
General Hype => Educations / School & Studio Rentals => Topic started by: Lamid45G on 19/11/13, 16:32

Title: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 19/11/13, 16:32
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Mohon doa restu nya dari bro n sis ravelex  :-*

Now Open !
Taking an application for a new students for period of 2013/2014

45G DJ School
DJ School // DJ Studio // Rental DJ Gears
Teras Agogo, Jl. Patiunus No. 9, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
More info: 021-90215215 / 0821-944-26076
Pin BB: 33075757
Follow us @45Gdjschool

Powered by:
Urs-pro – Ultimate Records Shop

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Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: mamaroke on 21/11/13, 03:54
wah, ini masih "anakann" 1945mf ga mba/mas?
dulu pengen daftar 1945 mf tapi udh close, bisa dapet bocoran ga ka, kapan buka, bulan atau nya gitu, dan kira2 biayanya berapa?
Serius ini bang :) :) :) :), kalau kasih tau cpnya nya *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 21/11/13, 09:43
Kalau 45G sendiri label nya, masih "anak2" an dengan 1945MF bro  8)
Kalau 45G DJ School yah "anak2" an nya 45G  (?) (?) (?) jadi bingung sendiri gua  ;D

yah pokoke 45G DJ School itu sekolah dj nya label 45G dah wakakakaka  *piss*

Kasih bocoran dikit ya bro, soft launching kira2 di awal desember tahun ini,
Nah untuk masalah biaya nya maka nya sering2 check di sini, nanti kita kasih "secret code" nya biar bisa dapat harga promo nya  ;D

Silahkan follow kita @45Gdjschool  8)

Stay tuned buat update2 dan bocoran2 nya lebih lanjut yak !

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: mamaroke on 21/11/13, 11:38
wah boleh tuh nanti "secret code" nya mas :D
sering2 update ah
twitter nya belum ada mas, saya search
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 21/11/13, 11:52
Twitter nya lagi ada masalah bro kaya nya  ::)
Ngga tau kenapa, nanti kita update lagi kalo sudah jalan twitter nya

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 22/11/13, 16:01
Updated : twitter @45Gdjschool, sudah berfungsi, mohon sekiranya boleh di follow  *tepuktangan*

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Monkey Pisang /no1 suara nya gokil !!!  :o 8)
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 25/11/13, 13:58
Countdown begin... 7 days till soft opening !!!  *tepuktangan*

Q: Apa saja alat yang ada di 45G DJ School ?
A: Di 45G DJ School, nanti nya ada alat state-of-the-art, Pioneer CDJ 2000 Nexus, agar nanti nya murid2 45G DJ School bisa meng experience suasana di Club, sehingga nanti nya kalau mereka spin di club, mereka tidak asing lagi dengan standard alat2 DJ di club

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Please follow us @45Gdjschool ...
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: colis on 25/11/13, 21:59
wah ini kereeeennnn...
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 26/11/13, 09:36
monggo kk colis mampir2  :o
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 26/11/13, 10:48
Today secret letters ...

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Q: Sebenar nya apa sih promo code ini ? Bisa di jelas kan lebih detail ?
A: Buat yang bisa menebak kalimat rahasia nya , 45G DJ School akan memberikan harga promo special beserta "bonus" jika bro2 n sis2 register di 45G DJ School ( *Syarat & ketentuan berlaku )

Q: Bagaimana cara ber partisipasi nya ?
A: Bro2 n sis2 cukup mem pm di ravelex atau bisa melalui twitter @45Gdjschool, dengan format "Secret Code, (tebakan nya) Cc:@45Gdjschool"
Satu partisipasi boleh menebak satu kali / per satu hari nya

Q: Apa saja "bonus" nya ?
A: Nanti akan kami info kan lebih lanjut, yang pasti gowkil deh !  8)
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 27/11/13, 08:34
Selamat pagi bro2 n sis2  8)
Today secret letters ...

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Q: Deadline untuk ikutan promotional code ini sampai kapan ?
A: Dead line nya sampai akhir Bulan Dec tanggal 30, maka nya kudu buruan bro2 and sis2, lumayan loh diskon nya plus "bonus" nya  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 06/12/13, 09:43
We ALMOST ready  :D

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Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: ALX on 06/12/13, 17:59
instrukturnya nanti siapa?
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 09/12/13, 13:09
Quote from: ALX on 06/12/13, 17:59
instrukturnya nanti siapa?

Instrukturnya nanti dari 1945MF bro  :D
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: ALX on 11/12/13, 17:27
Quote from: Lamid45G on 09/12/13, 13:09
Quote from: ALX on 06/12/13, 17:59
instrukturnya nanti siapa?

Instrukturnya nanti dari 1945MF bro  :D

masih boank?
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 12/12/13, 08:41
Quote from: ALX on 11/12/13, 17:27
Quote from: Lamid45G on 09/12/13, 13:09
Quote from: ALX on 06/12/13, 17:59
instrukturnya nanti siapa?

Instrukturnya nanti dari 1945MF bro  :D

masih boank?

Betul bro  :D
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 13/12/13, 13:19
Weekend ini mampir yuk bro2 n sis2 DJ's yang ada gigs nanti malam di Kemang, mampir latihan di studio kami mumpung lagi ada promo sewa studio DJ nya, alat2 nya gokil lo  :D

Studio 1 : 2 unit CDJ 2000 Nexus + DJM 900 Nexus ( with set of Monkey Banana )

Studio 2 : 2 unit CDJ 900 + DJM 900 Nexus ( with set of Rokit )

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Promo Rental DJ Studio 1 & 2:
Rp. 50.000 / 1 hr OR Rp. 80.000 / 2 hrs  :o

45G DJ School
DJ School // DJ Studio // Rental DJ Gears
Teras Agogo, Jl. Patiunus No. 9, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
More info: 0821-944-26076
Follow us @45Gdjschool
Open everyday from 11.00 AM - 11.00 PM
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: dj choxx on 15/12/13, 23:01
recomen bngeeeet,,,,
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 16/12/13, 09:21
Quote from: dj choxx on 15/12/13, 23:01
recomen bngeeeet,,,,

Thank u atas support na bro  ;)

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: dj choxx on 17/12/13, 12:14
Quote from: Lamid45G on 16/12/13, 09:21
Quote from: dj choxx on 15/12/13, 23:01
recomen bngeeeet,,,,

Thank u atas support na bro  ;)

any time broo,, gw uda nyobain buat yg mw explore pake rekordbox system juga bisa lhoo
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 17/12/13, 16:10

Quote from: dj choxx on 15/12/13, 23:01
any time broo,, gw uda nyobain buat yg mw explore pake rekordbox system juga bisa lhoo
Kalau gitu bisa lebih sering mampir2 lagi donk  ;D
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 20/12/13, 09:51
Bingung nanti malem ada gigs di Kemang?
Bingung belum latihan ?
Bingung belum nge framing lagu2 ?

Engga usah bingung2 lagi !
Lokasi 45G DJ School hanya 10 menit an dari Kemang !
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Promo Rental DJ Studio 1 & 2:
Hanya ---> Rp. 50.000 / 1 hr OR Rp. 80.000 / 2 hrs  :o

Mixtape hanya Rp. 60.000 / 1 hour session !

Yuk rental studio nya bro2 and sis2  8)

45G DJ School
DJ School // DJ Studio // Rental DJ Gears
Teras Agogo, Jl. Patiunus No. 9, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
More info: 021-90215215 / 0821-944-26076
Pin bb: 33075757
Follow us @45Gdjschool
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 08/01/14, 09:29
We proudly announced our first-line Instructors!  *tepuktangan*

- Boank || 1945MF
- ADEBRO || Clubhoppers

Stop dreaming now, be a professional DJ today!
Register now with our special promo class !
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: yudha4 on 08/01/14, 16:24
sucess 45G DJ School...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 09/01/14, 08:04
Quote from: yudha4 on 08/01/14, 16:24
sucess 45G DJ School...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Makaaaacih kokoh Yudha atas cupport na  :-*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 17/01/14, 14:00
Please subscribe to our bb channel @ C001BC9B7

Thank You ...  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 29/01/14, 11:24
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Coming Soon !

45G DJ School: "See No Evil BPM Challenge"   8)
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: dj choxx on 29/01/14, 21:11
Quote from: Lamid45G on 29/01/14, 11:24
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Coming Soon !

45G DJ School: "See No Evil BPM Challenge"   8)

weeew appa ini ?? semacam kompetisi kah ?
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 30/01/14, 09:49
Quote from: dj choxx on 29/01/14, 21:11
weeew appa ini ?? semacam kompetisi kah ?

Kompetisi sih bukan bro, semacam challenge, di tunggu aja tanggal main nya  *tepuktangan*
Ikutan yah bro  8)
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 07/02/14, 15:41
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ITS FRIDAY !!!!  8)

DI mana lagi bisa sewa studio DJ di Jakarta yang kaya gini:
- Lokasi strategis (hanya 10 menit dari PS, dan hanya 10 menit dari Kemang)
- Studio DJ yang di lengkapi dengan state-of-the-art DJ Equipments terbaru, CDJ-2000 Nexus, di lengkapi dengan rival nya speaker Rokit, "Monkey Banana"

Hanya dengan Rp. 50,000 / 1 jam atau Rp. 80,000 / 2 jam saja  :o :o :o
Tunggu apalagi ? Yuk rental studio DJ nya hari ini mumpung weekend !  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 11/03/14, 09:36
Coming Soon ! a joint forces between 1945MF Kingdom and 45G Squad !  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

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Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 01/04/14, 14:18
45G DJ School would like to give a warmest welcome to our new Instructor for our Advance Class, the one and only sexylicious,
Delicious Devina of 1945MF
A graduating students of the Advance Class will have the opportunity to be the opening DJ for Delicious Devina!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Don't pass out this great offer,
Advance your DJ skills, and register in our Advance Class today!
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 03/04/14, 13:03
1945MF Knights & 45G Squad at 45G DJ School ...  :o  8)

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Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: harriz nabeat on 04/04/14, 13:31
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 04/04/14, 13:34
Quote from: harriz nabeat on 04/04/14, 13:31

Makasih kokoh harriz  ;), mampir2 dunks  :o
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 16/04/14, 09:35
Dont forget to follow our official Path 45G djschool !  8)
See ya there folks !  :-*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 19/05/14, 14:33
This Saturday ...

Our students showdown @ Alibi !

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 04/06/14, 11:16
!!! JUNE 2014 PROMO !!!

For a new enroll students,

Free Introduction to Traktor Class,
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Free Introduction to Serato DJ Class,
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:o :o :o
Grab this GREAT offer today !,
Register to our DJ Class @ 45G DJ School
Teras Agogo, Jl. Patiunus No. 9, Keb. Baru, Jak-Sel
More info: 021-90215215 / 0812-89999-280 / 0821-944-26076
Pin BB: 33075757
Follow Us @45Gdjschool

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: kaptencupu on 14/06/14, 03:15
Minat dong kursusnyaaaa.... Programnya gmana yah yang basic ? Tengkyuuuu
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 17/06/14, 11:07
Quote from: kaptencupu on 14/06/14, 03:15
Minat dong kursusnyaaaa.... Programnya gmana yah yang basic ? Tengkyuuuu

Silahkan di add bro pin bb nya atau bisa kontak langsung ke nomor nya
021-90215215 / 0812-89999-280 / 0821-944-26076
Pin BB: 33075757

Program basic kita di ajar langsung dengan Instruktur dari 1945MF bro  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 24/07/14, 14:19
Please follow our new Instagram folks :


Stay tuned for more killers news, updates & offering after Lebaran !  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Happy Iedul Fitri, 1 Syawwal 1435 !
Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Batin !  :D

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 07/08/14, 11:06
Al Ghazali & Tristan Juliano @ 45G DJ School  :o 8)

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Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 12/08/14, 09:39
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State-of-the-art DJ gears...  8)
Only at 45G DJ School !

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 12/11/14, 08:15
Mau Gratis Tiket DWP 2014 ???

Catch our HOT HOTTY PROMO !!!  8)  8)  8)

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Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 16/01/15, 13:23
Menerima pendaftaran murid baru Class of 2015

Bonus FREE Promo Digital Class:
- Intro to Traktor & Serato

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Meet our rising star students DJ Nanzy & Vilza !
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: dj choxx on 28/04/15, 11:42
mantaap nih studio nya sambil santai n nongkrong bareng seruu hehehee,,

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 13/05/15, 08:35
Makacih buat kokoh choxx buat suppurt na selalu  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Mampir lagiiii donkkkk, mager di bandung meloloeee  :P
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: dj choxx on 13/05/15, 12:42
Quote from: Lamid45G on 30/01/14, 09:49
Quote from: dj choxx on 29/01/14, 21:11
weeew appa ini ?? semacam kompetisi kah ?

Kompetisi sih bukan bro, semacam challenge, di tunggu aja tanggal main nya  *tepuktangan*
Ikutan yah bro  8)
kpaaan nya kbari yaa brow
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 01/06/15, 08:29
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Best EO of 2015 : 45G
Best DJ of 2015 : Lamid (45G)

Tunggu apalagi? Mau belajar di tempat di best of the best ???  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Hanya di :

                       45G DJ School !
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 24/07/15, 09:12
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3 Days Remaining !
Win cash or a trip to Singapore by entering #StreamHunt DJ Competition 2015
Prepare your bio & submit your video DJ Performing with your own tracks/mixtape before July 25th, 2015
Follow the direction on how to enter the competition at http://bit.ly/FSOMsh (http://bit.ly/FSOMsh)

NO REGISTRATION FEE ! Its free to enter !!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
For more details go to www.futurescopeofminds.com (http://www.futurescopeofminds.com), follow Future Scope Of Minds official Twitter & Instagram at @fs_minds, or you can contact 089655333419 directly

Good luck !

Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 04/09/15, 10:52
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Jaman gini masak nge DJ di kemang kemang aja bray  ::)
Pengen nge DJ di club keren kaya di Immigrant ???

Tunggu apalagi buruan daftar di 45G DJ School
Registration open for Class of Summer 2015

Call 0821-944-26076 Today !
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 27/11/15, 09:27
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State of the art CLUB Standard CDJ 2000 Nexus + DJM 900 NEXUS !  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 15/01/16, 08:07
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Congratz to all the winner of 45G "Generation Noize DJ Competition 2015"

See you in the next battlefield !
Title: Re: 45G DJ School
Post by: Lamid45G on 27/01/16, 08:37
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45G & Plaza Semanggi

A Couple Back To Back DJ Competition 2016
Plaza Semanggi
14 February 2016

- Gladiator
- Lamid

Guest Star:
- Sugar & Spice

- Queen Awrel & Kenzo

- Terbuka untuk umum
- Pria atau Wanita 'berpasangan'
- Usia 17-30 thn

Club Mixing
No Breakbeat
No Funkot

Register Today At:
Teras Agogo
Jl.Patiunus No.9 Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 

Atau melalui telp/ whatsapp:
Lamid : 0821 94426076
Masbo : 0813 10858545
45G Studio : 021 29053890

Pendaftaran akan di tutup pada hari Jumat, 12 February, jam 00:00 wib

More news & info follow us :
Twitter: @45Generation, @45Gdjschool
Path: 45G DJ School
Instagram: @45gdjschool

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