
"24" @K7, 17.11.07 EBDJ Last Performance

Started by HDM, 26/10/07, 17:52

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3 arena.....from house,minimal. to prog,trance,40an dj in one massive farewell party *bgs*
bkalan menjadi farewellparty yg akan selalu d'ingat seperti nama EBDJ itu sendiri,BRAVO!!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

weiiii.. MANTAPPPPP!!!!!

k7 nya prog trance yah?? bole bole.. kalo kuping pegel bisa plesir ke area lain.. ;D ;D

milinka-nya maen dimana?
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

gokil gokil.... *bgs* *bgs*

support 4 EBDJ  *tepuktangan*

wuih.. pasti mantab & gokil...

biarpun sedih jg si denger EB split up... aniwey good luck buat managemen barunya..
....lighting can strike....

kapan yah bisa buat acara kyk gini  (?) (?) (?)

Oohh jadi maw merubah nama management nya toohh...
jadi apa nama nya??

HDM yah??
House of Devina Music...  ;D ;D *piss* *piss*
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

@ kc: malam ini keluar flyernya and rundown semua dj main dimana n jam berapa

@irvanvitaxx: tkuuuuuuu

@toms cupu: EBDJ ada kamar kok utk taruh barang para dj, vj, nanti discuss aja sm andre

@clayz: kenpa ndre? Jgn sedih donk..... tomorrow is a better day then today  ;)

@jazzymike: setuju....!!! Andre kenapa sih  :P

@natha: tku dear...

@gotham8: tks for the support!!!

@blackdaman: pasti gw kabarin kalo ke jogya.... salam dah disampein ke flash.  *piss*

@errie: tkyu yaaaa

@Ipod: when there's a will, there's a way......  ;)

@jimprut: hampir benar..... House of Dance Music. Sounds more global. Bisa juga artinya hafiz dan milinka.  ;D


Quote from: HDM on 27/10/07, 22:04
@ricco sepet: 24 jam, 44 djs, 14 mcs, 14vjs...... kamar...... ada juga kok disana.... nanti kta juga jual ticket dgn harga kamar juga, buat mereka yg ga mau pulang.... bangun lansung turun disco2 lagi.... tku so much juga dah bersedia main for us.... hugs and kisses for ILLUSION.  :-*  :-*
wah, malah saya juga yg seneng bisa diajak main.. :)
hehehe ada kamar? numpang istirahat n mandi aja paling.. ;D *piss*

ditunggu segera updatenya.. ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

yahh.. secara 2 acara tgl 16 katanya batal aka diundur... boleh lah buat lucu2an...

;) ;)
All people smile in the same language...

Horeee.. ada Lexy.. Viva La d'Mc!!

uhuwww  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
First Breath, After Coma

hmmm..real sad..but every beginning has its end, and every end leads to another beginning...sampe

ketemu di K7 yah tante mil! thanx for the invitation to play!

30/10/07, 17:12 #37 Last Edit: 30/10/07, 17:14 by didi 1945mf
Quote from: HDM on 27/10/07, 22:04
@ Mr Din: ada 3 arena dear..... kan ada di atas.... di garden itu untuk house, minimal. Di Ibiza untuk electro, prog house , breaks. Di K7 room untuk prog, trance, techno. Hadir yaa.....  :)

@ fromcampus2selat: aduh..... minum apaan tuh...? biar apa??? bagi2 donk gunanya buat apa...  ;)

@d.to: speak for it self itu artinya apa yaa...??? Maaf ga nyambung nih gw.....  (?)

@deejay dq: FDC ga akan mahal kok..... satu kali bayar untuk 3 arena.... plus di sana nanti akan ada bookletnya juga untuk waktu and dimana para DJ akan perform. And Waktu untuk guest list di buka 2 kali mengingat 24 jam lamanya part ini dibuat. Ntar gw kabarin yaa....

@panji666: yes dear.... EBDJ management mau bubar karena EB dah ga ada. We have a new name management's name. Coz it doesn't make sense to keep EBDJ's name if EB itself is no longer exist....
namanya apa...???? Just wait for our next event!!!!!  :P

@sapiketjil: tku so much ya dear for your support selama ini. It's only a name.... we'll come out with the better one soon. I promise you deh...... Sebenarnya udah ada and terbentuk team dibelakang layar para anggota "new name management", tapi tunggu buat event yg lain.... ga lama lagi kok  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@dedosixteen: it's a farewell party dear.... why not making it big????  ;D ;D

@dj royxspinn: tku darling..... lumayan pegal latihan ga tidur 2 malam tiap weekend and jogging and swimming 3x a week...... and sesepuh riri kasih advise untuk ikut merpati putih juga. but...... it's only me (milinka) yg akan spin for 24 hours..... y its only me...??? cos devina resigned from the management after EB split up.  :'( We do miss her a lot!!!!!

@bless the child: tku dear.... luv you....

@luthfi: luve you too deh... for your support. It's an honor to spin for you guys...

@dree: dj yg makin mantab ini........ tku yaa dah bersedia main for us.  ;)

@ricco sepet: 24 jam, 44 djs, 14 mcs, 14vjs...... kamar...... ada juga kok disana.... nanti kta juga jual ticket dgn harga kamar juga, buat mereka yg ga mau pulang.... bangun lansung turun disco2 lagi.... tku so much juga dah bersedia main for us.... hugs and kisses for ILLUSION.  :-*  :-*

@Ninbo: ga tau nih..... makanya mau coba rasanya 24 jam party.... cobain yuk....  ;)  ;D

@mario78: betul sekali..... makanya mari kita bersaing dgn kampus sebelah, tapi bedanya.... kapus sebelah ga ada 44djs in one night.  ;)

@irvanvitaxx: EB dah bubar dear..... jadi.... again.....it doesn't make sense to keep the name "EBDJ management" if EB itself is no longer exist. But we're going to have more people at the new management and these DJs are very talented, world wide experienced and of course.... beautiful people... inside and outside..... mau tau siapa aja...???? Tunggu our next event yaa.....  :P

@didi: my lovely brother..... talented dj and producer as well. Lagu lo semalam gw mainin loh.... pada suka tuh..... MANTAB!!!! tku so much dah mau spin for us. love you as always!!!!!  :-*  :-*

Big Love Mil!! :-* :-* he he he
link:   www.1945mf.net -->

30/10/07, 17:24 #38 Last Edit: 31/10/07, 18:19 by Robin-
*ternyata udah lama juga yah gw gak ngePOST  ;D

Guys.... dateng yah! last event dari ebdj management.... kita butuh dukungan kalian semua  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

24 Hours of Milinka DJ  & DVJ Set and EBDJ Management Last Performance

Saturday, November 17th 2007

@ K7
Jln. Kunir 7, Jakarta Barat Indonesia

3:00 PM - 3:00 PM (the next day)

3 Area :
44 DJs | 14 MCs | 14 VJs

DJs : Milinka, Buni, DVO, Deniez (EBDJ). Romy, Phatt Brothers "Didi&Dade", Innerlight, Bimo, Dree (1945MF). Naro (OriginalNaro). Riri, Abo, Bone (Spinach). Anton, Downey (Future10), Winky (Junko). Deny (Clubhoppers). Marquee, Redy, Derana (Synan Recording). Ai MOonchild, Denny Jariova (Whiteland). Mumu, Iwan sidrink (Stadium). Windo (SoundOfZeus). Shary. Fadlie, Debon (ElectroSoul). Double D (Advark Lab/1945MF). Reynald (X2). Cello (M1/43, Vertigo). Andre Dunant (Paranoia/Centro). Sumantri. Mickey Moran. Akhd@ (Grooyl@nd). Aldo (juice). Ferre (Trance4Life), Rambo (DigitalSix). Marcell (Filter Funk). Jack (Indoclubbers) Rominaki (Odium). Danish W (U.V.G/Pure). Daniel. K Spacey. Radit (Electrojunkie). Dina.

MCs: MC Flash, MC Twailla (EBDJ), Lex d MC, MC Giri (Spinach), P Double (Paranoia). MC dRwE (1945MF), MC Joey (SoundOfZeus), MC Ditter (Synan Recording), MC Lil R (Clubhoppers), Lil Dan (U.V.G), MC Vibe (Absolute3in1), DK_dMC (D`Makaveli), MC Dabbow (Yellowseven), MC Okie.

VJs: 9 Motion (EBDJ), Dazed Visualab (Clubhoppers), Motioninja (U.V.G), Global Port, Tinkerbell, Groovyl@nd a/v set, Electroflex, Electrojunkies, Dreamotion, Q Motion, X Motion, Illusion (Absolute3in1), Lie Su Pao, Ctrl V.

Segala informasi tentang acara ini ada di  www.myspace.com/24hourset , n kita akan terus menerus update  8)

Wah jadi ga sabar neh liat line up merinding gela...

Thanks yah... absolute 3inOne dah dilibatkan acara sebesar ini

Mesti siapp suplemen banyak neh, hehehe.

Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 30/10/07, 18:56

Mesti siapp suplemen banyak neh, hehehe.

jadi udah siap perdana nih tom ?

wei teman2 tommy mau perdana, ;D ;D
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


Yoi sob...
Kok loe tau seh gw perdana?? Hahaha...

Perdana yg gw maksud yah party 24jam non stop neh.
Lom pernah soalnya, hahaha...

sukses'yaa sobb,keep da spirit of ebdj no matter whad!

line upnya ngeriii... *bgs*
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

@ToM`s ~cupu~
waduh jangan merinding dunk, ini bukan acara horor ko :D . kita juga ngucapin makasih atas support dari absolute 3in1 yang juga ngedukung acara ini.  *tepuktangan*

@bLacK daMAN!
thanks bro  ;) .

Quote from: Robin- on 30/10/07, 17:24
*ternyata udah lama juga yah gw gak ngePOST  ;D

Guys.... dateng yah! last event dari ebdj management.... kita butuh dukungan kalian semua  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

24 Hours of Milinka DJ  & DVJ Set and EBDJ Management Last Performance

Saturday, November 17th 2007

@ K7
Jln. Kunir 7, Jakarta Barat Indonesia

3:00 PM - 3:00 PM (the next day)

3 Area :
44 DJs | 14 MCs | 14 VJs

DJs : Milinka, Buni, DVO, Deniez (EBDJ). Romi, Phatt Brothers "Didi&Dade", Innerlight, Bimo (1945MF). Naro (OriginalNaro). Riri, Abo, Bone (Spinach). Anton, Downey (Future10), Winky (Junko). Deny (Clubhoppers). Marquee, Redy, Derana (Synan Recording). Ai MOonchild, Denny Jariova (Whiteland). Mumu, Iwan sidrink (Stadium). Windo (SoundOfZeus). Shary. Fadlie, Debon (ElectroSoul). Double D (Advark Lab). Reynald (X2). Cello (M1/43, Vertigo). Andre Dunant (Paranoia/Centro). Sumantri. Mickey Moran. Akhd@ (Grooyl@nd). Aldo (juice). Ferre (Trance4Life), Rambo (DigitalSix). Marcell (Filter Funk). Jack (Indoclubbers) Rominaki (Odium). Danish W (U.V.G/Pure). Daniel. K Spacey. Radit (Electrojunkie). Dina.

MCs: MC Flash, MC Twailla (EBDJ), Lex d MC, MC Giri (Spinach), P Double (Paranoia). MC dRwE (1945MF), MC Joey (SoundOfZeus), MC Ditter (Synan Recording), MC Lil R (Clubhoppers), Lil Dan (U.V.G), MC Vibe (Absolute3in1), DK_dMC (D`Makaveli), MC Dabbow (Yellowseven), MC Okie.

VJs: 9 Motion (EBDJ), Dazed Visual Lab (Clubhoppers), Motioninja (U.V.G), Global Port, Tinkerbel, Groovyl@nd a/v set, Electroflex, Electrojunkie, Dreamotion, Q Motion, X Motion, Illusion (Absolute3in1), Lie Su Pao, Control V.

Segala informasi tentang acara ini ada di  www.myspace.com/24hourset , n kita akan terus menerus update  8)

Gw jadi main ga sih?????Kok ga ada di Line up ya?

Mohon Informasinya

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

@Dree: sorry jack... lagi dibenerin.... ada miss com. Tapi majalah n flyer tetap ada kok don,t worry....  ;)
Make sure jgn ketinggalan pesawat ya dear.....

wah ada soemantri juga..
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

ini mah reunian dj2 kondang indonesia,bo ;)

Quote from: jazzymike on 31/10/07, 12:40
ini mah reunian dj2 kondang indonesia,bo ;)
sekalian bersama reunian groupies n clubbers? ;D ;D *piss*

kudu atur jadwal nih ;D ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-