
General Hype => Educations / School & Studio Rentals => Topic started by: ardybp on 22/03/12, 07:46

Title: How to install behringer bcd 3000
Post by: ardybp on 22/03/12, 07:46
im using mac i already put the cd and drag all the data from b-control bcd3000, and i install the traktor le but when i click the activate button the native instrument showed up and the traktor closed, any explanation?? help me
Title: Re: How to install behringer bcd 3000
Post by: darmus on 22/03/12, 12:21
coba install ulang traktornya *bgs*
Title: Re: How to install behringer bcd 3000
Post by: iaz_holic on 22/03/12, 13:00
download traktor baru aja bay , TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO 2 , trus instal ulang lg , setting up liat" di youtube caranya .. banyak tutorialnya bay ..
Title: Re: How to install behringer bcd 3000
Post by: ardybp on 22/03/12, 19:42
udah gw install ulang, tapi pas mau di active-in dia pending terus gitu jadi jatohnya demo terus. ada yg ngerti??
Title: Re: How to install behringer bcd 3000
Post by: darmus on 25/03/12, 08:12
wah..gw juga pernah kayak lo gt bro.. klo pending terus biasanya sih masalah di internetnya mas bro..
klo gw solusinya nyolong wifi tetangga hahaha ;D.. maklum internet rumah emang lemot :-\
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