DJ Ali Tjoe - My inspiration
DJ Junz - my best buddy, we've shared lots of ecstasy i guess ha9....
DJ Venz - also my best buddy, kinda straight 2da point, but i guess that's the kind of fren i really need...

Well i guess there's still more of u that have helped me out but i dont think i can name u one by one... so i'm sorry if i missed any of u, but u guys know 4sure that i cant thank u enough with words....

Cheers & Toast,


lagi lagi nih cicak nyasar... es we te...
What an awesome experience when u see all of party people screamin' and enjoy songs you're playin'

@ alfin... wedeehhhh.... alfin dalem euuy... "aq membaca pun sulit..." (pake gaya alfin...) wkakkaaka

dj abaz - my first suhu
dj krazy sandi - thx for your advice
dj darto - my prend ...
dj franky dsx - my big bos ...
dj qbert - your DIY very2 useful
dj vanda - great performance in DMC Indonesia 2005
dj yendi - my team mate
digital turntablist rules

1. DJ Ezars,Dia inspirator pertama yang bikin mau tertarik mau ngeDJ...
2. DJ Fuego,Orang yang ngenalin gw all about DJ equipment,hihihihihiiii...
3. DJ ROY,pastinya!!!My Luphly teacher,hehehehehee...(1 petuah dia yg selalu gw inget!!!JO,,Guru kencing berdiri,Murid kudu kencing lari,hehehe..."gw masih inget kan pa guru")
4. Anytha 9/11voix,orang yang selalu support gw,makasih ya bu buat semuanya..
5. Keluarga gw pastinya,hihihihihihihi...
6. MydeCode Family (Efan,Dono,Bunda),Thx a lot yaaaa...
7. Teman2 gw semuanya dimanapun kalian berada,hehehehe...
Contact Person :
pinBB 2855DE90


Tuhan YME atas berkat spinnin nya..GOD IS DJ
what we want what we believe

it all began in 1997, learnt in 2001

QQ-For introducing me to the concept of dj'ing
Rasha-for making me love all the dark gothic music there is in the world, in a way have shaped my dj sets....
Hogi-for all the input and friendship
Jimmy-yang satu ini jasanya juga banyak banget, cuman apa ya??? hehehe ;)
Bima-Membuka mata gue terhadap dunia di luar House music
Jerome & Shinto-for introducing me to the scene pertama kali....
Winky-For all the support throughout the underground era

terimakasih kawan2 :)

all family of digital 6 dan absolute

thanx for dj tenshi,dj twins tower(toni dan tino),dj mauschen(my little sister),all family of digital6 :mas oki koro,mas firman,louis sangky,harry,edja,willy,rambo,indra7,keyko,ian dan bima isman.

thanx atas masukan - masukan dari kalian smuanya.gbu

-Nyokap gue atas subsidi dananya beli2 vinyl dan belajar di idjs di tahun 1998
-Teman2 seperjuangan di scene

1. My Mom yg maksa gw blajar DJ and ngebiliin gw seperangkat CDJ&mixer lengKap ma hardCaseNya
2. DJ Andra sodara gw yg ngajaRin gw and ngebagi laguNya and ngeJual CD caseNya bwt gw
3. VJ Zephir yg ngaSih gw first gig acara taon baru 2008 and nama gw smpe trpampang di reklame djalanan Sby
4. DVJ Fling aka Aryo temen baek gw yg slalu ngasih referensi lagu2 and ngeManage karir gw
5. Maz Alfa&Maz Aldo "Samola" Sby
6. Tmen2 di Jkt yg baek mmberi gw gig and Support (DJ Iaz,DJ Jensen,DJ Coco,anak2 kampuz IKJ and much more)

and tentuNya Allah SWT
.: Visual Army :.

FS:riz_ibiza@yahoo.com   YM and FB:mocarizo@yahoo.com

Dj bimo 1945MF and Dj Dude Rumus, mreka yg ngajarin gw bnyk hal..

1. My Lord Jesus ... Coz HE is my DJ ...
2. SevenSquares ... (I'll Never Forget Where I Came From)
3. DJ Ade Bro & M1/43 ... (Thanks For Having Faith In Me)
Syndromatic (7 SQUARES / MPXX ASIA)
I Respect The Person & I Respect The Music
Twitter: @Syndromatic @seven7squares @MPXXAsia

yg buat gw pingin n'dj tuh ARMIN VAN BUUREN.......big appreciate to him,hee... :)
(nice DJ & PRODUCER......murah senyum,hee.....)

yg n'bantu awal karir gw tentunya...
- ORANG TUA (pastina..... *bgs*)
- Dj Echa (hee.....guru + teman yg baik *piss*)
- Dj Marquee (inspirasi local talent using trance music.....dulu,gw slalu dteng dievent dia main,dijkt doank tp)
- Dj Osvaldo Nugroho (baik & low profile....heeee ;))

yg pasti krn semua tmen2 yg ada disamping gw,hee...yg slalu bantu ajarin & saling support.. *bgs*
Dark is more deepest...

guntur,taha,mani salta,steven foe,ali chu,raymond tommy b,sanny joehan.marwin.

DJ ONE GLOVE (otherside)

**that's my suhu..hihihi
--- The Man from deGLADE ---