
"NIKE or ADIDAS"... which one do you choose???

Started by Dimaz, 28/02/07, 00:30

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adidas klo gw sih...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*- Claps for Dancing & Dance for Life - *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*


kalo untuk modelnya sih gw sama2 suka....tapi untuk kenyamanan di kaki, adidas lebih nyaman di kaki gw

Kalo spatu adidas bwt nongkrong/jalan2.. bole laa..

tp klw spatu bwt olahraga ttp Nike..

hhe* *piss* *piss* *piss*

ADIDAS pastinya.......
*bgs* *bgs*
every little thing it's gonna be allright

adidas aja abisnya tante gw kerja di kantor adidas jadi dpt diskon

gw suka nike dunk sm adidas super star...duany2 keren....

adidas aja abisnya tante gw kerja di kantor adidas jadi dpt diskon

wkwkwk bagi2 dong voucher diskonnya bwt ank2 rvlx.....
;D ;D ;D
every little thing it's gonna be allright

kaga ada voucher paling asal kita apal kodenya.trus beli melalui gw tp diskonnya juga kaga gede

Nike or Adidas?


gk nyambung.. *piss* *piss* *piss*

2-2 oK laaaah! ;D ;D *tepuktangan*

Prefer NIKE sih. Apalagi yang skate n basketnya: Dunk, Morgan, Air, etc..
wtb: nike dunk

it depend,,

nike and adidas ha sa different character

for more stylish:

for more sporty:

buat yg support nike
baca www.teamsweat.org deh..
September 21st, 2008
In the late 1990's the Nike sweatshop issue broke into the American consciousness.  News exposes brought the realities of low wages and abusive workplaces into the homes of millions of consumers.  During the early days of the ad hoc campaign to improve conditions at Nike subcontracted factories, domestic and international NGOs focused on working in solidarity with factory workers to help them get their unions recognized by Nike.  The idea was that helping independent unions fight for collective bargaining agreements was the best means to assure justice in the workplace.
The criticism poured on to Nike, as students, activists, religious groups and organized labor picked up on the rallying cry.  In the face of this criticism and the implications it might have on their bottom line, Nike responded with a very clever and extremely effective move.  They stopped defending against the allegations and they said that they would address the problems.  How were they going to do it?  MONITORING.  To this end, they would, over the next decade, help launch the Apparel Industry Partnership, the Fair Labor Association, and the now defunct Global Alliance; they would offer monitoring visits to students and university officials; they created an ever-growing Corporate Responsibility division and one might argue that they helped spawn the explosion in the corporate responsibility industry; they signed onto non-enforceable agreements with the United Nations, the World Wildlife Fund, CERES, etc.  All of these efforts were and continued to be focused on the principle that MONITORING will solve the problems in Nike's production plants.  With the focus on monitoring, Nike maintains control.  No one can truly monitor a Nike factory without Nike's permission.  By this simple, but ingenious shift in the debate, Nike has been able to maintain the status quo and continue to make billions in profits at the expense of workers rights.
Team Sweat is going to change this.


22nya mantap ..

apalagi yg oldskool2 ..
Dari pada nyeker

22nya mantap ..

apalagi yg oldskool2 ..
Dari pada nyeker

nike for shoes adidas for jaket's,, ahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

adidas dari jacket sampe sepatu nya keren punya! *bgs*
so..ga diragukan lagi lah....

2 2nya,,,
merk yg g kan pernah matiiii *bgs* *bgs*