
19 APRIL '08 @ WonderBar " CO2 IS BACK " and " RONIJONI'S Birth Day"

Started by otio, 15/04/08, 07:42

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GOKILLL...ganteng bgt fotonya jon?...siapa sih yg moto?...heuheueuhe..


happy birthday broo...
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

happy b'day ya bos.syg gw ngak bs karena ada redma di x2.gbu & sukses sll

habis bertugas langsung ksana deh.... tutupnya jam 7 yaaaaaa.....   ;) ;)

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
All people smile in the same language...

Quote from: dweetha on 17/04/08, 22:09
habis bertugas langsung ksana deh.... tutupnya jam 7 yaaaaaa.....   ;) ;)

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

pilih dunk booo... umm, tutup jam 7, tergantung sogokan...


gimana wit???
live life !!

makin tua deh om joni ini...


support aja deh dr dunia maya soal nya ekew maen di bogor...


heppy bet dey.. heppy bet dey..
to ronjon... hooorrraaayyy
sLamet yaaaa


jadi "afterparty redma" buat anak2 panitia lucu nih kayaknya ;D
welcome to my weekend

set lu gokil rj..set lu yang paling bagus tuh menurut penilaian gue dan teman2...siap !! nambah umur nambah jam terbang dan makin mantab...sukses rj...lagi di atas jangan lupa liat bawah ya.. *bgs*
This world is theater stage (dunia ini panggung sandiwara)

kemaren sempet ke DEPAN wb kan dari x2, dan PAS banget lagi di maenin lagu ASTRAL MATRIX - TOWARDS OMEGA.. gokil cing.. udah pengen lari kedalem rasanya.. hahahaahahah
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not