
Love Parade Disaster

Started by BFC, 26/07/10, 08:56

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26/07/10, 08:56 Last Edit: 26/07/10, 10:18 by Gober

Buat yg udah pernah, belum atau ngga mau samsek ini ada berita menyedihkan dari salah satu festival terbesar di dunia. Dari 1,4 jt orang yg hadir dengan menggunakan hanya satu pintu masuk, maka......

DUISBURG, Germany, (AFP) - Flags in the mourning German city of Duisburg flew at half mast Monday as investigators probed allegations over lax safety measures at a techno festival where a stampede killed 19 people.

Officials said seven foreigners, from Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, China, Bosnia and Spain, were among those killed on Saturday at the Love Parade in the small city in western Germany. More than 340 people were injured.

Deputy police chief Detlef von Schmeling said the victims, aged between 20 and 40, died as they scrambled to escape from a crush in a narrow, 100-metre (yard) tunnel that served as the only entrance.

Television pictures showed lifeless bodies being passed over the heads of those frantically trying to escape.

"I saw dead people in the tunnel, others alive but unconscious on the ground," said Anneke Kuypers, an 18-year-old from New Zealand. "Others were crying."

German-born Pope Benedict XVI and Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed their horror over the catastrophe, as the German leader called for a "very intensive investigation".

"This was a very, very dreadful and sad day," Merkel said. "We must do everything we can to ensure that something like this never happens again."

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Anger+sadness+questions+after+German+Love+Parade+tragedy/3321895/story.html#ixzz0ukVegEZe

katanya Organizer nya ngga akan buat LOVEPARADE, hmmm....
Tapi ngga tau cuman yg di German apa gmn si???

26/07/10, 09:33 #1 Last Edit: 26/07/10, 09:51 by Gober

Thank you for the news BFC...

Tentang Love Parade, festival ini adalah party outdoor terbesar di seluruh dunia yang diadakan setiap bulan juli setiap tahunnya mulai tahun 1989, biasanya diadakan di Berlin, tetapi karena tidak ketemu kesepakatan dengan pemerintah lokal, parade ini akhirnya di buat keliling jerman, Essen (2007), Dortmund(2008), Bochum (2009 - batal) dan kebetulan tahun ini ada di Duisburg. Kota kota lain di dunia cuma sebagai party spin off aja, intinya di jerman itu.

Masalah tahun ini adalah Duisburg itu kota kecil yang tidak bisa nampung pengunjung lebih dari 250.000. Dan saat tragedi terjadi, polisi tidak mencoba untuk mengurangi pengunjung dari dalam, sembari menahan pengunjung dari luar, lalu terjadilah chaos yg menimbulkan kepanikan massal, dan dikarenakan exit cuma 1 doang, banyak yang pingsan karena kekurangan oksigen, seperti di terowongan mina. serem ye...

The panic caused at least 19 dead in the German Loveparade
The access tunnel became a death trap in the great festival 'techno' of Duisburg
- The victims were crushed Spanish - The four injured have been discharged

A stampede killed 19 people yesterday and injured over 340, some seriously, in the techno party Loveparade , being held this year in the city of Duisburg, western Germany. The wounded included four Spanish students who have been discharged, according to diplomatic sources have confirmed to the Cadena Ser

The panic began in the access tunnel to the festival site, which had gathered hundreds of thousands of people. In the afternoon, the police banned the entry of new visitors to the former goods station where they were celebrating. Hundreds of people, angry about being out, tried jumping over fences or trying to sneak in side entrances. The tunnel of the tragedy became a funnel through which many thought they could come to the party and others tried to get away from the site following the instructions of the police.

According to several witnesses, the subway was packed for more than an hour. The shortness of breath and suffocation caused tens of fainting. Around five o'clock in the afternoon, panic ensued. The head of the cabinet crisis of Duisburg, Wolfgang Rabe, said last night on public television ARD that panic originated near an entrance to the pass. In this version, several people fell into the void while trying to sneak into the party climbing the fences. The police said, last night, these young people fell from a fire escape with trying to sneak. His fall from eight to 10 meters would have caused panic and the stampede of those who crowded into the tunnel. WDR public television also collected statements from witnesses who accused police of negligence.

While the tragedy is consummated in the tunnel, the party continued at the site. The organizers chose not to inform attendees to avoid further incidents and outbreaks of mass hysteria. Many in the Loveparade, the highest expression (number of visitors) of the nineties rave culture, illegal drugs and heavy alcohol drinking.

A cabinet crisis in the city of Duisburg decided "for security reasons" not to suspend the event after the disaster, according to City Hall spokesman, Frank Kopatschek. Mobile phones and word of mouth spread the news. Gradually, the visitors were leaving the premises by emergency exits, but at eight o'clock in the afternoon was playing techno music. 

The venue which hosted the 2010 fatal Loveparade was too small for the huge number of fans who often turn to the call of summer techno. The frustration of being left out of the party, combined with alcohol and drugs, certainly contributed to the tension that culminated in the tragedy. According to a reporter from WDR, the emergency services were immediately overwhelmed by the situation. Loveparade 1200 was in the police: one per thousand revelers, according to some estimates.

The incident occurred in a pedestrian tunnel leading to the entrance of a former railway station, where they celebrated the festival, which organizers estimate that had gone a million people. Access to the event was closed due to overcrowding, reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. According to witnesses, police tried to prevent him getting more people to the site. Some of the people trying to access has dropped pushed by the mass and have been crushed.

Health services could barely cut through the crowd to treat the injured. According to the same newspaper, the festival has not been immediately suspended after the incident and continued to hold some performances. In the north of the site is still listening to the music minutes after the avalanche. The health service spokesman said that until that area of campus news of what happened had not yet arrived.

Organizational challenge

A celebration of this size is an organizational challenge for a city of less than half a million people as Duisburg. The turnout was massive and came to double the municipal census. So the trucks with the DJ and music is not passed through the streets of the town, as was done in all previous editions, but stayed in the room festive. The former goods station was surrounded by metal fences. Apparently there was only one access. The tragedy tunnel converged at the main entrance. The rejected trying to use it to leave, while thousands of people jostled to enter.
A witness told by phone news channel N-TV how "some were already on the ground, others tried to climb the walls to enter the premises." The masses of people "began to pass over those on the ground, ie a true mass panic."
Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed solidarity night with the victims of the incident. It said "sad and shocked by the pain and suffering" of families. The federal president, Christian Wulff, in turn asked for clarification of "all" the causes and responsibilities of the "horrible catastrophe."


One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

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RIP Love Parade


damn, mana kata nya ini salah satu festival yg beda bgt lagi.

no more naked chicks dancing on the street.

lebih baek dibalikin ke berlin lagi...

Goks, kalo liat video di atas yg berusaha lari ke atas, untung posisi mereka udah deket bibir tunnel, tp amsyong lagi kalo pake high hills or njepit an aja...

Sneakers is a must ya kalo mau ngerave kali ya....

27/07/10, 17:13 #6 Last Edit: 27/07/10, 17:15 by club2club
nah orang indonesia bisa ngambil pelajaran nih, kalo nanti menggelar event jangan bikin pintu masuk dan exit sebiji doang serta cari venue-nya yang sesuai dengan perkiraan jumlah pengunjung yang akan datang...kalo yang dateng sedikit sih ga masalah, kalo yang datang sampai jutaan orang kayak di parade cinta? baru deh timbul masalah...terus kalo eventnya udah penuh sesak, ticket box yang di depan harus dilarang menjual ticket lagi...mengambil keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya dari pengunjung sih tidak ada masalah tapi memperhatikan keselamatan pengunjung juga ga ada salahnya kan? hehe

tragis,..harusnya seneng2 malah berduka,...
We Are Not Anonymous We Are Underground

Mungkin salah satu alasan hal ini bs terjadi karena ini acara gratis kali ya, jadi untuk crowd controlnya agak susah mungkin..


katanya ngak bakalan ada lagi ya love parade gara2 kasus ini?
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


Quote from: luthfi on 27/07/10, 22:40
katanya ngak bakalan ada lagi ya love parade gara2 kasus ini?

yah masa ga ada lagi, blm sempet nyobain gw tuh parade :D

Quote from: BFC on 27/07/10, 19:33
Mungkin salah satu alasan hal ini bs terjadi karena ini acara gratis kali ya, jadi untuk crowd controlnya agak susah mungkin..


Sebenernya siy bkn krn acara ini gratis, buktinya tahun2 sblmnya fine2 aja.
Mgkn krn lokasinya yg ga support aja kali ya, krn Duisburg itu sndri tempatnya jauh lebih kecil dr Berlin jadi dgn kapasitas pengunjung yg sbegitu banyaknya jadi sumpek trs pd panic deh tuh orang2 krn sesak nafas.. (mirip2 sama tragedi terowongan mina ya) hohohoho

Quote from: VK on 04/08/10, 14:13
Quote from: BFC on 27/07/10, 19:33
Mungkin salah satu alasan hal ini bs terjadi karena ini acara gratis kali ya, jadi untuk crowd controlnya agak susah mungkin..


Sebenernya siy bkn krn acara ini gratis, buktinya tahun2 sblmnya fine2 aja.
Mgkn krn lokasinya yg ga support aja kali ya, krn Duisburg itu sndri tempatnya jauh lebih kecil dr Berlin jadi dgn kapasitas pengunjung yg sbegitu banyaknya jadi sumpek trs pd panic deh tuh orang2 krn sesak nafas.. (mirip2 sama tragedi terowongan mina ya) hohohoho

Bener jugha si ..... tp karena masuknya gratis, ngga ada pagar so jadi susah di control jumlah pengunjung yg membludak, teteeepp

btw jumlah yg meninggal bertambah jadi 21 ya, setelah dua cewe German pass di rs

Sedikit laporan mengenai Loveparade,

Been there this year, n i hope it is not the last Loveparade.

Sebenarnya, ketika kejadian (around 4-5pm), gue sudah ada di dalam area Loveparade, tepatnya di depan mainstage. Tempat kecelakaan adalah entrance selatan, dimana pas jam 2 gue masuk melalui tempat itu, tepatnya dari sebelah kiri-selatan. Jalan masuk dari selatan ada 2, yaitu dari barat n timur, dimana keduanya akan bertemu di tengah membentuk bottle neck. Pas gue masuk area yg orang2 sebut tunnel (sebenernya itu adalah jalan di bawah highway), memang sudah ramai, dan diujung bottle necknya udah sangat padat. Itulah gmn sebenernya awal terjadi penumpukan. Karena ujung bottle neck yang padat, imbasnya ke belakang2nya, which is pas jam2 itu lagi heavy trafficnya. Orang berdesak2an n tidak sabar membuat banyak yang pingsan, bahkan jatuh2 n terinjak2, plus kekurangan oksigen, walaupun sebenarnya itu bukan ruangan tertutup. Sekali lagi, tidak terlihat ada yang runtuh atau rusak, jadi murni karena heavy traffic n banyaknya crowd yg dateng. Bayangin aja, ada 1,5jt orang di situ, gmn padatnya? Padahal ruangan udah besar tapi tetap crowdnya overcapacity dari target awal sekitar 500k-700k.

Gue secara pribadi turut berduka cita pada yang terlibat pada kecelakaan itu. Gue ga nyangka, padahal acara ini sudah sangat well organized (walaupun free), tetep aja masih ada korban jatuh. Gue tetep salut sama organizernya Loveparade karena bisa mengarange party sebesar itu, dan di luar kejadian itu, gue masih mengkategorikan acara ini sebagai sukses, and berharap masih bisa dilanjutkan.

Sekian laporan pandangan mata saya, for real pic from my camera menyusul ya :)