

Started by Gober, 09/04/07, 23:14

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Wah,mau donk ikutan!  :)
X aja bs t'knal jg kya tante EBDJ  ;D *piss*

iya nih..EBDJ Gokil ahhh..hehehe...

ngomong2...Si devina mo apa gak ya klo gw PDKT...hehehehehehe *piss*

support tante,,,,
saya juga ikutan ah!biar jadi superstar,,,,,
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

 ;Dgw mah nramein aja mba,biar tambah seru..jd groupies daftar jg ga mba?heheheeeee...sukses wanita2 chantiQ EBDJ..met kartini jg ya EBDJ..with luv onE :-*[/b]

@ Casey :  :o.............PDKT nih sama Devina ? wuiiihhhh....GOSIP BARU !!!Infotainment ahhhhh...... *piss*

wah.. gw mau kalo nyari orang yang ga bisa maen, sampe bisa.. hihihihi *piss*[/b]

Quote from: djepie on 22/04/07, 03:06
@ Casey :  :o.............PDKT nih sama Devina ? wuiiihhhh....GOSIP BARU !!!Infotainment ahhhhh...... *piss*

wuaaaaa,,,loe rese loe...hahahahaha..jgn mulai gosip2 yang gak enak dongg..ahahahaha..tapi pengen sih.... :P

tapi kok gak ada respon ya pie..hehehehe...

@ djepie, masa sih gemeteran...??? dekat2 speaker kali dirinya...???? ;D ;D ;D
@DJ r angel: Happy b'day yaa.... all the best from us. Dah sembuh kan yaa.... kita baru balik dr luar kota, besok dibaca2 lagi utk yg daftar... tadi liat sebentar ada byk yg masuk. Tapi besok aja deh bacanya biar knosen. Lagi cape.
@VK: oyo donk... kita tunggu ya..... semua orang bisa terkenal kok.. asal disiplin and konsisten dgn kerjaannya, apalagi di dalam mengejar impiannya.....  ;)
@casey: ayooooo.....PDKT apa nih....  ::)
@dj_embut:  wah... kamu emang rame terrnyata  ;D ;D ;D  kreatif sekali. We like that! Thank you....


awish mao dunks ikt kontes,,,

pi ku msh bru bru d dunia pr Dj an,,,

apa kudu org yg udh da pengalaman y,,,

klo2 DJ2 baru gmn tuuh,,,
Silent is Gold...!!!

@ awish: kan di e flyernya dibilang new fresh DJ? Berarti yg masih baru. Kalau ada yg pengalam ikutan jg boleh, tapi tetap diutamakan  yang benar benar serius mau main bareng sm EB.

Quote from: EBDJ on 23/04/07, 00:18
@ awish: kan di e flyernya dibilang new fresh DJ? Berarti yg masih baru. Kalau ada yg pengalam ikutan jg boleh, tapi tetap diutamakan  yang benar benar serius mau main bareng sm EB.

hhmmm,,,gw masuk kategori serius gak yahh..hehehhe...

btw..jgn bilang2 PDKT dong,,,,cm mo nanya doang...itu si DJ satu itu dah ada co nya pa belum yaa..jhehehehe...=D

Quote from: EBDJ on 22/04/07, 21:54
@ djepie, masa sih gemeteran...??? dekat2 speaker kali dirinya...???? ;D ;D ;D
@DJ r angel: Happy b'day yaa.... all the best from us. Dah sembuh kan yaa.... kita baru balik dr luar kota, besok dibaca2 lagi utk yg daftar... tadi liat sebentar ada byk yg masuk. Tapi besok aja deh bacanya biar knosen. Lagi cape.
@VK: oyo donk... kita tunggu ya..... semua orang bisa terkenal kok.. asal disiplin and konsisten dgn kerjaannya, apalagi di dalam mengejar impiannya.....  ;)
@casey: ayooooo.....PDKT apa nih....  ::)
@dj_embut:  wah... kamu emang rame terrnyata  ;D ;D ;D  kreatif sekali. We like that! Thank you....

thanks so much ya kakak EBDJ!!!
ak kiriimm se detail2nya dengan kepolosan ku dalam berbicara mohon di maklumin ya kak!! :D
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

mang ampe tanggal berapa sih terakhir....

kira2 siapa aja yah masuk....hehehehe

tgl 24 april.

mudah2an ak masuk!!  :'(
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.


terus katanya ada audisi gitu,,,kapan mangnyaa..??

hihi..audisi nya boo!! sereeemm!!! sahushuasha...
blom tau tuh ak!!
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

Ikutan yah saya,,,,harus masuk,,,hahahahahaha
maen bareng tante-tante cantik
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

tinggal beso' nih pendaftarannya,,yuukkk...;)
Illusion Visual Player

besok hari terakhir... ayo yang belum daftar! BURUAN DAFTAR!.....


Ikutan dong!!!!! gw kirimin nih profile gw.

Just Chillin'...Killin'

duuhh!! keknya cuma gw doank nih yg pemula!! ;)

Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.