
The future of Electric Barbarellas

Started by HDM, 11/09/07, 21:55

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wah sayang yah ampe pisah, padahal lo bedua adalah salah satu (or maybe the only) icon dj cewe tersukses di indonesia... lo bedua udah membuktikan kalo DJ cewe ga kalah ama dj cowo in terms of skill and especially in terms of selling point hehehe... walau masih muda tapi jadi salah satu dj yang pernah nampang di kompas hari minggu (ga banyak lo)... saluttt...

well anyway, semoga masing masing masih bisa kompak membangun ebdj, perbedaan selera mungkin bisa dijadiin nilai tambah, gua doain semoga sukses terus...

we'll miss this legendary duo...
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hikssssss.... gw cuma baru sekali liat mereka spin... :( :(

btw gapp... Sukses selalu dh buat kedua miss ini :D


All good things must come to an end...walaupun umur Electric Barbarellas cuma nyaris 2 tahun,tapi mereka sudah bisa memberikan kesan yg sangat mendalam di EDM Indo    *tepuktangan* ...it's really a great achievment for them...pertama dan mungkin satu2nya yg memberikan performance all in with their fashion style and talents...hebaat... *bgs* Electric Barbarellas mungkin dah bubar..tapi EBDJ masih ada & berdiri tegak...pastinya Mrs.M akan membuat gebrakan yg jauh lebih dahsyat lagi bersama tim-nya..they have all great DJs..ciamik2 deh... maybe in the future ada dari mereka yg jadi the next legend...seperti EB... ato mungkin Mrs.M akan buat project baru lagi..buat duo..tapi dengan cowo mungkin..jadi namanya Electric Paparellas..heheh.. *piss* (bcanda)..pokoknya..kita tunggu aja the next EBDJ events..pokoknya always support these amazing ladies in their solo career...hope this all for the best..they all gonna miss your performance together as a duo..we are..always supported them as a duo,now always supporting them as a solo..love you Electric Barbarellas...
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

semoga sukses deh ya kedepannya..

buat 24 hours straight performnya, jangan lupa minum tolak angin!!! pasti maknyussssss !!!!
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

wahhhh... masa udah bubar aja sih... bukannya perbedaan itu yang mustinya disatuin yah? dan itulah yang akan menambah keunikan dari ebdj sendiri... huhuhu...
emang lebih gampang kita/gw ngomong sih, secara ga berada langsung dalam pengambilan keputusan ini... hehehe.... yaaaah apapun yang terjadi gw cuman bisa support aja, semoga ini jalan yang terbaik dan tiada penyesalan di masa mendatang... ;)

btw... ndree lo bakalan ngikut yang mana nih?   ::)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

13/09/07, 12:30 #31 Last Edit: 13/09/07, 13:25 by AndrE ClayZ

ah no comment gw.......

@sonik : gw tetep ikut dua2nya le......;)
Illusion Visual Player

good luck dev n mil... padahal justru bagus if u guys have 2 music directions yang berbeda tapi bisa di harmonized kan in 1 deck.. bakal lebih seru lagi journeynya dibanding sendiri2...

but well.. we'll support u guys anyway... whether u are solos, or duo..

good luck..
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download


can't hardly believe it. personally i think duo ebdj adalah salah satu ikon dj wanita yang sukses di indonesia, seperti kata paman..

tapi who knows.. siapa tau aja masing2 bisa lebih sakses di kemudian hari dgn proyek solonya.. big support lah pokoknya dari gw.. ;)

maju terus dj wanita!! *tepuktangan*
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

sorry to hear.. sayang banget tante.. hhuu :'(

always support anyways!!
I'm not driving fast,
I'm just flying low..


(akting artis sinetron Indonesia mode : ON)

*piss* *piss* *piss*

13/09/07, 16:41 #36 Last Edit: 16/09/07, 01:04 by D.V.O

Well mau gimana lagi kalo misalkan uda final decision.. goodluck for both of u & i will support anything that u ask for girls...

Best Regards


good luck...
keep up the good work
- freak.culture -

Quote from: sendyoke on 13/09/07, 16:16

(akting artis sinetron Indonesia mode : ON)

*piss* *piss* *piss*

hahaha... ;D sinetron apaan tuh?  *piss*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Quote from: didjeri on 15/09/07, 12:57
Quote from: sendyoke on 13/09/07, 16:16

(akting artis sinetron Indonesia mode : ON)

*piss* *piss* *piss*

hahaha... ;D sinetron apaan tuh?  *piss*

Yah tipikel sinetron Indo yg Ndeso lah........................

:D :D :D

pis pis pis

@sendyoke: ndeso?? Hahaha.. Kbanyakan nonton tv lu sob..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Masih ga percaya.......

Kayaknya kabar itu udah lama banget tersebar....dan gw ga pernah mau percaya....

Sampe tadi siang gw konfirm dan ternyata kabar itu terbukti kebenaranyaaaaaa................

But....sukses dan salut buat kalian b2 yang udah ikut majuin dunia EDM kita....

Salut juga karena dengan waktu 2 tahun...kalian dah berhasil dan sukses sebagai duo female dj terbaik

Indonesia yang udah berhasil ngadapetin banyak banget penghargaan.....

Biar udah jalan masing2 tapi pasti tetep akur dan bakal sering main bareng lagi donk......

Coz...we gonna miss you both playing together...........

Love n Support for you both......ciao

Quote from: didjeri on 15/09/07, 21:31
@sendyoke: ndeso?? Hahaha.. Kbanyakan nonton tv lu sob..

Hihihihihi...... gue malah enga pernah nonton TV indo koq....

EBDJ siapa juga gue enga tau... cuma pernah denger2 aja and liat profilenya di myspace.

:D :D :D

pis pis pis

Waah..Ga tau EBDJ??lu ga di indo yaa?EBDJ is the best female DJs i know..all in performance boss..jarang2 ada,malah ga ada setau gw..sayang bgt bubar,umur baru nyaris 2thn,msh bisa lbh besar lg klo mereka mau..ya tapi keadaan ga memungkinkan.so support aja as a soloist..bgitu.
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

djjeri kayaknya die hard fan nya EBDJ banget nih.. hehehehe
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

@Kc: haha..bisa aja kc.. Biasa aja kok.. Fans nya mrs.M..hahaha..ga lah biasa aja gw..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

waaaaaa.....EBDJ bubar????
ada apa dgn kalian???

apa uda kagak bisa saling diomongin lagi????

kalo aja ebdj udah 2 taon en expand serta prestasinya lebih gila dari sekarang... lets sy udagh ngerambah SINETRON deh..

mungkin nih berita udah masuk infotainment serta cover tabloid.. hihihi....

eniwei..... good luck 4 both of you

Udah pada balikan aja gih.. electro prognya mil sama deep house dan minimalnya dev tetep masih bisa di gabungin kok... malah kalo tau dan tepat caranya malahan bikin such a wonderful journey.. soundnya makin luas! asli! coba dulu gihh.. :D support!

eh kalo mau masuk sinetron juga gue support kok.. kabar2in judul sinetronnya apa ya.. :D
tapi kalo maen layar lebar ajak2 dong.. haihaihaihaihiahaiiha...


Iya gih..balikan..hehe..trakhir dnger kbar sih dah final keputusannya..cerai..hihi..piss.. Tapi ga tau jg..mudah2an balikan..cross your fingers..hayuuuu..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"