
"24" @K7, 17.11.07 EBDJ Last Performance

Started by HDM, 26/10/07, 17:52

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@ hdm : gpp koq....kita ngerti bgt!!bikin event biasa aja susah, apalagi 24 jam kaya gini,....makanya kita salut bgt...!!!!!pokoknya kita ikut doakan sukses,....n mencoba untuk ngasih yg terbaik pas tampil....SIKaaaaaaaaatTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

@ ferre : hehehehe..... main effect lagi aja kali yah????buat farewellnya ebdj??

@ kc : shift nya dapet kapan??? dapet yg jam 6 pagi kan sampe jam 10???biar gaspol n rem blong tuh......hehehhehe....

mau juga donk kaos ebdjnya... klo masih ada M cewe ya...   ;) ;)

kayanya seru juga tuh ikutan pake kostum....

;D ;D ;D
All people smile in the same language...

07/11/07, 02:32 #102 Last Edit: 07/11/07, 02:34 by indoclubbers.com
@HDM: Fully supported ya Milinka.. Yang pasti 3pm to 3pm TOP ABIS... walaupun event Indoclubbers 3 taun di Centro di tgl yg sama.. thanks bgt gw bs support nge-dj di 24 Hours Milinka EBDJ last Performance @ K7... its a great party dan feeling gw event ini akan jadi salah satu Nominasi REDMA selanjutnya (gimana Dion & Pay?? setuju sob..).. Dan gw yakin crowd bakal bolak balik nich n lanjut ke K7 ampe minggu 3pm... Big respect for you Milinka :)

Pandu&Phephe jgn lupa blok kamar buat team di K7... alamattt teparrrr nich gw sob...


Jack - Indoclubbers
0856.123.83.83 | jack@indoclubbers.com

Indoclubbers Portal @ Facebook Groups:


24 Hours dancing...gaspol masboy!

fully suppot!! lineupnya dashat!!!
badan gw tahan ga yah 24 jam di geber terus.. ;D

@hdm: nanti sabtu ketemu lagi dhe...hehehe ;)
Illusion Visual Player

ho....ho... pada dtg ya....!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

@ milinka : supooooooooooooorrrrrttttttt..... bwt milinka *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@ andre clays : ndre ud lama jg g ktmu yaaaaa.......!!!!!!!


emang harus bro...mc kalo gapake efek belum nendang hehehe


tante..di flyer salah tulis.... i am no longer with E.G.S..hehehe...but it's okay...meet ya there!

ditunggu aja mil.. :D
kangen euy..mo denger sepin na lagi.. :-*
call me when u drunk.....

eleeuh elleeeeuh...

gokil pisaan euy...


24 Jam?????hhhmmmmmm.....Siap Bosssssssss. *piss* *piss* *piss* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*...team K7 siap Teparrrrrrrrr....Minta Support dari yg dateng aj dehhhhhh....

PS : DJ Jack Indoclubbers...Kamar siappppppp..tinggal bawa aj d....Maen yg bner lu...hehehehehehe

Quote from: ndu on 08/11/07, 01:34
24 Jam?????hhhmmmmmm.....Siap Bosssssssss. *piss* *piss* *piss* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*...team K7 siap Teparrrrrrrrr....Minta Support dari yg dateng aj dehhhhhh....

PS : DJ Jack Indoclubbers...Kamar siappppppp..tinggal bawa aj d....Maen yg bner lu...hehehehehehe

Gw dapet kamar juga ga,,,secara gw cape bgt tuh tgl 17nya maen di makassar,,,,trus paginya mesti langsung K7 karena main jam11.30

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

@denis : iye jo,,maap kmren buru2 cabut mau kuliah,jadi gak sempet ngobrol2..hehe
Illusion Visual Player

seminggu lagi... siapkan stamina!.. hehhe
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

siaaaaaaaaaapppppp......!!!!!  *piss* *piss* *piss*

Cant wait November 17
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Sorry Ni guys...Kalo gw boleh tau,is it "safe"????
Gw pengen bgt pergi udah lama "gag"  ;D ;D
Ditunggu ya
Super Thx to EBDJ management

masih seminggu lg..deg2annya dah mulai berasa neh  :-[

@didi 1945mf: Om Didi lagi diving ya mau naik ke atas.. tuch di atas ada tanda jempolnya hehehehe.. Anyway, pa`kabar sob, sukes selalu ya bro, makin mantap bapak dj kita satu ini.. :) www.djdidi.net

@ndu: Siap komandan.. 86 ;)
Indoclubbers Portal @ Facebook Groups:

Quote from: d.to on 10/11/07, 11:23
Sorry Ni guys...Kalo gw boleh tau,is it "safe"????
Gw pengen bgt pergi udah lama "gag"  ;D ;D
Ditunggu ya
Super Thx to EBDJ management
sini deket2 biar "safe" heuehehe ;D ;D *piss*
semestinya sih fine2 aja.. *piss* lagi
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

ok..thx untuk membuat gw yakin
siap meluncur ke kunir dan aur2an...whahaha...

@milinka :
no worries, mil.. lsg diralat sama si botak kok hehehe...

@toms :
dikau dpt kaos? daku jg mauuuuu... ;D
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...

wuiiiihh... seruuuuu !!!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

line up nya suadissst... brangkitz aaah.. (yg pnting hadir, mslh mu istirahat dmana urusan blakangan)

@milinka : sukses ya tante... jaga stamina dr skrg  *piss*

@all :
ada yg mu nunjukin jalan ga ntar? gw dr bdg n ga bgitu apal jalan. boro2 taw k7, jalan sunter aja ga taw dmana  (?) ...help me... *piss*

ada yg stress nih waktunya makin deket,heuehuehuee...........
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare