
This is DNA from Rumus

Started by RUMUS, 08/07/08, 13:23

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08/07/08, 13:23 Last Edit: 16/07/08, 01:09 by RUMUS
Biography :

The newest act in the city. Each of them had their own signature of house music. Deefo with his progressive sound, Nickboy with more uplifting set, and Asking with his tech ambience. The story started when the trio met in a club and they were playing back-to-back session. Despite the differences of their musical character, Deefo, Nickboy, Asking had the same perspective of music itself. That brings them new objectives, try to perform a live performance set of the future sound from house music.
  With their big creativity of mixing and performing with 3 CDJ's, 2 Mixers and 1 Efx machine (to add such a drum loop, percussion, guitar sound, etc..) D.N.A will be the hottest live performance that brings house music the a new level.

Need your support, advice n comment.Thanx Guyz...!!! ;)
Fatmawati Festival Jl. RS Fatmawati No.50 Jak Sel
tlp : 021. 75916001

Full support buat;

and the best part of it Nicky A.K.A Nickboy!!!

*bgs* *bgs*

08/07/08, 13:54 #2 Last Edit: 10/07/08, 08:00 by starguitar7
Additional Info:

DNA will be the guest dj of Basement House Regular event (Jackin' The House), July 26th 2008 @ Balcony, Taman Ria Senayan.. ;)

full support for dna.....
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

DNA Rocks....apalagi ada si asking....my enemy...you lose..hahahaha  ;D

sukses yah friends....  :D  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Deefo,asking,nickboy.... tambah gokil aja nie sob....

Hahahaah... btw, klo abs perform jgn ngajak makan mie kornet lagi ya jo.. heheh...

Gokil dehh,, slh 1 proyek Rumus yg gokil..

Sukses sob



looking forward nih liat live-nya, sekalian di Mc-in seruw tuh kynya?? hahahaha...
gud job guys :)
im'a MIC person

Alkisah hiduplah 3 pria non perjaka yang tidak sengaja bertemu di sebuah klub yang artinya "mutiara hitam" lalu entah mengapa mereka bermain bersama, ternyata.. mereka memainkan lagu yang berbeda2 tapi tetap 1 juga (ky bhineka tunggal ika aja... haha) Akhirnya mereka sepakat untul membentuk "boyband electronic" yang tujuan awalnya menyaingi 3 diva...namun gagal jadi mereka ingin fokus mengembangkan house music dengan tambahan sampling dan effect(kok agak ga nyambung ya?? gitu deh (bagian 3 divanya bercanda.)).. mereka berharap bisa terus eksis di music industry.... DNA... Deefo is more groovy and pumping, Nickboy is more minimalistic, Asking is more "spacey sound" Itulah sedikit tentang DNA, grup yang mnurut kami akan sangat sukses kedepannya AMIN... SMANGAT! - Inspirasi dari langit

ada dj nanya mulu a.k.a ASKING !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


sadiisss...support teruss buat DNA... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
deefo,ati2 sakit lagi...ahahahahaha... ;D

manteb deh, nickboy................ gokil nih maennya

sukses buat rumusssss  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

 Thanx a lot guyz....!!!  ;)
Fatmawati Festival Jl. RS Fatmawati No.50 Jak Sel
tlp : 021. 75916001

Sukses ya buat DNA.. Go Rumus.. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
It's better to have a little than to have nothing.

DNA.....rocks....hhaaa.....abang deefo lagi yah....pak lucu yang suka dengan bita" yang cantik hhaaa.... *piss* *piss*
breath for the beat...

Deefo kl dah tenar jangan lupa traktir g makan makan yaaa.....

deefo nickboy asking team TEBIR hahahahaha...
biar TEBIR yang penting pumping kecuali asking kelewat deep luh pake hati kayanya nge dj nya...Mikirin sapa ya???mungkin awalan R...
BTW HAJAR TERUS DEH DNA..u rawk..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :P :P :P
green all day...

Quote from: ayamberkah on 11/07/08, 16:18
manteb deh, nickboy................ gokil nih maennya
orangnya juga hahhaha...TEBIR GILA ......
green all day...

sukses selalu buat RUMUUUSSSSSSSS

Duh Asking mantapsss! deh uplifting techy housenya itu loh :) :) full support guyzzzzzz

Deefo and DNA...sukses ya jo.... *bgs* *bgs*  pake kacamatanya...!!  8) 8)  ;D
- freak.culture -

25/07/08, 00:33 #24 Last Edit: 25/07/08, 00:37 by deefoundation
Quote from: wedhus on 23/07/08, 14:51
Deefo and DNA...sukses ya jo.... *bgs* *bgs*  pake kacamatanya...!!  8) 8)  ;D

Pake kaca mata beneeeer jo....!!  ;D
pwt pa kbr jo?? makin gegap gempita..???