
touchscreen turntable

Started by Babeel, 27/05/08, 08:52

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27/05/08, 08:52 Last Edit: 27/05/08, 08:54 by Babeel

foundernya adalah seorang mahasiswa dari UK, Scott Hobbs. semua fungsi turntable normal tersedia di layar sentuh. namun, alih-alih menggunakan jog dial, dj bisa scratching via waveform yang ditampilkan dilayar.


gokil...makin mati dah music analog :'( :'( :'(

mungkin bentar lagi ada mixer full touch screen kalee...  :D :D

bentar lagi dj pun ga perlu bawa CD/plat... hedpon ajaa
karena smuanya streaming..
dj tinggal datang..
dj sebelumnya log-out di screen mixer...
dj yg mau main login di mixer online touchscreen dengan penuh gaya..
muncul deh database lagu2nya yg sudah disiapkan dari komputer rumah (ya kaya frontpage beatport gt)..
tinggal touch drag n drop lagunya ke player A ato B..
otomatis sync ke touchscreen CDJ...
streaming joo..
busyeet hayalan sadiss... (but maybe someday tho) hihi

Lama2 guest DJ nya maen lewat video conference dr rmhnya... huehue...

DJ² masa depan yg terus di bantu dengan teknologi..

kayak perbedaan antara maen PH sm CD.

Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

gokil....amaze gila gw !!!

wah udah di jual blom yah sama doi disini? berapaan yah? cari tau ah !!

apa sih nama alatnya?
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


info tambahan:
The ATTIGO TT was created by Scott Hobbs, a student at Dundee University studying innovative product design. For his final year project he's created a touch screen turntable that lets DJ's loop, sample and scratch wave forms just as you would a record. The size of the touchtable is approximately the same as a standard turntable, making the physical interaction nearly the same. Where this takes off is in the flexibility and features included right at your fingertips, no longer locked up on a computer screen. The ATTIGO TT is currently a working prototype, and Scott is looking for manufacturers to partner with.

is technology destroying the art of dj-ing?

this what makes Djing so easy these days.
goodbye oldskul welcome future !

tapi gw rasa sih emang skill banget kalo pake TT beneran.
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


mungkin masi dibikin secara perorangan..
mungkin ada yg jd sponsor? klo laris manis.. lo bisa langsung kaya mendadak.. hueheu..

destroy ga ya?
agak bingung sih jawabnya...
cuman namanya jaman, teknologi ga bisa dibatasi...

yaa klo destroy mah susah jawabnya... plus mines ituu.. ibarat technology encode MP3 gmana.. berapa toko CD yg tumbang.. segede tower-record aja bisa bangkrut dmana2.. itu yg mass-prod.. gmana lagi toko2 plat yg kecil di seputaran u.k ...bangkrut mendadak di era digital-donlot hehe..
yahh namanya technology ..

yg pasti tu anak, ntar lagi kaya mendadak deh..  tinggal nunggu tender tertinggi dari pioneer, numark, rane, technics stanton dkk huhuhu

klo ini kluar, pioneer pasti kluarin produk nya yg lebih keren lagi...!!

pioneer the best.

Visit : @djrangel

"It's not about what you use, it's how you use it.

asik kalee ya, pengin nyobain..

makin goKil aJa prkmBangan tekNoloGi...

kPan niH bS diCoBain di Indonesia...???

;D R!Z88

.: Visual Army :.

FS:riz_ibiza@yahoo.com   YM and FB:mocarizo@yahoo.com

ntar klo scott hobbs bw ke indonesia, kita bisa nyobain.. hehe..

lama2 tinggal pikirin diotak trus keluar deh lagunya....
The Music Is The Drugs

dulu gw jg mikir kayak gitu sob.. cuman klo kita lagi mikir jorok kluarnya apa ya.. hehe..

keluar sexy dancer, jadi visualisai isi otak lo gitu... jahahaha, jgn ampe mikirin pacarnya temen aja :P
The Music Is The Drugs

ntar tmennya yg nyamperin... huehue...


pazTi seRu tuh klo tinGGal diPikirin aJa...

;D R!Z88
.: Visual Army :.

FS:riz_ibiza@yahoo.com   YM and FB:mocarizo@yahoo.com

crowdnya streaming lagunya jg pake pikiran.. hehe..