
The future of Electric Barbarellas

Started by HDM, 11/09/07, 21:55

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bussettt......banyak banget niy gosipnya...???
coba klo masuk infotaiment pasti seru kali yak....???xi..xi..xi..

eh ebdj koq main di acaranya djarum black ?
bawa nama ebdj lagi bukannya sendiri2,,
asli bngung gw,,

can somebody help me (?)
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


@luthfi: coba kita tanyaaa.. DJDJERI!!! ;D ;D

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

gonna miss this moment of truth hehe
groovyL@nd [ Tommy + @khd@ + ican*agoesdjam ]
Email: akhda@thegroovyland.com


Email : akhda@clubbersmedia.com

YM : djakhda | BB PIN : 2529B470

Quote from: @khd@ on 23/10/07, 10:50

gonna miss this moment of truth hehe


Quote from: luthfi on 22/10/07, 22:37
eh ebdj koq main di acaranya djarum black ?
bawa nama ebdj lagi bukannya sendiri2,,
asli bngung gw,,

can somebody help me (?)

setau g sobb,itu bt nyelesain kontrak mrk aja(sebagai EBDJ) yg d'bt sbLum mrk memutuskan pisah/sendiri2x.Tapi klo akhirnya ttp truzz n ga jd piSah'yaa yuk marii deh...hahaha;p.
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

23/10/07, 14:00 #82 Last Edit: 23/10/07, 14:46 by didjeri
Quote from: kc on 23/10/07, 09:54
@luthfi: coba kita tanyaaa.. DJDJERI!!! ;D ;D

kenapa harus gw cooobaaa...hahahaha  ;D KC nih... ;)

Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 23/10/07, 13:38
Quote from: luthfi on 22/10/07, 22:37
eh ebdj koq main di acaranya djarum black ?
bawa nama ebdj lagi bukannya sendiri2,,
asli bngung gw,,

can somebody help me (?)

setau g sobb,itu bt nyelesain kontrak mrk aja(sebagai EBDJ) yg d'bt sbLum mrk memutuskan pisah/sendiri2x.Tapi klo akhirnya ttp truzz n ga jd piSah'yaa yuk marii deh...hahaha;p.

betul sekali kata pak black daman...dulu kan mereka ngisi acara2nya djarum black..jadi ini juga..terakhir... ga banyak comment aah..nanti salah ngomong lagi gw...nanti si ibu yg bersangkutan aja yg jelasin tapi lagi sibuk bgt sih dia... ;D  *piss*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Hi guys, tku so much for you all who support us for all of this time. Again.... EB is over. We only have to finish our contract. After 3rd, 4th Nov, we still have another gig to spin together on 14th December at Vertigo.

Devina resigned from EBDJ management after EB split up. And on the 17th Nov, EBDJ management
is going to held our last event or performance. We decided to end the management as well.

It's a farewell party for EBDJ managemnet.
17 Nov 2007
24hours nonstop at K7
3 arenas from 3:00PM - 03:00PM the next day
44DJs, 14Mcs, 14VJs.

And it's Milinka 24 hours DJ & DVJ set as well....
Almost all of Indenesian Best DsJ will be there to spin and support EBDJ management for the last time.

The ad will be out soon!!

Thank you so much,


@KC : kes..dah terjawab kan oleh si ibu..gw lgsg laporan tuh..  ;D biar ga salah ngomongnya si ibu sudah menjelaskan..jadi jgn lupa pada dateng..wuiih...44 DJ....rame tuh kayak pasar pasti... *piss*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Quote from: EBDJ on 23/10/07, 14:38
Hi guys, tku so much for you all who support us for all of this time. Again.... EB is over. We only have to finish our contract. After 3rd, 4th Nov, we still have another gig to spin together on 14th December at Vertigo.

Devina resigned from EBDJ management after EB split up. And on the 17th Nov, EBDJ management
is going to held our last event or performance. We decided to end the management as well.

It's a farewell party for EBDJ managemnet.
17 Nov 2007
24hours nonstop at K7
3 arenas from 3:00PM - 03:00PM the next day
44DJs, 14Mcs, 14VJs.

And it's Milinka 24 hours DJ & DVJ set as well....
Almost all of Indenesian Best DsJ will be there to spin and support EBDJ management for the last time.

The ad will be out soon!!

Thank you so much,


boljug nih jooooo ;D

Quote from: EBDJ on 23/10/07, 14:38
Hi guys, tku so much for you all who support us for all of this time. Again.... EB is over. We only have to finish our contract. After 3rd, 4th Nov, we still have another gig to spin together on 14th December at Vertigo.

Devina resigned from EBDJ management after EB split up. And on the 17th Nov, EBDJ management
is going to held our last event or performance. We decided to end the management as well.

It's a farewell party for EBDJ managemnet.
17 Nov 2007
24hours nonstop at K7
3 arenas from 3:00PM - 03:00PM the next day
44DJs, 14Mcs, 14VJs.

And it's Milinka 24 hours DJ & DVJ set as well....
Almost all of Indenesian Best DsJ will be there to spin and support EBDJ management for the last time.

The ad will be out soon!!

Thank you so much,


Line up dong tante???
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

wihhh canggih nih acaranya... uhhh bakalan bikin kangen..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

wah... hadir yuu.... lets support the duo for the last time... im sure we gonna miss them after this...

Guys, maaf sekali sampai saat ini tidak ada confirmation dari devina untuk spin bersama EBDJ team. dengan sangat didasayangkan, semua anggota EBDJ dengan sgt trepaksa tetap melanjutkan event tanpa devina. hiks hiks.....

Maaf dari pada nanti datang tapi kecewa ga ada back to back nya...... lebih baik kita inform dr sekarang....

But in exchange..... we have all the TOP Indonesian DJs to spin there to support our management for the last time.

best regards,

dateng dong dong dong.... ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

p9n hadir sihh..
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

Quote from: EBDJ on 23/10/07, 23:56
Guys, maaf sekali sampai saat ini tidak ada confirmation dari devina untuk spin bersama EBDJ team. dengan sangat didasayangkan, semua anggota EBDJ dengan sgt trepaksa tetap melanjutkan event tanpa devina. hiks hiks.....

Maaf dari pada nanti datang tapi kecewa ga ada back to back nya...... lebih baik kita inform dr sekarang....

But in exchange..... we have all the TOP Indonesian DJs to spin there to support our management for the last time.

best regards,

Back2back ama gue aja gimana? hihihihihiihihih


whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

wedew....whats wrong with devina bu....????
knp dia kagak mau maen...????somethin troble kah...????
acaranya pasti keren tuh 44dj....???
lineup dong bu...

Quote from: EBDJ on 23/10/07, 14:38
Hi guys, tku so much for you all who support us for all of this time. Again.... EB is over. We only have to finish our contract. After 3rd, 4th Nov, we still have another gig to spin together on 14th December at Vertigo.

Devina resigned from EBDJ management after EB split up. And on the 17th Nov, EBDJ management
is going to held our last event or performance. We decided to end the management as well.

It's a farewell party for EBDJ managemnet.
17 Nov 2007
24hours nonstop at K7
3 arenas from 3:00PM - 03:00PM the next day
44DJs, 14Mcs, 14VJs.

And it's Milinka 24 hours DJ & DVJ set as well....
Almost all of Indenesian Best DsJ will be there to spin and support EBDJ management for the last time.

The ad will be out soon!!

Thank you so much,


sound of zeus support you !!!
tb music 2008

miz milinka remember me ? DJ Oddie..

gw nyumbang maen dunk buat support ultah EBDJ.. bisa ga neey ?

btw bisa minta kontak management EBDJ ?

replay please.. thankyou..

boleh nyumbang untuk event terakhir ebdj ga nee ?? huhuhuuuu

hihihi sama kc aja tuh back2back nya?

yah kok ebdj bubar?

ngga paapa deh, support terus dari sini !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


@vinodii: next time, please call flash: 98768881.

Tku bgt ya dear mau ikutan main...... tapi nama2 dah kekumpul and dah masuk design. Maaf yaa.... ntar jadinya 45 djs, bukan 44 lagi.... kan dah pas sam total mc and vj 14 juga.......  ::)

tanya flash no telgw ya.. ga mungkin gw keluarin disini no tel nya...
