
Technical Board => Gears and Technology => Topic started by: angger_dimas on 23/11/09, 12:07

Title: M Audio FTU USB problems....
Post by: angger_dimas on 23/11/09, 12:07
Just bought new M Audio FTU USB, gw nemu beberapa masalah nih  :P :

- knp headphone 2 nya ga keluar audio ya (no signal on 3/4 )??
- cara ngatur resolution ke 24 bit dr mana??
- bisa buat playback device atau engga ??
- windows gw jd startup nya lama bgt...

moga2 suhu2 M Audio disini bs jawab :)

Title: Re: M Audio FTU USB problems....
Post by: tirta on 13/02/10, 23:35
Gw nemuin sedikit solusi di website M-audio & website2 laen gini :

To use all inputs and outputs the AC power adapter must be connected before the Fast Track Ultra is powered on.  If the AC power adapter is connected after the Fast Track Ultra is connected and powered on, it will be limited to 4 inputs and 4 outputs (Analog ins/outs 1/2, and the SPDIF I/O).  If the AC power adapter was connected after the device was powered on, simply power the device off, then back on, and you will be able to use all inputs and outputs.

jd intinya gini ...kalo using FTU tanpa power adapter (hanya USB powered), maka limited 4 channel (2input & 2 output), alias bekerja sbg sound card PC biasa, kalo mau pake semua channel 8x8 maka harus ditancepin tu power adapter ... .. cara nancepinnya (urutan nyalainnya) seperti disebut diatas ... ;D

semoga membantu ...  *piss*
Title: Re: M Audio FTU USB problems....
Post by: tirta on 13/02/10, 23:48
klo masalah windows berat loadingnya mungkin bisa dicoba driver mode nya pake yg High Performance mode, keterangan yg gw dapat dr website M-audio gini :

Enabling High Performance Mode (Windows Only) for the Fast Track Ultra can improve your overall performance with the device.  High Performance Mode further reduces latency required to monitor the audio input signal via your DAW software, and also reduces the CPU load.
While most computers support High Performance Mode, if you experience any unexpected results, disable High Performance Mode.

siapa tau itu bisa bikin lebih ringan ...  *piss*
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