
NEW!!! IPOD NANO 200 GB!!!

Started by Gober, 12/10/06, 07:59

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IPOD NANO dengan kapasitas 200 gb !!!

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wiii... klo itumah namanya ngerusak garansi paman.. hauhauehuhae... boro2 ngoprek nano.. bli aja gak kuwat :D :D

hauhauhauhauha...sama ja bawa harddisk kmana2...emang cukp masuk kantong..??heheh

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

waduh.... gokil juga nih....

tp 200 giga??? gw aja make 10 GB di ipod yg 20 GB sering hang gitu.... udah pernah ganti baru dan suka gitu klo keseringan dipake....

wah gila..keren tuh....tp klo rusak nyesel gila.....hehhhhhehe
ngumpulin duit dh..heheheee
rj rj rj...

 :o :o :o bhuuuuuuuussseeeeeedd!! 200giga!! cm buat lagu doank?? yg ada bnyk yg ga ke dengerin kale..set dah..

:o :o :o kebayang repoooot..

::) btw harganya brp ya?
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

hwakAKAKAKk.. jadinya kaya gini, syapa yg mauuu?

boleh juga tuh.. hihihi merusak konsep 'NANO'.. ini sih namanya ipod babon
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Quote from: fallenangel on 14/10/06, 07:03
hwakAKAKAKk.. jadinya kaya gini, syapa yg mauuu?

boleh juga tuh.. hihihi merusak konsep 'NANO'.. ini sih namanya ipod babon

Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

pas bgt buat dikantong plastik, bukan dikantong celana
The Music Is The Drugs

Quote from: fLawLeSS on 15/10/06, 03:42
pas bgt buat dikantong plastik, bukan dikantong celana
Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.


dikaret2 gituh...

jadinya jelek amat ;D ;D

If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music.
- Gustav Mahler

gilee 200gb!!.. buat Lagu , belom capek2nge renamenya .., kalo semua didengerin.. bisa mencret tuh kuping hahaha..
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

parah....kirain nano beneran...sekecil itu 200gig mah keren amat....uheuheuheuhe....
bener tuh pasnya di kantong plastik....uauhuahuhauha
this is where the hungry come to feed...
Im waitin for it to hit me....

huaha.. rusuh jek ipodnya..
coba bayangkan klo dibuat joging.. :P

wakakaka.. gokil ipod ada karetnya 2 pasti pedes tuh... ipod kerja sama ama maxtor! hahahaha..!!!

kalo pake hard disc ini pasti lebih gokil..

maxtor 1 terra !!!  :P