
!!!!maenan baru bwat di rumah !!!!!!

Started by andy, 08/11/06, 00:59

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gw juga gunain Bcd2000

soundnya ok bgt, user friendly <gampang makenya>, dan udah gw cb d bbrp club ok ok aj tuh, cmn dulu smpet ad masalah sm drivernya, tp skrg udah teratasi cb aj download driver terbarunya d behringer.com.. ok?

Overall gw lebih milih BCD2000 dr pda hercules,, hercules kyk maenan hihihi
cb tnya aj sm bung fferre waktu gw maen d bross dan wb, bcd2000 g mengecewakan ko,,

peace no offence..

ooooo masalahnya udah teratasi ya...

nanya donk...
klo bcd2000 ama traktor 3 cocok g??



mksd ny cocok itu gmn sob??compatible sih kykny tp gw blom prnh cb hehehe

ikutaaan yaaaa
gw juga make BCD2000 asik2 ajah...
daripada hercules... mang bener2 kya maenan gitu cassingnya...

bcd 2000 pokoknya seru banget sob bisa support juga ama resolume bisa buat ngevj

harganya gak mahal2 amat

skr dah turun

saya kemaren baru aja pesen harganya skr 1.400.000 rb :)

dari pada yang bcd 3000 mending yang 2000

firurnya gak jauh2 amat bedanya :)

Quote from: andy on 08/11/06, 00:59
The B-CONTROL DeeJay BCD2000 will play, mix and scratch any WAV and MP3 files as well as other audio formats. Connect up to two DJ turntables, a CD player or a hand-held media player and use the BCD2000 as the foundation for your mixing setup. Get ready to mix and scratch even your favorite vinyl with MP3.

The BCD2000 features a full-speed USB 4-channel audio interface plus high-resolution 24-bit A/D and D/A converters. It perfectly complements the included BEHRINGER B-DJ software or most other DJ software. And don't let the cutesy looks fool you: this is an integrated, full-fledged audio mixer with a premium quality mic preamp, 3-band kill EQ per channel, ultra-precise faders, super-smooth crossfader and talkover function. The BCD2000 is packed with 2 state-of-the-art phono preamplifiers, one of which is switchable to a CD player. Its sophisticated headphone section includes PFL Mix, Split options and direct listening to master output mix. Play, Pause, Cue, Loop and Pitch Bend functions are regulated via dedicated controls for intuitive Djing, and 4 user-assignable controls and buttons are available for an integrated FX section. Take advantage of the enormous processing power of modern PCs and mix, scratch and manipulate digital music in real time—regardless of the format!

coccix bwat di rumah harganya lumayan cman rp 1.890.000 (di lurusin 2.000.000 dech ama ongkos) ;D

ada kontak person nya ga nehh ??

hercules or bcd ????? kalo hercules sound card nya bisa 2 LR input juga bisa phono  in,bcd cuman 1 output LR...tapi udh nyoba setahun ini hercules lebih ringkas,usb powered,kecil,stabil.ya kalo buat vj lumayan  stabil lah pas di ransel leppie ,...kalo bcd fader slop nya agak2 seret,(masalah klasik ciri khas behringer)
ehmmmm ya so so lah ! any way kalo buat abletonan mending hecules aja ... sound out assignya lebih mudah buat live .

Quote from: dj_network on 29/01/08, 15:22
bcd 2000 pokoknya seru banget sob bisa support juga ama resolume bisa buat ngevj

harganya gak mahal2 amat

skr dah turun

saya kemaren baru aja pesen harganya skr 1.400.000 rb :)

dari pada yang bcd 3000 mending yang 2000

firurnya gak jauh2 amat bedanya :)

yep.. tul bgt.. udah setaun pake bcd 2000 buat nge vj gak ada mslh..  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
kl buat nge vj sih emang 2000 sm 3000 sama aja.. tp kl buat nge dj yg seri 3000 udah bs pake traktor 3 ktnya..
cuman seri 2000 emang msh belum kompatibel sm windows vista ya??


@maxxxmotion lom nyoba neh sob cose lom punya yang bcd 3000 heheheh ;)

tapi kayaknya bukan masalah vista ato bcd nya kalo dulu saya pernah coba vista emang kalo software harus update yang terbaru ex: tune utility hrs yang 2008, nero harus yang versi yang terbaru gitu deh ;)

maybe temen2 dah ada yang coba bcd 3000 makenya di windows vista ?

pengen punya Xponent....
blom punya duit.....
pengen punya XP-10 / XP-5 ga ada dealer di indo....

FYI : HERCULES ngeluarin console terbaru, namanya "dj console rmx" keren abis...

sorry kalo udh pernah dibahas di thread sebelah2...

on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left