
The future of Electric Barbarellas

Started by HDM, 11/09/07, 21:55

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Good luck for both of your solo careers.

Perlu diakuin kalo everybody has an ego, gak mungkin sukses tanpa sedikit ego. Mungkin ini saatnya menelusuri keinginan masing2.

Menurut gue sih, gak perlu di proklamirkan kalo EBDJ udah bubar. Biarin aja Electric Barbarellas tetep ada selagi kalian ber solo karir. Sekali2 main bareng. Enak kan kalo gitu? Lagi pula orientasi music itu kan selalu dynamic gak bakal constant. Who knows, nanti bakal ada genre yang unite kalian berdua lagi :)

Sukses Teruzzz Devina & Milinka ....


tb music 2008

Eh si pay sama dion katanya mau bikin Electric Barbarian.. Jadi gak tuh? re-generasi aja... tinggal di make-up in dikit udah jadi tuh... aw~
peace :D

Quote from: dunant on 20/09/07, 09:31
Eh si pay sama dion katanya mau bikin Electric Barbarian.. Jadi gak tuh? re-generasi aja... tinggal di make-up in dikit udah jadi tuh... aw~
peace :D


*ngakak guling2an
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

in memory of Electric Barbarellas..under the "Spotlight"... :D

check out this new cool site i found... http://www.myspace.com/mizmilinka
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

tuh kan bener..
djjeri itu ebdj die hard fan..

atau sekarang jadi miz milinka die hard fan?
atau jadi jubir ?
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: jazzymike on 20/09/07, 16:38
pengganti andre mungkin (?) *piss*

andre apa kabar yah ?

btw si andre ikut mana nih ?
kubu barat apa kubu timur ? ;D
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


 ;D ;D ;D akh....gw mah dah nyangka eb bakal gini yah....sotoy deh gw yah...
but....yah klo ini solusi terakhir terbaik yg mereka buat gw mah....satudju aja..klo bisa bkin mreka tambah madju tentunya....
sukses deh buat both of u ;)


iye nih lagi nyari2 tank top, sapa tahu hokinya electric barbarellas nyangkut ke electric barbarian, the first drag dj in indonesia...

anyway, suksyess teyuss buat devina dan milinka, dah neeeekkk...
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21/09/07, 11:22 #60 Last Edit: 21/09/07, 11:26 by DIMDOK
@ milinka & devina
what ever you guys do in the future....don't worry, you guys always have our support.  ;)
tapi kalo misalnya salah satu dari kalian ada rencana mau buat "duo" cewe-cowo.....kabar-kabari yah....hehehehe :D

anyway....gw penasaran jg kayak KC jadinya, sebenernya didjeri itu siapanya EBDJ sih (?)
cuman penasaran aja loh sob....gak maksud apa-apa

halaah..halaah...terlalu melebih2kan aah..ga lagii..gw biasa aja...posisi andre sih tidak tergantikan lah... *piss*
lagi sibuk aja kali dia..support all local DJs ..!!..  *piss*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Buseeeetttt........apaan niii nama gw di bawa2...... ::)

gw tetep dukung mereka kok baik devina maupun milinka.... ;)
Illusion Visual Player

jadi bener nih bakal muncul electric barbarians (?)

Moga2 tetap sukses aja dgN genrenya masing2...
For booking, contact & info please call:

Quote from: AndrE ClayZ on 22/09/07, 10:17
Buseeeetttt........apaan niii nama gw di bawa2...... ::)

Andre kan selebritis......,wakakakakakakakkak hehehehehehehehhe

OMG....... kalian itu my favourite female DJ!!!!!!! WHHYYYYYYY??????? jangan doooooonk

milinka n devina..been there for u girls since juz after u started ur career, it's been so much fun and such a pleasure doing photoshoots with u both throughout EB's journey! Love seeing u playing side by side,2 gorgeous sexy talented DJs sharing decks..damn, wht a sight! hehee.. It's all been an amazing experience and will be missed..so proud of u both, as a duo and as individuals..remember that u two can always count on me and my photography for support in ur solo careers, ok?! ;) Success to u both always!
~ much Love, TS.
~ make Love, not war..

i'm gonna support both of u....gud luck with the journey....

bakal kangen sehh liat kalian berdua...!! ga bakal ngelepasin kesempatan buat tgl 17nov deh....ngusahain datang...!!

chayoo millinka..and also devina....

standing applause for both of u.....^_^ gokil!!

Wah sangat disayangkan,tapi saya berharap agar devina dan milinka dapat memberikan contoh skill dan teknik untuk genre minimalis dan deep house serta house dan progresive terhadap dj lain,karena mereka berdua patut dicontoh dan ditiru,semoga kalian berdua sukses pada karir mereka masing masing,i will support you
Halo clubber mania

Jgn lupa pada dateng..Mereka akan manggung di event yg sama tgl 3&4 nov di JCC Juga "back2back" tgl 17nov di K7..Ayo kita support..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

wahh sedih gila gw dengernya..

good luck to both of you girls..

we will miss you two girls...
Support Your Lokal dj's

Hmmm....denger-denger Devina udh masuk label baru yah...??? ;)

gosip gosip nehhh...katanya devina lg cari partner baru....