
Tips Menjadi DJ Multi Genre

Started by Gober, 16/08/11, 23:31

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16/08/11, 23:31 Last Edit: 15/09/11, 21:15 by Gober

Sebagai seorang DJ lo bebas memilih rute yang lo suka, rute ini menentukan identitas lo juga, sehingga orang mudah ingat. Genre di musik elektronik banyak banget yang bisa dipilih, ada House, Techno, Trance, Progressive, Electro, Dub Step sampai Drum n Bass. Kita bisa pilih salah satu atau mungkin bisa milih semua dan menjadi DJ multi genre.

DJ Multi Genre atau 3G (Gonta Ganti Genre) mungkin ada yang bakal bilang inkonsisten, tapi kalau dimainkan secara baik dan benar set kita bisa juga dinikmati orang. Digital DJ Tips menulis 5 alasan mengapa Smart DJ Play More Than One Style of Music, here's why :

[h2]1. It will expand your tastes [/h2]
There's a lot of good music being made outside of your comfort zone. Don't fall into the snobbery trap of thinking only your scene, style or genre is worth your attention. Your audience may publicly admit to only liking deep house or hip-hop, but I can assure you they sing into their hairbrushes to Lady Gaga behind closed doors. Accept that good music comes from all angles and that picking the best of it for your collection, then trying to incorporate it into your DJ sets, will help you to get even the coolest people's hearts singing and their feel dancing before their heads say "no!" – if you do it well enough, that is

[h2]2. It will expand your skills [/h2]
Yup, "if you do it well enough". It's easy to feel like the hero mixing 125BPM electro house all night flawlessly. It's an absolute other game entirely mixing house, pop, rock, hip hop, dubstep, oldies and funk (for instance), into a skilful, coherent set that wows people and keeps them on the dancefloor. Next week we'll look at ways you can begin to learn the skills to do just this, but for now realise that stepping up to this plate means you have to polish your skills considerably

[h2]3. You'll get to DJ out more[/h2]
I understand that you want to play raves, or cool alternative bars, or private parties playing just your style to just your crowd. But so do your DJing peers, and there are never enough slots. If you can play normal bars, lounges, student hangouts, mobile or wedding gigs, all the way up to pro gigs like in back rooms in big clubs (where the music policy may be more open-minded) or festival sets (where "anything goes" often wins the day), you'll simply get to play more

[h2]4. You'll learn to read crowds better[/h2]
As I said above, people are a lot less "cool" behind closed doors than they admit to, having all kinds of guilty pleasures in their private musical lives. A good DJ can tease these tendencies out of a crowd, by playing across the board and watching carefully. If you're playing EDM to an EDM crowd, you're frankly less likely to need to read your crowd well, because they've come for what they're getting. But uniting a disparate crowd into a single, throbbing mass on the dancefloor takes a lot more DJ interaction and observation, a lot more give and take. It's more exciting, more risky, and it'll make you a better DJ

[h2]5. You'll get more longevity as a DJ[/h2]
Your scene will die, period. I've been DJing 20 years and seen scene after scene rise and fall. If you don't move on, you'll fade away too. But instead of jumping from sinking ship to new scene every now and then, it's much better to always be adding new music to your palette from all over the place. Sure, let a style dominate, but trying to take gigs where you can play "across the board" every now and then will keep your interest up, challenge you, and extend your career as a DJ, if only because it'll keep you fresher and having more fun than the next guy!

sumber : http://www.digitaldjtips.com/2011/08/why-smart-djs-play-more-than-one-style-of-music/
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"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

"It's pretty damn hard to get a hundred or thousand people together
and make them happy. You got to play everything. you got to move
the crowd. I don't think it should all be house set or all a drum 'n' bass
set. It should just be little snippets of everything, a variety. A lot of DJs
stopped being diverse, stopped trying new things. They started to get
more safe. They Probably just didn't know better."
QUOTE from HOW TO DJ RIGHT (Bill Brewster)

idealis boleh...tapi tetap sebagai penghibur juga harus dapat menghibur dan memuaskan orang lain, WALAU harus tetap ada batasan. jadi menurut gue, seorang dj bebas mau ngapain aja...makin banyak genre yang dimainin semakin kaya musikalitasnya walaupun harus dalam suatu set dan journey yang idnah yang harus diciptakannya. KALAUPUN mau idealis dan main satu genre..SAH juga, tapi menurut gue bagusnya di buat nick name or other project. JADI GA KEJEBAK DGN GENRE yang banyak dan majemu serta kaya suara ini.

what we want what we believe

istilah yang pas kayaknya " OPEN FORMAT" paman , sebagai salah satu yang coba bermain style musik sevariatif mungkin (ga sampe k trance sih) , intinya experiment and denger musik sebanyak mungkin , banyak experimentasi yang kita bisa lakuin , contoh misalnya kita main dirty south crunk di 70 BPM , itu bisa banget kita variasiin Dubstep/brostep di 140 BPM , dari karakter dub kita drop down ke electro/fidget 128an BPM bisa banget ..... dengan garis merah sound electro, cuma mungkin style kayak gini di atmosfir party dan venue yang ke lebih ecletic crowd karena cenderung di sini bermain hype bukan flow

im just still learning and newbie tapi maybe itu bisa share dikit

ini beberapa mixtape open format gw  :P




lo tonton langsung francois kevorkian  5 hours set dan lo akan bisa banyak belajar bagaimana memainkan multigenre dalam suatu set ...  :)

setuju   ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Twitter : @RamaRivaL

Soundcloud : www.soundcloud.com/rama-rival

tp gw msh bingung nih.
kok byk jg yg komen 'eh,kok itu trance,masa maenin electro jg?'
emang klo live itu harus 1 genre aja ya? ga boleh nyampur electro,hoz,prog gtu ya?  (?)

Quote from: muldi on 18/08/11, 21:02
tp gw msh bingung nih.
kok byk jg yg komen 'eh,kok itu trance,masa maenin electro jg?'
emang klo live itu harus 1 genre aja ya? ga boleh nyampur electro,hoz,prog gtu ya?  (?)
typical.. ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

ibarat nya selipin genre lain di sela2 set,,

30/08/11, 00:04 #12 Last Edit: 30/08/11, 00:12 by phuture89
bebaskeun...loe maen set apa aja ga ada istilah harus satu genre...sing penting journey dapet...ada cerita dan seperti ngebangun sesuatu..it's your own set......SETIAP DJ ADALAH TUHAN DARI AGAMA MASING-MASING..bebaskeun....

istilah lainnya : mau dicampur syukur ga ya sudah......:) tetep enak....kalau ada yang bilang ga enak..main udh maks..berarti yang dengerin  emg suka genre dan set orang lain...namanya juga manusia beda2..ketika ada yang gak suka set loe..pasti juga ada yang suka set loe..tenang aja...setiap orang beda2 selera......

*tanya echa tuh salah satu dj super mash up dan open format menurut gue.
what we want what we believe

Quote from: Gober on 16/08/11, 23:31

Accept that good music comes from all angles and that picking the best of it for your collection, then trying to incorporate it into your DJ sets, will help you to get even the coolest people's hearts singing and their feel dancing before their heads say "no!" – if you do it well enough, that is


Musik bagus itu banyak banget, kalau memang bisa menggabungkan dari semua yang elo suka menurut gue itu TOP banget!

Semua dj & produser favorit gue nggak pernah stuck di satu genre mereka adalah musician yang diverse.

Being open minded is key, dengerin musik sebanyak2nya .. inspirasi datang dari mana saja.

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asal ngemixnya enak, enak2 aja,, 

Quote from: hogi on 06/09/11, 00:24
Musik bagus itu banyak banget, kalau memang bisa menggabungkan dari semua yang elo suka menurut gue itu TOP banget!

Semua dj & produser favorit gue nggak pernah stuck di satu genre mereka adalah musician yang diverse.

Being open minded is key, dengerin musik sebanyak2nya .. inspirasi datang dari mana saja.

RT RT RTRW! buener oom Hogi
what we want what we believe

Agak bingung antara judul sama isinya nih om Dion
Kalo gw ga salah translate, itu artikelnya lebih mengarah ke hasilnya ga sih? (no offense yah)
Mohon maklum kalo nubie salah mengerti......maklum bahasanya roaming

Gelar tiker sambil nunggu para sesepuh share tips dan pengalamannya :D

You'll get to DJ out more

bener bgt, LAKU istilahnyaa.. ya gak sih? private party or prom duitnya gede loohh *piss* *piss*

bisa rnb dan bisa house (bahkan classic disco) itu keuntungan.. DUIT Jooo..

tapi memang tetep perlu punya pegangan idealis, biar gak tersesat terlalu jauh deh..
shake that thing! or i will gladly shake it for you..

Music beyond the bounds of genre :)