
Special Board => 2007 => Special Event Archive => HEINEKEN THIRST SENSES 2007 => Topic started by: Gober on 23/12/07, 02:25

Title: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Gober on 23/12/07, 02:25
Congratulations to

dj dewa and vj mocko

as 2007 heineken thirst dj and vj champion...

bandung, 23 december 2007
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: adhievizuale on 23/12/07, 02:26

Stamina Pertaminaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! hahahahhahahah ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


memang.... anda benar2 anak dewaaaa...hahahhaa...selamat sobbb!!!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: dj ungu on 23/12/07, 03:31
selamat sob!! support from here.. 7/24 salute for vj mocco and dj dewa!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: blank footage on 23/12/07, 03:50
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: sendyoke on 23/12/07, 04:07

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: mutter666motion on 23/12/07, 04:27


Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: mOi on 23/12/07, 04:32
CONGRATSSSSSSSSSS TO VJ MOCKO AND DJ DEWAAAAAA !!!!!!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: nickvan on 23/12/07, 04:59
sedaapppp...congratz ya buat DJ.DEWA,ACID,n VJ.MOCCO  *tepuktangan*...you guys rock  *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Teeyo on 23/12/07, 05:08
keep the good work *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Bopal on 23/12/07, 05:38
Congrats especially for dj dewa, acid
you got it,,, salute  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
*dewa,,,  dewa,,, dewa,,, dewa,,,,*  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

sukses besar dr awal sesuai prediksii   ;)  *bgs* *bgs*
for all acid crew, nice work guys,,,,

congrats for vj mocco, slamat ya sobb ;)

skali lg slamat buat yang menang, u're the champions,,,,  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: bimzkee on 23/12/07, 08:03
congrats to Dewa and Mocco.....

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: luthfi on 23/12/07, 09:32
congrats !
emang nih dewa suporternya di rvlx banyak bgt.
nice job dude *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: guntUr on 23/12/07, 09:42
Slamat ya ....

guntur (earthquakeshop)

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: vindra on 23/12/07, 11:24
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: joey_30 on 23/12/07, 11:25
congrats buat dj dewa n vj mocco... ;)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: sonique on 23/12/07, 11:31
dewa & mocco... congratz cink! ;)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 23/12/07, 12:00
wah wah wah,,, DJ Dewaaa,,, Congratulation!!!!!!

VJ Mocco!!!!!!! Selamat!!!!!! ;) ;)

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Robbie on 23/12/07, 12:39
congratz to Dj.dewa & Vj.mocco....  *bgs*

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: acid_drops on 23/12/07, 12:56
congrats fo DJ DEWA & VJ MOCCO,tetap semangat ya....
dan setia memajukan Indonesian Electronic Dance Music Scene !!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: PAC MAN on 23/12/07, 12:58
and the winner goes to......

                                      D E W A........     



Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Demarco on 23/12/07, 13:24

Selamat.... Selamat ..... Selamat.....   *tepuktangan*    *tepuktangan* 

To DJ Dewa dan VJ Moco....   *bgs*    *bgs*

Support always Indonesian Electronic Dance Music Scene    *piss*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Mario 78 on 23/12/07, 13:32
...selamat to DEWA...n' vj Mocco  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Mr Din on 23/12/07, 14:01
Congrats VJ Mocco & DJ Dewa

Hajar trus!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: bavoooo on 23/12/07, 14:23
congrats..... *tepuktangan*

sayang yudhi gak menang :'(
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: deejay_dq on 23/12/07, 14:35
Two Thumbs Up For The Champ DJ Dewa and VJ Mocco  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: aKeyZ on 23/12/07, 14:39
Congrats to DJ Dewa & VJ Mocco as the winner of Heineken Thirst Winne 2007

Maju terus Dance Scene Indonesia...
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Psychoped on 23/12/07, 14:57

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: jodi on 23/12/07, 15:08
wahhh selamat yah buat dj dewa & vj mocco  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: ICAL BH on 23/12/07, 16:46
Congrats to dj dewa and vj mocko...
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: DOUBLE DEE on 23/12/07, 17:01
Selamat buat DJ Dewa & VJ Mocko

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Bhokero on 23/12/07, 18:44
just got back from bandung... it was a wicked night. DJ Dewa set are superb. Congratulation for winning the competition.
VJ Mocco u deserve it bro, My SS partner and the most craziest visual I ever seen played by our VJ.

For all finalist u still are champions to get through to the final.
For all the judges you guys done an excellent job

Salute & Respect
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: goTham8 on 23/12/07, 18:56
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* Selamat buat Dj Dewa & Vj Mocco  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Keep rockin.... VJ Newreal.......................    *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: yoggiesd on 23/12/07, 19:22
Wuah Dj Dewa bukhan a'ak Ahmad khan....???
Buat Nuril.....Semangat trus sob....yang penting "gerak" in terus pedangnye.....
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: yoggiesd on 23/12/07, 19:26
Dj Dewa bukan yang maennya a'ak Ahmad Dhani khan...????beneran Dewa khan??? *bgs*
Mocco...tuuuut...tuuut...tutttt,,,,,mantab *bgs*
Nuril......engkau pujaanku sayang..... :P
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: bLacK daMAN! on 23/12/07, 20:28
Congrat n gud Luk'sobb *bgs* *bgs*

Big applause 4 Acid
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Big applause 4 Jogja
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: unclejoy on 23/12/07, 20:44
congrats!!..dewa..maut bgt deh ngemix nya!!..matep!!..mocco..gw bilang jg apa..lu yg menang..manteps!!...salut2!!..
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 23/12/07, 20:54
congrats, and goodluck  8)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 23/12/07, 21:37
congrats DJ Dewa n VJ Mocco, juara baru lahir *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Kimi Rei on 23/12/07, 22:16
Well Done my son... hehehe...  ;)  ;)  ;)  *piss*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: wedhus on 23/12/07, 22:25
Hidup Dj Dewa....CONGRATS....dari awal gw udah meramalkan...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Congrats Vj Mocco
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: dweetha on 23/12/07, 23:15
Quote from: Kimi Rei on 23/12/07, 22:16
Well Done my son... hehehe...  ;)  ;)  ;)  *piss*

ciyeeeeeeee...... uhuy !!!  :-* :-*  *bgs* *bgs*

ada yg sampe sakit gitu ampe gak mau ikutan ke bandung...   ;) ;D ;D

hmmmm..... padahal kmaren juga mau liat dewa maen sambil ngescratch gituuu....  :-\

Congratz ya Dewa......  n VJ Moco tentunyaaa.....

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: digital hallucination on 24/12/07, 00:23

congratz to dj dewa !!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
(from the semifinal i know that you'll be the one)

congratz to vj mocco   *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
you totally deserved it bro  ;)
opening lu edan canggih pisan ko...
traktir traktir...
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 24/12/07, 01:25
Selamat Untuk kedua nya...  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: beyb on 24/12/07, 06:01
congrats ya dewa & mocco!!
u deserved it!!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: natha on 24/12/07, 11:06
congratz for the winner!!


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: club2club on 24/12/07, 11:44
Congratz to DJ Dewa & VJ Mocko !!!

Ditunggu hasil-hasil karya selanjutnya...


Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: iNsideR on 24/12/07, 14:02
selamat bwt DEWA & MOCCO

*bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Jay on 24/12/07, 14:06
Congratss to all the winners....

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: dedoSixteen on 24/12/07, 17:28

YOUR THE BEST !!!  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*


dedosixteen Brummies !!!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: b on 24/12/07, 20:37
Selamat ya buat  DJ Dewa & VJ Mocco

Bang Ucok  *bgs* hehehehehhehehehe...

bimo (1945 MF)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: acid029 on 24/12/07, 20:51
Quote from: b on 24/12/07, 20:37
Selamat ya buat  DJ Dewa & VJ Mocco

Bang Ucok  *bgs* hehehehehhehehehe...

bimo (1945 MF)

BIMO...thanks support dan dukungan nya... *tepuktangan* jadi inget obrolan di mang engking.. untung lo ingetin BIM...thanks :'(
buat semuanya juga terimakasih banyak. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
@ kimi rei... :-\ :'( :-\ :'(
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: letitia on 24/12/07, 23:05
Quote from: acid_drops on 23/12/07, 12:56
congrats fo DJ DEWA & VJ MOCCO,tetap semangat ya....
dan setia memajukan Indonesian Electronic Dance Music Scene !!!!!!!!!

support your local dj :)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: walasok on 25/12/07, 00:29

jagoan gw tembusss.. sayang gw ga nyari orang buat taruhan.
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: kc on 25/12/07, 00:51

mocco: cepot pasirkoja!! juaraaaaaaaaa.. keren keren..

tapi motioninja, tetep ailafyu ful !! :-* ;D ;D
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: DeWa on 25/12/07, 01:13
Terimakasih atas dukungan dan kepercayaannya.
Thanks to :
Heineken thirst senses indonesia 2007
panitia heineken thirst senses 2007
para Juri :
- Bang Irwan
- Om Deny
- Mr Ali 
all media & sponsor
peserta heineken thirs senses 2007 dan para finalis
mbak uchy & dj achdiyat.

Temen2 RAVELEX semuanya tentunya.. Luv u guys..  :-* :-* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
serta semua temen2 yg tidak bisa disebutin satu2 sekali lagi terimakasih banyak..

with love from jogja:
acid djs family
dj dewa,dimitri,dj lady dhie,
dj aria,dj albert,
mc xbo,vj raphael,porky
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: @khd@ on 25/12/07, 03:45
groovyL@nd wanna shouts....

respect juga buat semua juri, supporter, panitia, etc !
kalian sukses bikin bandung maceeeeeeetz hahahaha

groovyL@nd are : tommy + @khd@ + ican*agoesdjam
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: [ y u d h i ] on 25/12/07, 03:48
congrats to dewa & mocko... you deserve to be the champions... awesome!!!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: A B R I E L on 25/12/07, 04:03
Quote from: DeWa on 25/12/07, 01:13
Terimakasih atas dukungan dan kepercayaannya.
Thanks to :
Heineken thirst senses indonesia 2007
panitia heineken thirst senses 2007
para Juri :
- Bang Irwan
- Om Deny
- Mr Ali 
all media & sponsor
peserta heineken thirs senses 2007 dan para finalis
mbak uchy & dj achdiyat.

Temen2 RAVELEX semuanya tentunya.. Luv u guys..  :-* :-* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
serta semua temen2 yg tidak bisa disebutin satu2 sekali lagi terimakasih banyak..

with love from jogja:
acid djs family
dj dewa,dimitri,dj lady dhie,
dj aria,dj albert,
mc xbo,vj raphael,porky

mantaaaf dewa... selamat yaa..! hehehhehe

@ bang ucok
tuh kan...?.. bener rapih.. :)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Rendy on 25/12/07, 04:06
congrats you two...it was an outstanding performance!!!!

mocco....speachless gw.. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: acid029 on 25/12/07, 04:09
@ A B R I E L huehehehhehe....semoga kedepan makin rapih kaya pakaian abis di strika  *piss*
thanks A B R I E L  *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Errie on 25/12/07, 10:58
congrats to dewa & mocco..
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: mocko on 25/12/07, 22:20
mocco would like to thanks 4 all the support
thanks to heineken thirst senses...jury, teams, semifinalist, finalist,supporters,djs,vjs...

best regards
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: AcidTrancE on 26/12/07, 03:47
Congratz yah Broooo....... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: wd j on 26/12/07, 09:54

congratulations DJ Dewa & Vj Mocco... u guys are wicked... mantappppp.....  *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: dizzylicious on 26/12/07, 10:29
congratss yaaa...dj dewa gokil! vj mocco keren!!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 26/12/07, 12:08
congrats to dewa & mocco! *tepuktangan*

mocccooo mocccooo.. hehehehe... maennya keren bangeettsssss *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: intange on 26/12/07, 13:50
Selamat atuh euy...buat Dewa n Mocco!

Salute and keep pumping deh....
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Frico on 26/12/07, 19:01
Congrats bwt DEWA and MOCCO
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Fia_Gtu_Lho on 26/12/07, 19:34


Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 27/12/07, 06:38
congratz to all
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: capt. digweed on 27/12/07, 11:18
selamat buat dj dewa sama vj mocco

salam kenal sekalian dari gue
semoga bisa liat kalian maen barengan lagi suatu saat
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: DJ Deny on 27/12/07, 12:15
To DJ Dewa and VJ Mocko:
Congrats yah..Finallly you guys have made it to the top..  *bgs* *bgs*

To all finalists and semifinalists:
You guys are also rocking.. jangan patah semangat, ayo next year better yah  *tepuktangan*

To all contestants:
At least elo udh bisa masuk top 35,itu jg suatu prestasi tersendiri bisa mengalahkan 35 peserta yg lain  :)

To Heineken:
Bpk Willy, Ibu Jenny..Terima kasih banyak :D

To Visicita:
Mrs. Uchi and all crews(Mumuy, Tika, Bayu, Erry and others)..Many thanks udah kasih kepercayaan tahun ini  :D

To all juries:
Fufuy, Ali, Bowo, Roy.. Akhirnya tuntas juga he he   ;D

                ..It's such been a great moment...Hopefully could meet you again next year... 

Best Regards,
Deny (Indika FM/Clubhoppers)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: kedondong_vibes on 28/12/07, 07:36
Quote from: DJ Deny on 27/12/07, 12:15
To DJ Dewa and VJ Mocko:
Congrats yah..Finallly you guys have made it to the top..  *bgs* *bgs*

To all finalists and semifinalists:
You guys are also rocking.. jangan patah semangat, ayo next year better yah  *tepuktangan*

To all contestants:
At least elo udh bisa masuk top 35,itu jg suatu prestasi tersendiri bisa mengalahkan 35 peserta yg lain  :)

To Heineken:
Bpk Willy, Ibu Jenny..Terima kasih banyak :D

To Visicita:
Mrs. Uchi and all crews(Mumuy, Tika, Bayu, Erry and others)..Many thanks udah kasih kepercayaan tahun ini  :D

To all juries:
Fufuy, Ali, Bowo, Roy.. Akhirnya tuntas juga he he   ;D

                ..It's such been a great moment...Hopefully could meet you again next year... 

Best Regards,
Deny (Indika FM/Clubhoppers)

u guys rawks !!!!
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: LaSoya on 28/12/07, 13:09
congratz yah buat DJ DEWA and VJ MOCCO...
maju terus sob...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: ~awan~ on 29/12/07, 12:08
Uhuuuyy.. Congratz ya sob..
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: cruelsummer on 30/12/07, 10:09
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: NinBo on 31/12/07, 05:24
congrats ya guys..!! ;)
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: fairuzzef on 31/01/08, 00:58
congraaaats bRooOOo......
Title: Re: 2007 heineken thirst final result
Post by: DJ Jerin on 09/04/08, 12:18
congrats to Dewa and Mocco
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