
Pioneer DDJ-S1 - Serato Controller

Started by Gober, 12/01/11, 02:12

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20/01/11, 05:13 #25 Last Edit: 20/01/11, 05:15 by echaaaa

hahahah rada konyol aja sih yon kalo manufakturer sekelas pioneer bisa mikirin hal se konyol ini , laptop dock cmon .... do they expect us to manually scroll lets say 500GB of harddrive looking for 1 song ? mati ajeeeee , so the point of laptop dock is stupid, tapi masi bisa di pake lah taro laptop di sebelah ,

btw video promonya udah beredar di youtube , ukurannya kecil yaaaah kebayang kalo orang gede kyk gw bakal rada kikuk makenya hahahahaha

ah sok tau lo bon...
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kan bisa beli bluetooth keyboard sama magic mouse... hehehe... eh klo pake i mac seri kali yah... layarnya gede... wooohooooo... ngedije lagi aaaahhhhh

Quote from: dunant on 16/01/11, 15:29
aih.. makin banyak pilihan utk traktor controler.. makin gak beli2 nih gue..
11 sampai 12 jutaan  :-\
nabung yok nabung :D