
New Studio at Rumus

Started by deefoundation, 26/04/07, 12:27

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26/04/07, 12:27 Last Edit: 26/04/07, 12:32 by deefoundation
Good News For all Of U Guys.... New Studio OPEN...!! on Monday 30th April 2007...!!
Specification : <-> Pioneer MIxer DJM 800 <-> Pioneer CDJ 1000 MK3 <-> Tascam Recorder <-> Turn Table 1210 MK 2

RUMUS (DJ School / Party Organizer /Shop)
Jl. Sekolah Duta Raya No.19
Pondok Indah
Phone. 021. 7669681/ 081314071912 Fax. 021. 7666155



wow, udh lama nih ga ke rumus, harga masih sama 25.000/jam ? nambah studio jd 3 atau upgrade alat nih ? sip2 deh...
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

kayaknya sih masih sama deh harganyaa..hehehe..

yup msh sama coz kmaren gw br dr sana..
tp klo studio baru gw blum tau harganya..
mudah2an sama,,hehehe...

makin makmur aja si dudud haha..
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

si buni jg makin makmur aja nihh..hehehehe

bunn...sabtu ini abis dari jk kita mo lanjut....mo ikut ga..??


hueeee mo kemana ?.. mencurigakan hehe..
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

yg studio 1 masih "gitu" mixer nya ?
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

Wah murah ya 25/jam,, Tp jauh sie  ;D *piss*

Untuk Studio 1, khusus untuk murid Rumus (kelas)
dapat diskon bagi member Rumus

for more info : 7669681
or clik : www.rumusdjschool.com


mau donk diskonnya...
tp di studio 2/yg baru..hehehe..

eh klo belajar di Rumus masih 2jt gak yah???mau belajar d..blm jago soalnya...hehhehe
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!

Quote from: dj_hatta on 04/10/07, 15:55
eh klo belajar di Rumus masih 2jt gak yah???mau belajar d..blm jago soalnya...hehhehe
masih koq sob, info lebih lanjut hub aja ke 021-7669681