
"24" @K7, 17.11.07 EBDJ Last Performance

Started by HDM, 26/10/07, 17:52

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tanteee...tengkiu yah udah diajak main sama bantu2 eventnya.... ;) (next time ajak2 lagi yaahh... :P )

*gw nunggu event yg waktu itu tante bilang pas kita main di k7room lho...hehehe ::) *piss*
Illusion Visual Player

DJ Romy... *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

report foto2 nya lg dunk...

sedoooooooottt mangggggg......^^

DJ Didi...mantab..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

DJ Dade..ciamik..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

DJ Buni (EBDJ)
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

DJ Anton.... *bgs*  *bgs*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

DJ Rambo.. *tepuktangan* *bgs*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

@didjeri :  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

sedoooooooottt mangggggg......^^

DJ Deni...great closing...
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

iklan dulu....tempatnya bagus yaa..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

the crowd...great crowd..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

puwas.. keren abis..  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* buat milinka... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

siapah nich...
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

foto gue mana foto gue? huahauhauahuahuahau

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

23/11/07, 12:40 #216 Last Edit: 23/11/07, 12:55 by club2club
waduh gokil banget milinka maennya!! melintir banget pas jam 3 pagi!!!

saran saya kepada sound engineer K7 agar mensetting volumenya lebih manusiawi  *piss*...gw kmrn keluar dr ibiza room kuping gw serasa abis naek pesawat...

heheheheheh...ditunggu event2 gokil selanjutnya mrs milinka!

 :-*  :-*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

 *bgs* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *tepuktangan*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

with the crews...
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"