
Asia bass cd release party @ club astra (Bangkok) march 31

Started by Celcius, 13/03/07, 17:13

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"buat yang mau ke bangkok akhir bulan ini nih"   

I am very  proud to announce the release of our first compilation cd called  Asia bass. Before we  decided on making the cd , Asia bass was  was an event  created to showcase dj's from countries such as malaysia,indonesia, singapore, hongkong , japan , and of course thailand. By hosting these nights many dj's have given me tracks that they have personaly produced. Most of them were demo tracks and many of the producers just made them for there own personal use. It fealt like such a waste  to not let these tracks be heard by the masses.  I decided to gather up all the tracks that were given to me by the guest djs who have peformed at our Asia Bass night. In the process many producers in the region heard about the project and were keen enough to want to contribute to this project as well. This first night will showcase 4 of the artists who have contributed tracks for the compilation.  we are proud to announce that these dj's and musicians will be supplying the beats for the night.

djs  are
KIAT  singapore   (guerilla, metalheads, homebass)
TBASE  thailand ( jazzbah, homebass)

also live sets by
pc lab  thailand (atomix, jazzbah, homebass)
celcius  indonesia (javabass, homebass)

support djs

please come show your support
"why should do less if u can do more....."

Celcius represent JKT...wiss... :D
maein yg bener yak... ;D

sayang ya...gak msk nominasi best producer REDMA..
pdhal karya2 loe gak kalah ama para nominatornya...
disign pula ama label lain...

Good luck and

its not for the weak minded & the weak hearted

gak papa lah mbak Synth-o.. gak masuk nominasi juga kalo bagus mah bagus aja.. heheeh...

best of luck 4 celcius!!

Anarchy. Now

  *piss* *piss* ;D ;D
"why should do less if u can do more....."

oi kerjain dulu tuh jingle molto yg bener......hehehe

bukan jungle tapi jingle kali.... gwe lagi ngerjain jingle buat iklan molto gitu lo maksudnya si jerome. tadinya sih emang mau di buat jungle amen2 metal gitu tapi terlalu keren jadinya mending buat dimaenin ;D ;D
"why should do less if u can do more....."

@ Celcius...
iiyuuhhhh... :P

its not for the weak minded & the weak hearted

wezz ceLcius canggih banget sii...  ;D

"dizzy psYchadeLic"