
Technical Board => Gears and Technology => Topic started by: urbanvictim on 25/07/08, 02:19

Title: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: urbanvictim on 25/07/08, 02:19
bro,gw mau tanya mending beli cdj or dj console like hercules rmx,coz dr segi harga jelas lebih hemat digital dj dan praktis juga ga perlu bawa cd.

butuh masukan
plus minus cdj dan dj console.dan sekarang era digital apa kita mending beli yg console aja or gmn

thx before
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 25/07/08, 02:37
Hmmm dua2nya punya kelebihan masing2....tapi gw lebih prefer beli cdj ato turntable...karena alat itu udah banyak tersedia di club....kalo bawa console repot seting2 lagi...ada kemungkinan salah colok ntar lagu yang sebelumnya malah mati lagi....repot kan...hehehe....
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: mahesautara on 25/07/08, 03:45
Mending beli vestax gw..  ;D

Mmm, buat gw tergantung kebutuhan sih sob.. Yg lo perlu skrg ap?
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: room507 on 25/07/08, 11:04
dua2 ny punya kelebihan dan kekurangn..
turntable & cdj kelebihnny club smwa ad jadi kita tnggl bw cd ato vinyl,
nah klo kelebihan console itu kita cmn bw console dan laptop, klo buat masalh settingn biasanya gmpang cmn ngmbil 2 cannel dr mixer yg biasany channel turntable sih..dan kita g usah repot2 bw cd,

kekurangnnny dr cdj ato turntable,,
berat dan kadang2 cdj g bs ng baca cd yg uda ad baret2 nya,tp smwa tergntung kualitas cdj ato turntable itu sndri,dan kdg2 juga setlah lagu d burn k cd kualitas suarany kadg2 jadi turun bro,,

nah klo kekurangn dr console ato laptop
space buat naro laptop dan console d club jrg bgt d sedia in, dan juga klo laptop lo kbnykn program yg nyala kdg2 pas lo maen bs stuck diem gtu.dan bkl ng ganggu lo maen.dan software kdg2 bnyk yg bermsalah,,example like BCD 2000 software BDJ...itu paling sering yg namnya ng hang..

nah jadi bs nyimpulin g dr penjelasan gw??kebetuln gw dsini HDJ jadi aga bgtu ngerti soal laptop,intiny klo mw milih skrg tergntung lo bro, masing2 puny kelebihan dn kekurangn..

the real dj is not judge by what are he/she playing with, but its all about how they entertain the crowd and make crowds loved watching they play


Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: urbanvictim on 25/07/08, 12:17

thanks sob atas masukannya, emang sih gw lebih prefer HDJ,ga repot,simpel...
klo harus beli cdj dan mixer second juga gw agak ragu dgn kualitasnya tar malah dipake br bentar udah
error ga jelas...gw belajar mixing emang di cdj cmn ga mau wasting money buat beli tu alat...trus apakah setelah gw maen dgn DJ console gitu balik lagi maen cdj bisa kagok ga,ato malah sama aja...

sekarang gw punya UMPC HP 2133, headphone technics RPDH1200,speaker logitech Z5500 THX, rencana nya mo beli herculex rmx,gmn menurut lo bro...klo udah ada yg pernah pake minta review nya donk...
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: room507 on 25/07/08, 13:54
@urban victim

nah itu dya bro masalhny klo second alat2 gtu agak riskan aj, dan lo bner2 harus nyari sm org yg terpercya,sebnerny g wasting money sih sob buat bli cdj ato mixer gw juga skrg lagi nyari tuh alat2 buat d rumh,,cmn klo ad yg lebih gampng kenpa harus milih yg ag ribet,,hehehhe,,g kok g ribet tergntung lo milih console ny aj, gw blom tau soal hercules rmx tp gw kurang suka sm software ny sob, virtual dj kurang asik sob mnturt gw heheh

set up gw tuh

laptop macbook, soundcard u46dj, sm numark headphone.
gw mixing lasg d mixer sob, dulu gw pake bcd 2000 tp skrg uda g d pake lagi gtu sob eheh,,

Welcome to HDJ sob heheh

Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: riz88 on 26/07/08, 19:03
buKaan HDJ lBih maHal Ya...???

lapTop+MiDi conTroller+soundCard exTernal aJa udh aBiz braPa...??? (?) (?) (?)

tP klo mNurut gW C paKe aJa dua2Nya coz puNya klbiHan and kkrangan maSing2 C... *piss* *piss* *piss*

;D R!Z88
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: F E R R E on 26/07/08, 20:03
@riz 88

kalo diitung2 sih tetep mahalan beli equipment standar dj , katakanlah cdj 1000 mk3 x 2
+ DJm 600 ato bahkan 800...iya kan?
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: riz88 on 27/07/08, 20:46
Quote from: F  E  R  R  E on 26/07/08, 20:03
@riz 88

kalo diitung2 sih tetep mahalan beli equipment standar dj , katakanlah cdj 1000 mk3 x 2
+ DJm 600 ato bahkan 800...iya kan?

beNer juGa C soB...gw snDiri C sbNerNya lBih preFer ke CDJ coz feelNya lBih dPt mNrut gW...hehehe

;D R!Z88
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: La_Musica on 28/07/08, 00:01
The new DENON DNHS-5500


The dnhs5500 is an amazing combination of the mighty dns3500 cd deck, the incredible dnhc4500 usb / midi controller with some of stunning features of the dnhd2500 harddrive media player. With all the aforementioned being widely regarded as the most capable devices in their class, the dnhs5500 was always going to take the world by storm. A host of playback and media options mean you can use the dnhs5500 with a usb storage device, mp3 player, ipod or thanks to the implementation of a midi interface, with software. You can playback audio from wherever you want and however you want. The deck will identify audio in the form of mp3 or .wav and it features an intuitive file search interface for finding files on large drives. Custom mapping of the controllers will give the user full control over virtual decks in traktor or similar dj software. You can even fit a 2.5" modular hdd to the internal easy access caddy for storing audio and playing back audio on the unit itself, in the same vein as the dnhd2500. The internal usb audio interface offers 2 stereo outputs with 44.1khz sampling ranges and low latency asio / osx core audio support, this means you can use the unit as two decks in a single chassis. By the flick of a switch one single unit can be converted into 2 virtual decks to play 2 tracks at once, all with full functionality and with total control over your audio. This also means you can control 2 independent sources on software too. Whether playing from harddrive, usb storage device or software, you get twice the power and creativity in a single unit. Core dj features haven't been missed either. The motorised platter gives true vinyl feel over your media. And with 2 hot cues, 2 editable loops, variable pitch range, key control and a total of 9 dsp effects, whether your scratching, hot mixing or club mixing, this deck has more than enough capability to take your skills to the next level. A large 3.8" lcd display provides all the information you need for tracks, play lists, time displays and audio source. Denon have even gone as far as including software for creating and editing pre-defined playlists, perfect for clubs, mobile djs and home users. The dnhs500 is nothing short of an amazingly capable, versatile and professional media player for the ever evolving and advancing digital dj.

Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: Jerome on 28/07/08, 17:45
pake tracktor scratch sob.....digital heart...vinyl soul......oldskool thinking with nuskool way.....
Title: Re: Analog DJ or Digital DJ
Post by: mahardickass on 30/07/08, 21:59
pake Torq conective juga yahuud...
yaa apa aja yg time coded laah....
midinya lo pake buat asign ke efek di internal torq or other dj mixing sopwer.
jadi penggabungan analog dan digital tuuh...
klo lg males maen time coded, midinya lo pake full buat controler... conectivenya jadi soundcard deh..
kya yg sekarang gw lakukan.....

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