
"24" @K7, 17.11.07 EBDJ Last Performance

Started by HDM, 26/10/07, 17:52

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Quote from: Dree_ on 13/11/07, 03:55
ada yg stress nih waktunya makin deket,heuehuehuee...........
gw juga nih dree..  :-\
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: Dree_ on 13/11/07, 03:55
ada yg stress nih waktunya makin deket,heuehuehuee...........

haha siapa dree ?
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 13/11/07, 05:53
Quote from: Dree_ on 13/11/07, 03:55
ada yg stress nih waktunya makin deket,heuehuehuee...........
gw juga nih dree..  :-\

Kenapa denganmu pet??masalah itu ya???

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Quote from: Dree_ on 13/11/07, 18:22
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 13/11/07, 05:53
Quote from: Dree_ on 13/11/07, 03:55
ada yg stress nih waktunya makin deket,heuehuehuee...........
gw juga nih dree..  :-\
Kenapa denganmu pet??masalah itu ya???
iya nih, belom tenang klo gini... mana juga pusing pengen tektok buat e45, tp pas kena jadwal.. :(
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

support juga dong pastinya.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
When you love too much, you're always expecting something in return, and setting yourself up for disappointment.
Loving someone endlessly and unconditionally isn't love it's a compulsive disorder and a form of emotional blackmail

Quote from: HDM on 27/10/07, 22:04
@ Mr Din: ada 3 arena dear..... kan ada di atas.... di garden itu untuk house, minimal. Di Ibiza untuk electro, prog house , breaks. Di K7 room untuk prog, trance, techno. Hadir yaa.....  :)

Jeng Milinka, itu K7 room itu apakah the big room yang besar itu yah? FDC nya berapa?
Btw, goodluck sis..
Love the music..not war (^_^)

14/11/07, 09:26 #134 Last Edit: 14/11/07, 11:15 by Ricco.Sepet
Quote from: twistednano on 14/11/07, 08:39
Quote from: HDM on 27/10/07, 22:04
@ Mr Din: ada 3 arena dear..... kan ada di atas.... di garden itu untuk house, minimal. Di Ibiza untuk electro, prog house , breaks. Di K7 room untuk prog, trance, techno. Hadir yaa.....  :)

Jeng Milinka, itu K7 room itu apakah the big room yang besar itu yah? FDC nya berapa?
Btw, goodluck sis..
yg big room = colloseum, yang dimaksud K7 room ini, klo ga salah yang di lantai 5, sebelahan sama garden ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

katanya sih bukan di colloseum.. tapi di k7 room beda lagi bow.. gue juga baru tau.. hihihi
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: bebe.ocean on 14/11/07, 03:50
support juga dong pastinya.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

*bgs* *bgs* ;D ;D ;D *bgs* *bgs*

If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

@toms cupu: siap!!!! iya nih ada bbrp kesalahan kecil

@kc: iyanih gaspolremdol buanget, doakan diriku kuat!!!! *tepuktangan*

@sepet: BM untuk kaos ya.... minta sm rina yaa..... dah tau kan ya siapa.... (?)

@synanrecordings: wahhh..... tku...... sikkaaattttt...... benar kata kc.... gaspolremdol *tepuktangan*

@dweetha: cewek sm cowok sm aja ukurannya... sptnya tinggal yg M n L deh.... untuk kostum si flash yg take care.... gw juga belum liat nih mau didandanin spt mahluk planet apa sm si flash... yuuukkk ikutan..... :)

@indoclubbers: widiiihhhhh!!!!!! bolej juga sih tuh kalo bisa masuk    tapi pastinya event lo bakal rame lagi... kan ada romy n tyo.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@club2club: tku dear....

@alvktronica: tku juga yaa..... kan ada kamarnya disana.... ngatuyk tinggal tidur.... bangun langsung dancing... ;D ;D

@clayz: iya nih... kgen juga gw sama lo...... sbt sekalian itung2 diet yaaa..... *piss*

@deniez: support utk deniez juga..... lo kan juga 24 jam menjamu para tamu and spin as well.... *tepuktangan*

@ferre; maaf ya mas ferre.... next time we'll be better yach......  :-\

@kolonelsanders: daku siap menunggu dgn setia..... :P

@chiefy: yuk kita gokil bareng2. ga gokil bgt kalau dirimu ga ada ;D

@ndu:welcome to ravelex member yach... c u on saturday...

@dree: ada kamar kok dree utk rame2 tapinya.... ;)

@buni: dah siap belum stamina nya? bilang si stamina utk siap2 yach!!!!  ;D ;D

@ipod; deg deg an dah terasa beneeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! :-X

@didi: muach!! :-* :-*

@sepet: tku so much ya dear for your support!!!!!! senang deh.... :D

@vibesession: c u this saturday yach... jgn pulang dulu selesai ngeMC.

@dree: iya nih stress mikirin lagunya  :-\

@blackdaman: ayo makanya datang ke jakarta.... ga perlu penginapan.... kan 24 jam.... keluar dah sore lagi langsung balik ke jogya...

@bebeocean: tku ya dear....

@twistednano:K7 itu ruangan karaoke senidiri... tapi gede bgt..... bisa buat room party untul 200-300 org. mknya disebut k7room. Datang yach!!!!

@seppet: gw lupa di lantai mana k7nya... tapi mlm itu ada petunjuk jalan dr arena 1 ke arenalainnya biar ga ada yg nyasar.

@kc: iya bukan di coloseum.... abis EBDJ masih kecil.....  :(   ;D belum segede armin van buren, ga dikasih sm yg punya.....

@secretadmirer: tks a bunch yaa....

Quote from: d.to on 26/10/07, 22:12
Speaks for it self....

Quote from: d.to on 04/11/07, 12:32
sorry gwnya yg kuran jelas..maksudnya acaranya udah gag perlu panjang lebar diceritain bakal kayak apa serunya..that's wwhy it's speak for it self..sorry ya *piss*

Quote from: d.to on 10/11/07, 11:23
Sorry Ni guys...Kalo gw boleh tau,is it "safe"????
Gw pengen bgt pergi udah lama "gag"  ;D ;D
Ditunggu ya
Super Thx to EBDJ management

Is everything okay with you dear...???? u seem so plin plan....????  (?) Is there anything that we can help maybe..?????

Datang ya ke k7, please introduce yourself, we would like to get to know you better.... we have a free t shirt and a CD special only for you!!!!!! Kan dirimu udah sangat perduli and care so much for HDM. Pasti dirimu bisa datang untuk ambil those gift....  ;) and if you can't make it, please send us your name and adrress, we''ll be happy to bring it directly to you. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Love and peace,


nanti anak2 rvlx ngumpul dmn ya pas di k7? secara gw ini anak baru dan sangat ingin sekali berkenalan dg member2 di rvlx terutama kpd senior....ada no telpon yg bs gw hubungi nanti? terima kasih atas kesediaan diri kalian membantu saya... :)

Quote from: HDM on 14/11/07, 20:59

@twistednano:K7 itu ruangan karaoke senidiri... tapi gede bgt..... bisa buat room party untul 200-300 org. mknya disebut k7room. Datang yach!!!!

Thanks yah jeng..  :D
Love the music..not war (^_^)

ada yang nanya FDC yah ?

FDC : Rp 50.000  dapet minuman dari MIX MAX n patinya bisa masuk ke 3 area acara 24 hours  :D

ada yang nanya rundown terbaru ?

ayo siapkan stamina buat hari sabtu.............  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Sorry ya ga ada maksud,utk ngebingungin..i'll come for sure...
bener gw akan dpt cd dan t shirt??yipiii...super thx
btw gmana caranya,ngambil di k7 ktemu siapa ato gman??

nah ini jelas banget.....
di myspace mah kaga jelas......
Walau makan susah Walau hidup susah
Walau tuk senyumpun susah
Rasa syukur ini karena bersamamu
juga susah dilupakan

(Ku Bahagia - Sherina)

waduh...jd bingung mo dtng jam brp nih... ::)

sedoooooooottt mangggggg......^^

Baru bisa ngepost sekarang nih.....

Sad but true yaaaa......masih ga percaya musti end up like this...

But will enjoy the party n always support for you guys...

And thanx a lot dah mau ngajak terlibat sebagai bagian dari sejarah EBDJ

Wish you all the best.....

Yang pasti kayaknya bakal gokil gila nih parteeee,,,,,

15/11/07, 23:02 #146 Last Edit: 15/11/07, 23:10 by Dree_
Quote from: HDM on 14/11/07, 20:59
@dree: ada kamar kok dree utk rame2 tapinya.... ;)

Justru yg rame2 itu tante yg seru,,,,heuheuheuheuehue

Quote from: HDM on 14/11/07, 20:59

@dree: iya nih stress mikirin lagunya  :-\

Jangan Stress dong tante,,,,aku juga bingung nih mau main lagu apa abis mumuch stadium,,,,heuehuehueue
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by a small men who find it easier to live in the world They've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. Its an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare

Milinka.....FuLL support!!!....ternyata pas di Balcony ngomongin ini...hehehe...FULL SUPPORT!!!..

Gw kelas subuh nih...hehehehe...c u there yah....

-Big Love-


looking fwd to hip the booth and hype the crowd w/ u !!


thx for the brief "briefing" that nite ! and for sure..inviting me to participate !!!



my vote rocks for u,bro....haha...

@deathstarr :

Galluswarte-Unit still rocking on!!! gonna invite  my roomate...bist morgen, bro!!!
burn the crowd with the sound of MC STARR.....

"...i'm a beat.....i'm a rocker.......... - Westbamm playing in galluswarte's special editions"